View Full Version : Sparky's in love

06-15-2012, 12:48 PM
With his new groomer! Yup - I finally made the change. A couple of years ago I was having groomer woes, and checked out the mobile groomer in town, but I really couldn't afford the extra expense since at the time, I was taking both of the Fuzzbuttz to be groomed. Since then, I have stopped taking Myndi and I do her myself, since she is getting too old and it was too stressful for her, and she is easy to do, since she doesn't get her hair cut. But Sparky continued to go, even tho he did not like to, and he was getting to where he would stress every time I took him too.
Well, after his fainting episode in the heat a few weeks ago, I decided not to take him any more either. That whole experience seemed to take a lot out of him and he still wasn't back 100%, but desperately needed a spa day, so I checked with the mobile groomer again. I fully expected her rates to have gone up, but they hadn't, so I scheduled her to come out. So Sparky had a new spa experience on Wednesday.
She walked in the door, and Sparky was all over her, like she was his long lost friend. Funny how dogs sense dog loving people. He had no problem at all when she picked him up and carried him out to the grooming van. She is really wonderful with dogs, and especially caters to seniors, special needs, and dogs who have issues because of former abuse. She doesn't rush, and if a dog appears to be getting stressed, she will stop and calm them before proceeding. She seems to be a real gem. So after Sparky was done, she took Myndi out and clipped her nails, and Myndi was very relaxed with her too.
So yes - it cost more than if I had taken him to the regular groomer, but it was worth it, just in peace of mind for me. Not to mention that it didn't tie up my whole day. The other groomer was 15 miles from here, so that puts 60 miles on my car - taking him in then driving back home, and having to drive back in to get him when he's done, and driving home again, and basically not being able to get much accomplished in between.

So - a few pics of his new do - and also of a wet Myndi after her last bath.

06-15-2012, 02:32 PM
Aww, Sparky! How wonderful that you knew she was a dog loving person! You look wonderful :love:! And Myndi, I bet you look terrific after your bath too! Could you please have mum give you both some hugs and lovies from me :love: :love:

Your admiring fan,

06-15-2012, 06:02 PM
Aww, Sparky looks great! The second picture was taking forever to load, by the way. All the others loaded nice and quickly ... Poor Mindy looks pretty pathetic when wet! But I am sure she looked very pretty afterwards!

06-15-2012, 06:22 PM
Aww, Sparky looks great! The second picture was taking forever to load, by the way. All the others loaded nice and quickly ... Poor Mindy looks pretty pathetic when wet! But I am sure she looked very pretty afterwards!

Don't know why you had trouble with the 2nd pic - they all loaded quickly when I tried it. And you'll notice my boy wasn't the usual camera ham and posing nicely. In the 1st pic he was sticking his tongue out at me, and the 2nd he had his nose in the air. Such attitude!! Yeah - Miss Wet Dog looks like a half drowned rat when wet, doesn't she?

06-16-2012, 07:52 AM
You're looking good Sparky!:D That mobile groomer seems like a great idea Ellie! These days we all need to figure gas prices into costs of things! ;) I'm sure both Sparky and Myndi enjoyed their day!:)

06-16-2012, 08:01 AM
LOL Sparky, you look super! Tongue out and then dashing in your bandanna, what a good boy! so glad you had a good experience with the new groomer, fella.

Poor Myndi, they look so tiny under their coat, and she is not too happy in the first pic. Snuggling in the towel, ah, worst is over with.

Good job, Ellie, finding a solution that isn't as stressful for them.

06-17-2012, 06:01 AM
Oh, Sparky, how cute you look with your new 'do :love: and it's great you now have a groomer you love. Sending hugs and kisses to you, sweet Myndi too.

Ellie, have you thought of getting one of those cooling coats (http://www.ehow.com/info_8247478_cooling-coats-dogs.html) for Sparky? I was thinking of getting one for Alfie - if we ever get any hot weather that is.

06-17-2012, 06:25 AM
Yay for the puppers! You look very handsome in that pretty blue bandana.

06-17-2012, 06:41 AM
Oh, Sparky, how cute you look with your new 'do :love: and it's great you now have a groomer you love. Sending hugs and kisses to you, sweet Myndi too.

Ellie, have you thought of getting one of those cooling coats (http://www.ehow.com/info_8247478_cooling-coats-dogs.html) for Sparky? I was thinking of getting one for Alfie - if we ever get any hot weather that is.

Chris - he had that fainting spell when we had an unexpected heat wave with temps in the 90's for 3 or 4 days - and the air conditioning system was out of order. We have since replaced the old (20+ years old!) a.c. system with a brand new one, and it keeps the house nice and comfy cool. I don't know who likes it better - Sparky or me??? :D

Smoochies to you Alfie - you cute little devil. :love:

06-17-2012, 10:44 AM
Sparky, You look so handsome in your new "do".. Glad you like your new stylist.

It's great that you found someone nice. Sometimes you have to shop around.