View Full Version : Is this normal cat behavior

06-13-2012, 08:44 PM
Ashes as a young cat had a urinary tract issue and has been fixed with surgery and a diet change and has been fine ever since. I have noticed within the past 6 months or so Ashes got real picky with the litter box being so clean and at first it wasn't so bad, but now he won't use it even if the litter box is clean and my mom told me that this is normal for some cats when they get older. But I am not 100% convinced yet, so I thought that I would ask you all if you think that this is normal?

06-13-2012, 09:59 PM
No, it is not normal. Although putting the words "normal" and "cat" together in a a sentence is always problematic!

What litter are you using? Maybe he'd prefer another kind?

06-14-2012, 07:12 AM
Think if anything has changed: box location? type of box? type of litter? Toddler in the house who is playing with toys near the box? (Cats want a calm low activity area for their bathroom.)

You should also have the cat checked by the vet, as this could be a UTI or similar health issue. This should be the first step, rule out health issues.

06-14-2012, 04:46 PM
The litter box has been at the same location and the litter has not changed. I will let my mom know. Thanks everyone.