View Full Version : Pouncer "declawed" himself (again)

05-30-2012, 09:02 PM
I have no idea how this boy does it, and I've lost count on how many times this boy has declawed himself.

I usually massage his belly and paws after his nightly butt bath. We were cuddled up doing just that. He went from purring/snoring (yeah, my boy snores whilst purring) to crying out in pain. Okie dokie, lemme get a closer look. He has the shell of a nail hanging by a thread and the vein completely exposed. He will NOT let me get in to pull the remaining nail off. I did clean him and toss antibiotic down his throat.

I guess the good thing about him having done this so often is that I know what to do and we won't be piggy backing Pouncer onto Mikey's vet appointment tomorrow. I'll ask the vet her opinion as she looks at Mikey, but I'm sure her answer will be what I'm already doing (because that was her answer the previous times.) I'll also give him some pain meds for the night.

Now, just how did my lazy loner lose a nail? The first time, he fell off the balcony. The second time, he fell off the old TV. The third time, balcony again (we learned our lesson then and closed off the balcony) The fourth time was a fight with Harry -- 'twas easy to find the lost claw among white and blood-red fur. The list goes on and on as to how he did it. All were falls from high places. He just doesn't go high anymore. He's a lazy bum these days and not too adventurous. But he does fight Mystic... Mystic LOVES to torment Pouncer. I broke up a nice little fight last night, with Mystic's tail as bushy as a tail could get.

Poor boy. He's now in his favorite place, back to purring. At least he's a happy boy. A clumsy boy, but also a happy boy.

05-30-2012, 09:30 PM
Oh, Pouncer, when will you learn? That's gotta hurt!

05-30-2012, 09:33 PM
Headbumps and cuddles for Pouncer.

05-30-2012, 11:23 PM
Ouch!! That's got to hurt sweetie - maybe next time ask mommy to give you a proper paw-dicure:). No need to do it yourself;).

05-31-2012, 09:36 AM
I will have to have Pouncer Angel take her little blackboard :D:D and tell her little protege again to be careful:love::love:
She worries sometimes about her protege:love::love:

05-31-2012, 11:23 AM
I decided to take him to the vet this morning just because I was out of pain pills and I knew he was in pain. The vet said everything I knew she would. We just paid $40 to hear it, plus another $20 for the meds. :rolleyes:

He was VERY scared today for some reason. We had to manually separate the top and bottom half of the carrier. He jumped out and ran right into the carrier that already held Mikey. I have NO IDEA how both boys fit into that carrier! Mikey didn't complain about the company. We had to manually tear that carrier apart too. :rolleyes:

05-31-2012, 11:27 AM
Oh, poor baby! Meee-YOWCH!!!

Laura's Babies
06-01-2012, 06:56 PM
I have a feeling we will be telling Pouncer stories for years and years to come! He sure has had his share of "mishaps" and seem to continue having one after another. Poor boy! Maybe in his Senior years he will slow down and not give you many more heare attacks over his antics! (I love the title "declawed himself (again)"..... how many other PT kitties have done that?) LOL!

06-02-2012, 03:57 PM
Oh Pouncer, you have got to be more careful. Your PT fans feel awful when you get ouchies. Sending you lots of feel better scritchies and lovies :love: :love:

06-02-2012, 04:12 PM
Poor boy was sound asleep on top pf the tall dresser lasr night and started to fall off. He caught himself in time and grabbed onto the to and just hung there til I rescued him. I checked his boo boo and looked for more.