View Full Version : Sissy,LilGirl,Luke-pics, video

05-29-2012, 05:54 PM
Tues May 29 2012

Hi Folks,
Here are some photos & two videos featuring Sissy.

Sissy getting a tummy rub http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqPrMsr-JiY

Sissy playing with Luke cat http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYBy6nKQ6lU

05-29-2012, 11:12 PM
Sissy Pom, you are SO CUTE! Your tummy looks really good, I can see the pink area but it looks almost completely healed to me. You are so funny playing with Luke kitty's tail! Luke kitty, you are very fluffy and beautiful, and what a good big brother-kitty! Hi, Lil Girl on the lawn and hi, Annie! :love: :love: :Love: :love:!!

05-29-2012, 11:27 PM
WOW, what a patient Cat, and a beautiful one at that.
If you haven't given it a middle name yet, I suggest "Jobe". :D

05-30-2012, 08:23 AM
Woo hoo, Lil Girl, Sissy and Luke overload! I LOVE it!!!

Those photos are darling, they are so cute. I laughed at the third one, LilGirl and Sissy sitting BACK TO BACK - "I'm ignoring you!" and Luke in the middle, the big brother peace keeper!

The first vid, yes I could see her scar, Sissy looks great now. Glad that is all past, and hoping she has no lasting effects in future. She is funny playing with "the hand!" I wondered if LilGirl was hoping to stay out of sight of Sissy, or of "the hand!" Ha ha haaa.

That second vid is the BEST - you saved the best for last, IMO. My goodness, isn't Luke good with Sissy?! So tolerant!~

Loved hearing you as well, Kay. Please remind me, how old is Sissy now - I'm wondering if she is full sized yet. Luke is so much bigger! You have a wonderful family, there.

Cuddles to Annie, as well!

05-30-2012, 12:10 PM
Thanks for the Sissy Fix.. She is more adorable every time I see her. I can't get over how well Luke tolerates her. She must seem like a bratty baby sister to him! I also looked at some of your other vids that were posted and like the one with the sheets on the clothesline. Such a little stinker - but she was having so much fun - and she did come when you called her! And I see she doesn't like a bath. I had a big LOL at the way she was fussing and carrying on when you were rinsing her off. You'd think you were trying to torture her. :D And LilGirl - she looks just like a tiny fawn the way she curls up. So cute!
Hi Luke - hi Annie - hi Lilgirl!!! :love::love::love:

05-30-2012, 12:21 PM
Hi Folks,
Thanks for your kind comments.
Yes, MOSt of the time Luke cat is very good with Sissy. However, last night he just reached out and popped her in the head. She was not bothering him at that time but heaven knows, she certainly has pestered him in the past and will no doubt do it in the future. Actually every time he comes into the house, she does the "jumping on head" routine & I'm amazed he doesnt hurt her. Most of the time when in the house, he stays in his cardboard cat house we made LOL.

Yes, as far as I can tell, Sissy is all healed (vet said she is)...except I'm still trying to get her diet just right. Probably removal of 7" of her small intestine makes it more difficult to regulate her & her bm's are formed not firm firm but not diarrhea either. (Surgery vet said it "might" be a problem) I'm still feeding her white rice & chicken & mixing small amt dry Science Diet(SD) with it. Dry SD is what she was eating before her operation. Slowly I'm replacing the rice with SD per regular vet & see how that works. I might have to end up feeding her a good wet puppy food--dont know. I'd like to NOT have to buy expensive little cans of food. I already do that for Luke cat. Any osuggestions for a wet (or dry)puppy food for her that would help with bm? I can ask vet but would like your opinions.

Sissy is 4 months old (born 2.1.12) so she's still a puppy puppy 200% LOL

I've mentioned all but LilGirl who is a jewel of a doggy. She is so sweet,smart, & well behaved, & no doubt feels somewhat "replaced". I didnt know what a good dog LilGirl is until dealing with Sissy who is the most active unruly puppy I've ever had. In other words, she gets into everything! LilGirl is not happy with Sissy; I honestly thought she would like her.

Oh, I must mention Annie who has the patience of a saint when BOTH Sissy AND LilGirl are in her face & jumping on her when she lies down. ok, that's it.

05-30-2012, 12:52 PM
Yes, as far as I can tell, Sissy is all healed (vet said she is)...except I'm still trying to get her diet just right. Probably removal of 7" of her small intestine makes it more difficult to regulate her & her bm's are formed not firm firm but not diarrhea either. (Surgery vet said it "might" be a problem)

It might always be a problem, since when you shorten the intestine, the food doesn't have to travel as far and spends less time in the intestine. The longer it stays in the intestine, the longer the body has time to absorb the water out of it. So less time will equal less firm. Take it from a human who is minus some of her intestine. :( You might want to check with her vet and see if you can give her a fiber tablet, since this will help to give bulk and firm up the stool. You could either crumble it in her food, or hand it to her so she thinks she is getting some new kind of doggy treat! You can even get them fruit flavored.

05-30-2012, 01:02 PM
If you need extra fiber and extra moisture, why not just add some canned pumpkin regularly to her food?

Tasha needs it 3 times a week for a different reason. She has a large intestinal tract, and her bm's are not large enough to press and automatically express the anal glands, so it needs bulking up. The canned pumpkin does this, no problem.

05-30-2012, 01:29 PM
I thought about the pumpkin too, Sandie - but not all dogs will eat it. Sparky used to love it, now I can't get him to touch it. Sissy doesn't need extra moisture, she needs less for firmer stools. But don't cut down on the amount she drinks - she needs that.

05-30-2012, 01:33 PM
Aw Sissy, what a good kitty friend you have! He reminds me of my Sherpa, who is very good at putting up with Jasper's sometimes rough play. He does get tired of it and pop Jasper in the face occasionally, but always claws in, just saying "Not now you goofy dog!"

05-30-2012, 02:07 PM
Oh that little Sissy girl is melting my heart. Loved all of the pics, especially the one with the 3 of them sleeping together.

05-30-2012, 04:06 PM
pomtzu, I'm laughing at what you said about the bathing Sissy video. THAT Sissy is not MY Sissy LOL. She's a cute little Pom though. I guess lots of Poms and dogs are named Sissy.
And I see she doesn't like a bath.

I havent bathed my Sissy yet. I was going to do so & then she had her operation & I'm just waiting to do it one of these days or I might take her to a groomer. I think the truth is that I dread doing it.

I liked the idea of pumpkin--cheap & simple. I just knew that some of you would have an idea of what to try (smile). I just might try that if her bm's keep being not quite "right". The way Sissy is crazy about food I think she would woof it down with no problem. I could try a tiny bit & see what it does to her bm's. I'll get some and go slowly with it. Thanks.

05-30-2012, 04:18 PM
Freedom, Thanks for your suggestion of maybe pumpkin or fiber tablet. I'm going to keep both in mind. I knew I would get ideas from you who have dogs with problems. I'll go at it slowly & I'll check with vet before using fiber tablet but I do think I'll do a little pumpkin when I get some. I have no doubt but that Sissy will eat pumpkin; she eats everything else LOL. Thanks.

05-30-2012, 04:44 PM
Kay - just make sure it's plain canned pumpkin and not the canned pumpkin pie mix!

And that bath photo - I was wondering why she looked so tan instead of white. DUH on me! :eek: