View Full Version : Sparky & a BIG scare!

05-29-2012, 03:06 PM
Serious this time folks, and not a goofy Sparky post!

Some may know that both Sparky and Myndi have heart murmurs, and Sparky's is much worse - now a grade 4 (5 being the worst). We have been socked with a mid-summer like heat wave with temps in the 90's since Saturday - and the air conditioning unit is dead in the water. Needless to say - the house is stifling hot even with lots of fans running, and the dogs and myself are totally miserable. Neither dog has eaten much at all, and Sparky has had diarrhea to add to his misery.

Last night we went in my bedroom to settle down early and watch t.v., but it was a murderous 92 degrees in there. I had 2 big heavy duty high velocity blower oscillating tower fans running, and it wasn't doing much other than to blow hot air around! Sparky was laying at the foot of the bed with one of the fans blowing on him, when he started coughing (not unusual with his condition), but it didn't sound like his "regular" cough - more like he was about to barf up the little bit of supper that I managed to get him to eat. He kept hacking, and he stood up - and then passed out and fell off the bed! When he hit the floor he started yelping like he was in pain, and right away I thought he was having a heart attack and was going to die. I tried to pick him up and he yelped some more (as I'm totally freaking out), and then he finally stopped - but he was alive!. I picked him up and he was somewhat limp, but not totally so. I took him to the other end of the house where the addition was put on and has a separate a.c. unit, and we turned it on and also turned on another high powered fan and I sat holding him for about a half hour till he cooled down. By then he is getting antsy and wanting to get down, so I put him on the floor and he acted like nothing had happened. No way we were sleeping in my bedroom, so I brought the 2 big fans out and set them up in the living room where it was already getting cooler, and the 3 of us slept there last night - pups in front of the fans and me on the sofa. Well - I kinda slept, but every time he let out a little cough, my feet hit the floor and I was checking him out. My sleep finally ended at 3:30 tho when I just couldn't get back to sleep.

So this a.m. I called his vet and she had me bring him in. She said it was definitely heat related and most certain that he actually passed out when he stood up and that he didn't just loose his balance. She thinks the yelping was because he scared himself, or maybe slightly jammed or hit something wrong in the fall. No sign of any injury tho. I still need to watch him very closely tho until we get some cool air in the house. The good thing, is that there is a cool down just ahead, and temps will be back in the 70's by Thursday.

But on a sad note - the a.c. is really dead! Repair was out just a while ago, and it would cost $1400 just to get it running, and no telling how much longer the compressor will hold out. It's 20+ years old, so it deserves to go where all dead a.c.'s go. A new unit will be installed sometime tomorrow!

Anyway - that's the story from here - not the greatest - but my silly boy is still with me. :love: Please keep him in your PT prayers, that he will be with me for a LONG time to come!

05-29-2012, 03:33 PM
That must have been so scary for all of you! Prayers being said that Sparky continues on, unharmed, and that the AC until arrives and gets installed without incident!

05-29-2012, 03:41 PM
Oh my goodness, how frightening! Sparky, I am glad you seem to be OK now. Sending you gentle cuddles.

So glad you have a new a/c compressor coming - with this being the start of the summer, you are going to need that for all 3 of you to keep healthy!

I'm sure this scared you as well, Ellie. I am sorry this happened, with luck it won't happen again now the a/c is going to be working soon.

05-29-2012, 04:09 PM
Oh my goodness, how frightening! Sparky, I am glad you seem to be OK now. Sending you gentle cuddles.

I'm glad Sparky is okay, too and I'm sending gentle cuddles too!

Lilith Cherry
05-29-2012, 04:13 PM
Oh dear! I am glad Sparky is ok now and over his heat stroke! Lots of gentle petting to both doggies and a big hug for you, Ellie! All our prayers are with you and we hope you all sleep well tonight:love:

05-29-2012, 05:13 PM
Oh my! My heart was racing while I was reading this. I can imagine how you felt going through it. I am so sorry poor Sparky is not feeling well. I hope you get the house cooler and he is better soon.

05-29-2012, 05:26 PM
I just read this thread. Oh My, How scarey that was! I am glad Sparky is still with you and hope he stays that way a long time. I'm glad you're getting a new a/c. I cant stand hot temps; it seems that Luke & Sissy & me like it cool & LilGirl likes it hot. Hugs to Sparky & Myndi and you too.

05-29-2012, 05:59 PM
That is very scary, and especially since it was at night. Thankfully he is okay for now. It was miserably hot here yesterday and today as well. Hoping this isn't a sign of what sort of summer we will have. Hugs to Sparky and prayers for all.

Also, I don't know if you ever heard of doing this, but you can put a bowl of ice in front of the fan and it will send cooler air your way.

05-29-2012, 07:26 PM
Man, the title of the thread scared the bejeeminies out of me. Poor guy and poor you. I don't sleep well when mine are sick.

I'll say a few prayers that he stay with you for a long time to come.

05-29-2012, 08:13 PM
Just finished reading your post Pom-- I can just imagine what kind of a night you had. Between the heat and the scare Sparky gave you you must be ready for an early night. So thankful that Sparky didn't suffer a heart attack, but a heat stroke can't be much better for his system. Poor little guy, he sure does get a lot of bad luck, let's hope the rest of his summer will be uneventful.
What a rotten time for your a/c to go, we changed ours this year to be on the safe side. It was still working fine but 16 yrs old so it just wasn't worth chancing that it would go in the heat. We're having a heat wave ourselves. They've been predicting rain for the past 2 weeks but nothing yet. Lots of thunder and lightning last night but no rain. But the temperature is going down tonight, it's actually cool right now, might get that rain.

I hope you can get to bed early and sleep through the night without any more scares from Sparky. Sending cool vibes and prayers your way so that both of you can get relief from the heat, I just can't imagine having the room at 92, don't think I could survive that . The hottest I can stand is 72 so when I read 92 I looked again thinking I made a mistake. Here's hoping everything goes as planned and your a/c is installed Thursday, you don't need more scares from that little guy. But if something delays the installation and you get another spell like that maybe you could put Sparky in a tub of lukewarm water to cool him off, being wet with fans blowing on him might help a tad. Anything to keep him comfy.
Sending artic air for bith of you

05-30-2012, 01:23 PM
Things are looking better today, and Sparky is almost back to his old self. I know that some day his heart condition will take him from me - but I hope not for a long time to come. His murmur was found 3 years ago and at that time it was grade 2 on one side, and 3 on the other. Then he went to all 3, and now it's all 4. Anyway, his appetite is improving and he no longer has that labored and heavy breathing, and is breathing at a normal rate now. Yesterday afternoon I penned them up in the opposite end of the house that has a separate a.c. unit, so they were able to stay comfortable. Last night we slept in the living room again, and there was a nice breeze coming in thru the front windows. We got rain over night and it cooled things down, and today it's not even 80, is overcast and some occasional showers. It's starting to clear now tho, and if the sun comes out it will be like a sauna out there. It's comfortable even tho humid right now.
The a.c. will be installed sometime late this afternoon - not a minute too soon for me, I'm breaking out in hives from the heat - a few on my scalp, a couple on my back, and one on my ear. I've been popping Benadryl to calm the itch.

So that's the latest - and I think in Sparky's case - the greatest!!! I haven't had such a big scare since Myndi had the GI bleed and almost died 2 years ago. Maybe they're just keeping me on my toes......:rolleyes:........ya' think???

Sparky (me and Myndi too) thanks you for all your support too. :)