View Full Version : Taggart's cuzzin is visiting!

05-29-2012, 01:10 PM
I jokingly asked my brother and SIL if I could take Jake home with me to keep Taggart company. They actually agreed!!
He freaked out a little on the way home, but eventually settled down in the back seat with Taggart.
Here is a picture of him when he climbed into the front seat and sat on the floor. He looks happy, but he was stressing.

Then I was outside later with them getting stuff out of my car and they both jumped in the car like we were going somewhere. I haven't uploaded it yet, but we got pictures of that too! I'll upload those later. Right now we have a doggy date at the dog park! :D

He is only here until I go back for graduations on Thursday. But at least now I'll know he'll be fine to come for a visit. :)

05-29-2012, 02:05 PM
Awww, Hi Jake!

05-29-2012, 02:27 PM
What a sweet face! Are they having a good time?

05-29-2012, 02:51 PM
We just got back from a quick trip to the dog park (1 hour). Luckily my friend brought a chuck-it ball so Jake had a blast with that. Unfortunately my friends 12 year old Corgi (some may remember the story of how she got her after my friends mother passed away last year) ran herself too much. On the way out to the car she seems to have had a bit of a seizure. And by that I mean it was very brief. Scared us to death. We just took it ever so slowly back to the cars. Anne said she's never seen her do that before. She just fell over and when I looked back I could tell she was seizing. I offered to carry her to the car but we just walked slowly and took breaks in the shade. Poor BJ.

Anyway, other than that scare they all seemed to have a good time. Taggart even engaged in some of the ball play and he NEVER does that at the park. Now I have two tired dogs. Which is perfect since I have to go run errands. :)

06-02-2012, 01:11 PM
what a nice big smile

06-03-2012, 02:33 PM
Well, Jake is back home. He did so good for a country dog being in the city. I took them for a walk and he was jumping at every strange sound. But he did very good. :D

Here are some more pictures.......as promised.
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06-03-2012, 04:03 PM
Jake is adorable!!:D I love his eyes. I'm glad Taggart had a visit from his cuzzin :)

06-03-2012, 05:33 PM
Oh wow, Jake is real cutie. He looks like a very fun loving, happy fellow. It's good that he & Taggart had such
a good run at the park. :) I hope your friend's Corgi will be alright.

06-03-2012, 06:18 PM
Oh wow, Jake is real cutie. He looks like a very fun loving, happy fellow. It's good that he & Taggart had such
a good run at the park. :) I hope your friend's Corgi will be alright.

Oh yes, I forgot to update on her. She is doing fine. She just over exerted herself. It was rather warm that day and she is 12 years old now. Anne said she ran about a half mile down the beach last month and was fine, but that was much cooler weather. We just know not to let her run around too much in the future. :)

06-04-2012, 02:44 AM
Sounds like fun visit and nice ride adventure. They are looking so great together..

06-04-2012, 06:55 PM
Hi there Jake. How great that you came over to keep Taggart company.
Cousins are the best! I should know since my very best friend is also my cousin :D