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05-22-2012, 05:14 AM
Hello, I'm hoping someone can help me with my dog situation. I recently moved to a new house in a new neighborhood and my dog refuses to go for walks. There are many parks and trails near my house. I have to pull him to start walking, he'll walk for a bit and then want to return home after he does his business. I miss the long walks we used to do together since moving to a new neighborhood. He used to beg me to take him for walks before and now he just wants to stay inside and lay on the couch. I really need to him to lose weight so his pancreatic doesn't come back.

But how do I exercise a dog that doesn't want to walk??? Please HELP!!! :(

05-22-2012, 12:05 PM
What does he like to do? Would he rather play fetch in the yard or some other activity? If not, you just need to persist, and gradually get him used to longer and longer walks. Maybe bribe him to go further with a treat of something low-calrie like baby carrot pieces or something. What motivates or interests him? Squeaky toys? Games? Is there a particular trail he doesn't seem to like, or is it all walking? Has he been to the vet recently to rule out any issues that might be making it painful for him to walk much? How old is he, what breed?

05-23-2012, 06:37 AM
What does he like to do? Would he rather play fetch in the yard or some other activity? If not, you just need to persist, and gradually get him used to longer and longer walks. Maybe bribe him to go further with a treat of something low-calrie like baby carrot pieces or something. What motivates or interests him? Squeaky toys? Games? Is there a particular trail he doesn't seem to like, or is it all walking? Has he been to the vet recently to rule out any issues that might be making it painful for him to walk much? How old is he, what breed?

Thanks For Reply.i have boxer dog and he is 3 year old.

05-23-2012, 08:41 AM
At this point, I suspect you are dreading walkies, and he is picking up on your emotions. So you have to get BOTH of you happy and excited about this idea of a new walk, lol.

Check where other dog walkers let their dogs stop - then make a point of letting your dog stop to pick up 'p-mail' at those locations. This gets his senses interested in the new smells.

Are you walking with an ipod / music source / talking on the phone? Don't! Keep your focus on the area around you, and your dog.

Change your pace. Walk 5 long strides straight ahead, dart to the left for 4 fast almost running steps, back up calling him to keep up with you. (Watch the traffic when you do this!) Make YOURSELF interesting, so he has to keep focused on what you are up to, what you are going to do next. You may not get far doing this, but you will cover ground and get his interest.

05-28-2012, 02:04 AM
Hi! Mickey, hope your dog would settle in well with the new surrounding soon. Maybe drive him to any dog park and let him socialize more and feel the new environment.

07-02-2012, 07:48 AM
Hi! Mickey, hope your dog would settle in well with the new surrounding soon. Maybe drive him to any dog park and let him socialize more and feel the new environment.

You are right some point of you and i followed your suggestion but not feel good.so i think dog have problem in collar because has a chain collar.if you have dog collar knowledge then share me your suggestion.i hope you help me.

09-17-2012, 09:45 PM
If your dog opted not to walk, then don't drag your pup. Maybe your dog is having a hard time to adjust in the new environment but believe me, your pup will surely could do it. Maybe not now, but soon ;) ... That is the same thing that I did to my pet when we migrated. Before, we walk together at the park with the use of leash. But the moment we migrated, same concern happened. But it is natural reaction of dogs because they are inept to understand few things. And worst, my dog usually bark to the people that unfamiliar to my pup.