View Full Version : Sissy is doing good (pics)

05-19-2012, 09:12 AM
Sat May 19 2012
Hello Folks,
It will be three weeks tomorrow since Sissy had her gastro operation. She is doing good. I on the other hand am tired LOL. That little dog has more energy and spunk and curiosity than any pet I've ever had. ANYTHING she finds and/or can reach, she puts it in her mouth...keeps me on my toes. Later today I am gong to let her outside to run full out for the first time since the operation. I'll have to watch her carefully because no doubt she will grab something and put it in her mouth--never seen anything like her. Having "complained" about her, I am so grateful that she recovered nicely and I love the little thing. I can't say that LilGirl and Luke agree though; Annie is nice to her.

She wants to play with Luke cat and LilGirl and they dont like it. Yesteday Sissy and Luke cat got into a tussle with each other. I looked up when I heard cat sounds and puppy sounds and it looked as if they were attached in one big bundle...very scarey. I dont know who had who but I do know that in the past Sissy has pushed Luke into nearly fighting back because he gets tired of her "playing" with him. Sometimes I put one of them in a separate room or put Sissy in her crate for a time out. Anyway I yelled loudly and broke it up and would you believe that later Sissy still went after Luke to play??? Wonder how long this "puppy stage" will last? She's 3.5 months old (born 2.1.12).

At night when she's tired is when she is her sweetest. I put her on the couch and she lies on her back and she is calm and I can rub her tummy and she loves it...and so do I.

Anyway here's some pics of the little darling (smile). Kay

05-19-2012, 10:05 AM
Hello, darling Sissy! I am so glad to read that you're doing well! You are so CUTE!! And you have heaps of energy too :) Gentle petting and hugs to you, pretty girl!

05-19-2012, 10:20 AM
Yay ! ! Sissy pics. Such a little doll face. :love::) So glad to hear that she is doing so good now too. Maybe a run outside is just what she needs to burn off some of that energy she has gained back.

Now Sissy - you behave! No more putting things in your mouth that don't belong there - including Luke! :eek: Perhaps when you get a little older and have outgrown your frisky, ornery puppy stage, then Luke and LilGirl will come around and you can be pals. Just be patient - okay? And have Mom deliver some of those belly rubs from me, that you enjoy.

And tell Mom we always want pictures too. And often!!! ;)

05-19-2012, 01:49 PM
We just went outside for the first time in 3 weeks. Sissy loved it!! Here's some pics.

05-19-2012, 04:12 PM
She sure looks like she was having a lot of fun - running and playing outside again. She probably wonders why she had to stay in the house for so long - especially once she started to feel good again. Way to go Sissy - keep getting better and better everyday. :)
And hi there to you too, LilGirl. So nice to see you again too. :) And next time, how about you face the camera, tho I have to admit that all of your parts are cute. :D

05-20-2012, 08:02 AM
It's good to see Sissy is getting better!:D She is so adorable(I've always love Poms) and so is Lilgirl! I'm afraid the puppy stage doesn't go away for a good long time and with some dogs, maybe never. (my Jakey) If I may offer some advice, you could try teaching Sissy the 'give' and the 'leave it' command. My Layla is good with that, Jake, we won't go there. It's a miracle he's never ate something and ended up having surgery like Sissy. I can take things from him though. Good luck with Sissy and I hope she doesn't end up eating something she shouldn't again.

05-20-2012, 08:30 AM
I am SO relieved and happy for you - for both of you - to read that Sissy is recovering well. Love good news like this.

Those first pics, on the sofa, oh my, just look at the imp glittering out of those eyes! Yep, you have a whirling dervish energetic gal on your hands, ha ha haaa - tiring, but SO enjoyable at the same time.

Look at the gleeful playful smile on her face when she gets OUT! Ha haaa, go baby go! Hi ya, LilGirl! Smooches to you for putting up with all that puppy energy. And a smooth for Luke too.

05-21-2012, 02:37 AM
That is so wonderful news about Sissy, glad she's doing well playing at night and bouncing at day. Way to go Sissy! ;)