View Full Version : Would anyone be interested in a Christmas gift swap??

11-17-2002, 01:37 PM
I was wondering if anyone would be interested in doing a Christmas gift swap?? Each person would get another members name then they would get them something for the person themselve and a gift for their pets?? If anyone is interested to do this please let me know?? I'd like to have at least one other person to help organize this if we actually would like to do this. I think it would be fun and something different. If you are interested you can either post here. Or you can e-mail me at [email protected]

11-17-2002, 02:22 PM
this sounds like a great idea but i'm positive my parents wouldn't let me give any private info (adress, ect...). hope as many people that can will take part! :D if you need help organizing it or something tina, i'de love to be of help :)

11-17-2002, 02:31 PM
This sounds GREAT! Hey maybe it could be a Secret Santa thing where someone randomly draws the names then tells you who to send the gift to, but you wont know who sent you yours. Maybe then after everyone has theirs, we can make posts to reveal the Santas.

I can help you organize this if you want.

11-17-2002, 03:18 PM
Great idea! I had thought of this too, but I forgot to post about it. I can help organize it also. Actually, I helped organize and present this idea to another group last year. It worked out great! What we did was send all the names (with address and name/types of pets) to one person. The person assigned a number to each name, and people randomly picked a number. The person then (secretly) emailed what person they picked to them. The gift just had to be something around $5, and it just had to be mailed to the person by a certain date. They had an online chat when we opened the presents, and it was fun.

11-17-2002, 09:50 PM
Ok,We have luckies4me and Heather Wallace that are also interested in the swap. I was thinking we can think of a questionare to ask what everyone likes and what their pets like?
Then we can a sign a number to each member then allow each member to pick a number. I'd like to get a couple more people interested in the swap though so we can have a even number of people. So if anyone else is interested or if you have any ideas please let me know. And yes there should be a limit to how much we spend maybe $15 to be the maximum spent. Thanks Amy and Aly for the ideas.