View Full Version : A big scare for Kiri and us

05-15-2012, 07:16 AM
So I come down this morning and there is Orion chomping down his kitty chow and I think Kiri is in her dining room (the guest room) as we have to feed them separately or Orion will not get any food at all.
And then my husband says: Have you seen Kiri?
Which made me more awake than usual at this time of the day.:eek:
Turns out he has not seen the girl since the evening before!!! He kind of thought she was upstairs with me but she wasn’t.
Ok, so we look in the house and open all closets. No Kiri.:(
Kiri is a bit of a door darter so usually I would have thought she slipped out when he got the newspaper but usually she asks for a snack when he gets up in the night and she hadn’t done that.
We look in the staircase and the cellar. No Kiri.:(
I take the box with treats and shake it outside in front of the house and in the garden: No Kiri.:(
You can imagine in what state we were by then. There is quite a street not far from our house and I walked around all of the block (which is quite a walk in the early morning), always scared I could find her by the roadside. No Kiri.:(
Back home I had hoped Siegmar would have found her by then but no….
So again I went in the garden and that was when I heard a loud and unhappy meeooow. And there she was. She was sitting in a deep shaft in front of the cellar window and couldn’t get out. We usually get the line of the lawnmower out of this window and that’s what we had done yesterday, so the window had been open, but now it was closed. And someone had not put the grid over the shaft, or he would have found her…….Poor Kiri couldn’t get out to the surface as it was too deep and she could not get in the window as it was closed. Whether she got out of the cellar when the window was open yesterday we have no idea. It could also have been possible that she got out the door and tried to slip back in through the cellar.
Kiri was not amused. Even the shorter height to the cellar window was too high for her, so when I had opened the window I got on a ladder inside the cellar (from there, the window is under the ceiling), then put a big bath towel down the wall into the outside shaft so she could reach up which she couldn’t do with the concrete wall. She reached up and when I saw her little face (with airplane ears) I grabbed her under her arms and pulled her up. Little girl went up to the flat in no time and right to Orion’s bowl gobbling down all that was left.
She is totally unharmed and all herself- but we…. I did not have time to take the shock in fully. I am just so glad she is here.
So here are 2 pictures of our naughty girl- one is already a little older as there is no more snow. I think you can see in both that she is Miss Mischief.;)



05-15-2012, 07:31 AM
Oh Kiri, I'm so relieved to know that you're safe and sound after your adventure! Your purrents were pretty upset not knowing where you were and I'm sure you were pretty frightened yourself. I know there's so many things outside for you to explore but outside can be a tough place for kitties. Tell you what, sweetie, stay inside where you'll always be safe and warm, okay?

05-15-2012, 07:44 AM
Oh my goodness, what a story! I would have been going crazy. So glad she is safe and sound. She is such a pretty girl with those lovely green eyes.

05-15-2012, 08:01 AM
Oh my God.. what a horror story!

We're so glad you are safe and sound now, Kiri!

05-15-2012, 09:20 AM
Oh Barbara my heart was in my mouth reading this story and I am so, so happy Kiri is safe and sound. No matter she's a bit miffed;) at the world for putting her into such a situation:rolleyes:.

Give that little scamp a big kiss for me:love:.

05-15-2012, 09:34 AM
Oh Kiri, that's not a good place to get stuck, you must have been frightened. :( I know these cellar shafts, they can be pretty deep. Kiri, you should have shouted when you heard the door open.

I'm so glad she's OK and out of there - what a relief. :) I hope she won't try that again, but if she does, you'll know where to look.

Give her and Orion some kisses from me, please. :love: :love:

05-15-2012, 09:34 AM
That is scary as I dont like My Found Hotel Cats outside especially Macom who runs al over the neighborhood as will My Empress Josephine:love::love:
They have three cakyards to play in, but they wil go out on the street:eek::eek:
We are so glad that Kiri:cool::cool:is safe and sound.:love::love:

05-15-2012, 10:15 AM
We're so glad you are safe and sound now, Kiri!

Me too, me too! *kiss* and *kiss* for Orion too

05-15-2012, 11:45 AM
Oh, Kiri, what a scary, uncomfortable time you had. Good for you for meowing just at the right time so they could find you! Bet you'll steer clear of that spot next time!

Felicia's Mom
05-15-2012, 01:20 PM
I'm glad Kari is o.k.

05-15-2012, 02:02 PM
:eek::eek: I can imagine how upsetting this was for you three, assuming Orion would celebrate being solo! So she spent the night out on the town? Wow. I'm surprised she didn't howl her little head off all night long, bringing neighbors out from their beds! I suppose she didn't plan to be out - just sorta landed there and was safe, sorta!

I am glad she was found unharmed. Do you think she will think twice about sneaking out again? Probably not! Little devil! :p:p

Kiri, stop being such a well, a cat! :love::love:

Edwina's Secretary
05-15-2012, 03:44 PM
Little Miss Mischief! You've gone and done it now! Right now the purrents are all "oh my baby! Are you all right?" But watch out...you will be grounded for sure for giving them such a scare - once they calm down.

So...did you have a fun adventure - before you realized there was a solid door between you and your food?

Naughty, naughty girl!

05-15-2012, 05:29 PM
SO glad Kiri is okay!!! Cats and their adventures. They make us CRAZY!!!!

05-15-2012, 06:00 PM
I always worry when one of mine don't come when I call.

Glad she is safe.

Killearn Kitties
05-15-2012, 06:46 PM
Oh Kiri, you are such a wilful, naughty, little girl ... unless of course, Orion locked you out so he could eat his dinner in peace. Was that it?

05-15-2012, 08:23 PM
Was this her birthday present to you? Glad she is safe.

05-15-2012, 09:08 PM
Oh no, Kiri! You gave mommy, daddy and all of us quite a scare. No more sneaking out; the outside world can be dangerous for kitties, even adventurous ones like you. I'm glad your safe and back inside. :love::love:

05-16-2012, 01:25 AM
Wow!!!:eek: I'm so glad that you found her and that she's safe.:) Now hopefully she won't ever do his again. I'm constantly doing headcounts with my cats to make sure that no one has gotten lost.

05-16-2012, 06:00 AM
Wow! That would have scared the hell out of me! Glad she's safe!

The other day, Lily almost scared me to death when I couldn't find her in any of her favourite places. I thought she had been darting out of the door when I brought in some IKEA stuff earlier that day. In the end, I found her sitting in the window sill, behind the curtain, obviously very amused to watch me calling her and searching for her and getting more and more in panic with each passing minute. Silly girl!

05-16-2012, 07:06 AM
The Kiri girl has been a velcro kitty since yesterday, coming over and do some purring and headbumping. She sure loves her meowmie right now;)
She says thank you for all the kisses delivered:)

Laura's Babies
05-16-2012, 07:19 AM
I was on pins and needles reading this story! I think all of us know the panic of having one missing, even if breifly. I am so glad you found her and I know she is too!!

05-16-2012, 12:11 PM
Firstoff, I am so glad Kiri is safe!!!:) :love: That is purrent's worst night nightmare, a lost kitty! I would be frantic, also! It's funny how one, little, fur person can mean so much to us.:love::love:

05-16-2012, 12:27 PM
The Kiri girl has been a velcro kitty since yesterday, coming over and do some purring and headbumping. She sure loves her meowmie right now;)
She says thank you for all the kisses delivered:)

Sounds as if her adventure has scared her also. So glad there was a happy ending! :love:

05-16-2012, 12:51 PM
Wow! That would have scared the hell out of me! Glad she's safe!

The other day, Lily almost scared me to death when I couldn't find her in any of her favourite places. I thought she had been darting out of the door when I brought in some IKEA stuff earlier that day. In the end, I found her sitting in the window sill, behind the curtain, obviously very amused to watch me calling her and searching for her and getting more and more in panic with each passing minute. Silly girl!

They do love to keep us guessing, don't they?

05-16-2012, 06:34 PM
Kiri I am so glad you are ok and back inside where you belong. No more outdoor adventures, Ok.

Isn't that the worst feeling in the world when you can't find one of your babies? Luvies for all of you!!!:love:

Pinot's Mom
05-17-2012, 12:05 PM
Oh, Kiri, I'm so glad you were found! This is, however, a cause for grounding, you know. :rolleyes: ...at least in Pinot's house!

Hugs and kisses from here - glad you're safe!:love:

05-17-2012, 12:58 PM
Oh. My. Word!!!!! That panic! That fear! I am so glad to hear Kiri is safe and sound, no harm to her. They get out so fast, and sometimes we just can't figure it out.

My neighbor's cat, Biscuit, got out, and was gone, the same way as Kiri!!! And, it was just as you said, they recalled him last being in the house the evening before, and he didn't show up for kibble the next am!! They found him later in the evening- a full day and several hours- after he probably was last in the house. She called me at 1030 pm last night to tell me he had returned. What a scare.

I have two cats- Montana and Annikin- that can hide up to 24 hours it seems. A few months ago, I had distributed 75 flyers to all my street, and one over....as I thought Annikin was out. He showed up, from inside the house. My neighbors were caught trying to put another cat on my porch...thinking it was Annie Pants! LOL...:eek:

Maya & Inka's mommy
05-18-2012, 06:32 AM
The Kiri girl has been a velcro kitty since yesterday, coming over and do some purring and headbumping. She sure loves her meowmie right now;)
She says thank you for all the kisses delivered:)

Oh my, poor little thing........... She must have been so scared down there...!! She must have heard you both yelling her name all the time....:(
Please give Kiri a big hug and a gentle kiss on her nose too :love:!!
In fact, she sounds and looks a lot like my own little miss Snoopy!! Same ook in her eyes... ;)

05-18-2012, 08:08 AM
Goodness Miss Kiri, we are so glad you are safe and sound. Hope you have learned your lesson and will be staying INSIDE from now on. Kisses and headbumpies.
Claudia & Calvin

05-20-2012, 08:21 AM
I'm constantly doing headcounts with my cats to make sure that no one has gotten lost.

Same here, especially after the dogs have been in and out the backdoor! I'm glad Kiri is safe. a lost furkid would be such a nightmare.:(

05-20-2012, 08:48 AM
Oh Barbara my heart was in my mouth reading this story and I am so, so happy Kiri is safe and sound. No matter she's a bit miffed ;) at the world for putting her into such a situation :rolleyes:

Give that little scamp a big kiss for me :love:

Just what I would say! Goodness what a time, I can well imagine how scared and worried you were, not finding Kiri. Go glad it all worked out well = and now you know one MORE place to check.

Please give her a smooth from me.