View Full Version : High school bomb threats today

05-11-2012, 01:32 PM
The crazies are out in force today - 3 bomb threats this morning: one at my grandson's h.s, and 2 more at h.s.'s in Dover. This is the 2nd one this week for one of the Dover schools! :mad:

Grandson said it was chaos at his school for a few hours. They were evacuated to the football stadium at 8:15, and it was almost 3 hours before they got the all clear to return to the building. There were 2 bomb squads - one state police and one from Dover Air Force Base, bomb sniffing dogs, and upwards of 20 vehicles from state and local police swarming the area, in addition to ambulance stand-by and fire and rescue crews, Parents were showing up to pull their kids out of the area and some ended up getting arrested for obstructing justice by trying to break thru police barriers, etc. After the all clear and everyone was allowed to leave the stadium, most students with cars just left for the day, and most of the rest of the students were calling home to have someone pick them up - my grandson included! He was pretty shaken as most of the kids were, and the school excused anyone that wanted to leave and had the means to do so.

Somehow, you never think of something like this happening in the small towns and rural America. Guess it just goes to show you that just because you don't live in the more crime infested areas, that you are immune. Such a sad state of affairs. No one is safe anywhere, anymore, it seems. :(

05-11-2012, 01:42 PM
Wow, that must have been scary for them. Hopefully they will catch whoever the perpetrators were.

05-11-2012, 01:43 PM
This is so awful and scary!!! The trauma a child can go through, and while of course it is better than an actual bomb going off, can still be a huge deal. Hugs to your grandson!

05-11-2012, 02:50 PM
Sorry to hear about this incident. I'm relieved there was not a bomb. Perhaps it was someone who wanted to get out of taking an end of term exam. Eons ago I worked at UNC-Chapel Hill and often we would have bomb threats. We would leave the bldg and wait in the parking lot until the all clear. Usually it was when an exam was scheduled. Eventually when we got bomb threats, the students were moved to another class bldg where the lecture or exam still took place. Slowly the bomb threats stopped. It sure messes up the school day though for those who really want to learn.

05-11-2012, 03:20 PM
We have had two near our area as well. One at the Hughesville schools which is a very small area. I think the other one was there as well or maybe Muncy.

In our area they sent the kids home immediately.

I remember this happening when my kids were in school and I was horrified. I wanted to jump in the car and go get them but they advised against it.

I don't understand what someone gets out of falsely reporting something like this.

05-11-2012, 03:23 PM
Wow, that must have been scary for them. Hopefully they will catch whoever the perpetrators were.

It might not be too difficult to find at least one of them - that threat was emailed in to the school administration office. DUH!!! The one to my grandson's school was phoned in. Not sure about the third one.

05-11-2012, 03:44 PM
When I was in high school, one of my classmates set off a smoke bomb and sent it rolling down the hallway, which of course triggered fire alarms, we all evacuated, etc. It took no time at all to figure out who it was, it was an Army-issue smoke bomb, and the kid had bragged about his brother sending him one ...

05-11-2012, 03:53 PM
How scary. :( At least there was no bomb and everyone & everything turned out okay. Thank god they have the technology now to trace where emails/phone calls came from. It's a shame, bomb threats have been happening a lot lately all over. Students should be able to go to school feeling safe not worried.