View Full Version : Ongoing eye issues-UPDATE#14

05-04-2012, 12:48 PM
Well - needing glasses I could deal with. After going from 20/20 vision after cataract surgery 4 years ago, up until last Fall when it started to deteriorate to 20/40 in one eye, and 20/70 in the other at the present time, I resigned myself to the fact that I had to go back to wearing corrective lenses again. So they came in last week. Very pretty if I do say, but one small problem - I can't see out of them!!! The right side is fine (the better eye), but the left is still extremely blurry!!! Thinking that they made that lens wrong, I took them back on Thursday and presented my case. They checked the lens against the script and it was correct, then the tech checked my eyes again and said the strength was written correctly. I was told that since there was such a drastic decline in that eye over such a short period of time, it just might take me longer for me to get adjusted to it, and to give it a week, and if no better, then I was to come back and they would take it from there. I gave it thru Sunday - and that was an effort. They were making me dizzy and queazy and I just couldn't tolerate them, so I was back to the office on Monday. This time the doctor checked my eyes, and she tried every lens possible, and couldn't get me passed a blur in that one eye. So she said I needed to go back to their main office where they have all the latest and greatest in equipment and can do much more extensive testing, and to see the ophthalmologist there that did my surgery. And when she said I needed to get there sooner rather than later, she put a scare into me. She called the office herself and made me an appointment for Wednesday.

So off I went last Wednesday, figuring that I would have an answer that day as to what is going on. Had several more tests including laser photos of the inside of my eye, and it still showed no abnormalities or an explanation as to what's happening. So on the 15th I have to go back for 2 more tests - a field of vision test, and a fluorescein angiography, where they inject a fluorescent dye into a vein in your arm and this travels thru your bloodstream. They shine a dim blue light into your dilated eyes and this dye shows up as a fluorescent green and they can then view the blood vessels behind the retina to see what's going on there. But I still won't know anything that day, because the doctor has to review those results and go over my entire history and put the pieces together. Then I go back a week after that for the results.

It's looking toward the possibility/probability of macular degeneration, but I'm not going to panic before I hear that as a positive diagnosis. If that's what it is, then it's age related, as I do not have high blood sugar. The idea of losing my sight is just not very appealing to me.

So here I go again - appealing to you for those awesome and miracle working PT prayers. If you can spare some, I will be so very grateful.

Thanks friends - and I will keep you updated as I learn more.

05-04-2012, 01:29 PM
Dad has been dealing for years with AMD, wet in one eye and dry in the other. He can still drive, and they are constantly having him in for checks, etc., so it's not instantaneous blindness, Pom, and there are things they can do.

05-04-2012, 02:00 PM
Thanks Karen. I know it's not total blindness, but what concerns me (if I do have MD), is the fact that it can't be reversed or cured - just maintained and in some instances - slowed down. My biggest fear is that I could eventually lose my ability to drive, and if I lose that, then I have lost the last of my independence! :( But I can't worry myself about that right now, and I'll cross that bridge if and when I come to it. Right now all I can do is wait for a diagnosis and hope for the best.

05-04-2012, 02:39 PM
Jimini crickets, Ellie! Prayers from RI.

So right now are you wearing any glasses? For the eye that the glasses were good, can't they give you anything on a temp basis? This in itself must be annoying.

05-04-2012, 03:15 PM
A businesswoman here in town had the "bad" MD. She had everything supersized on her computer monitor, including an extra monitor hooked up to her laptop for a bigger viewing area.

I saw her last fall and she had had cataract surgery. Neither she nor the doctors know how it happened - but her MD was gone!

Keep the faythe, as Mary would say...it ain't over yet! :love::)

05-04-2012, 04:54 PM
Jimini crickets, Ellie! Prayers from RI.

So right now are you wearing any glasses? For the eye that the glasses were good, can't they give you anything on a temp basis? This in itself must be annoying.

No Sandie - not wearing any glasses right now. The good eye is good enough to get by with, and the other eye is fuzzy and blurry, so they really compete with each other if you can imagine how that feels. Kinda like I smeared vaseline on the bad one and that's the kind of vision I'm getting there. It just feels odd to be viewing everything with two totally different eyes. :eek:

DUH - well of course it's two totally different eyes - but you know what I mean.............

Lilith Cherry
05-04-2012, 06:22 PM
Oh Ellie, you sure have my prayers and good thoughts! I am losing my sight too but from diabetic retinopathy ( even though I have pretty good control of my blood sugar). I keep getting injections in my eyes to reduce the inflammation and laser treatments to seal off what blood vessels they can. I have had several angiographies which are not at all uncomfortable so no need to worry! ( They do make make your skin and your pee a little yellow for a day or two, lol). Still non of the procedures are painful so that is good!

I will be thinking of you!

05-04-2012, 07:17 PM
I'm just catching this now, I was taken by surprise to say the least. Have to agree that that kind of news is something you don't need but don't lose hope. My uncle has had md for 4 yrs now and he goes in on a regular schedule to have shots in his eyes, so far he sees just as well as he did, drives and the md has not progressed. Another aquaintance also has it and takes shots also and he's doing great. The fear of losing their licence was depressing to both but both are driving and no trouble at all. Don't buy trouble just yet, relax and try to think positive, I know how easy it is to say this and I know hard it is to put it to practice and not be nervous but I'm praying that things will work out great Pom. You have a way of kicking butt when trouble strikes, you can do it again:D

05-05-2012, 01:44 AM
I'm sorry to hear that you're going through this.:( Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent your way.

05-05-2012, 12:01 PM
Thanks everyone! I'm not going to stress over it - no sense in spazzing and getting upset over something I have no control over, nor of that which I can't change. It is what it is - whatever "it" turns out to be.

05-05-2012, 01:17 PM
Prayers, positive thoughts, good energies to you...

You have a great attitude! God bless.

05-06-2012, 09:58 PM
Hoping for the best! As you said...ain't no sense in worrying about that which you cannot control.

Queen of Poop
05-07-2012, 07:27 AM
Sending you good thoughts and prayers. Oh and purrrrrrs from Cali and Diego. :love::love::love:

05-21-2012, 03:43 PM
Update, for anyone who might be curious. I had all of my tests and was back to the doctor for the results today. Good news/bad news! The good is that I don't have MD and the eye is healthy. Bad is, that since it isn't in the eye itself, then no lens can correct the blurred/double vision, and the problem lies elsewhere. So I have been referred to a neuro ophthalmologist in Baltimore for further evaluation and testing, but they couldn't get me an appointment before July 25th. It could be a number of different things causing the problem - none of which are good - and some worse than others. But again, it's nothing I can change. I could worry about it and make myself a nervous wreck, but then again, the world could end next week, and I'd have wasted my time worrying for no reason. :rolleyes: So as you can see, I'm back to square one.

And on top of that, the glasses that were prescribed and are useless to me, they don't want to give me my money back. That's $300+ down the drain, and since I'm on S.S., then that's a good sized chunk of change. I'm pi$$ed and not done with them yet about that. The office manager said she would take it up with the doctor and get back to me tomorrow. Considering that I wore them for only a matter of hours, and nobody caught the fact (until after I bought them) that it was a problem with my eye that a lens wouldn't correct, then they sure as heck better make an exception to their rule.

So that's where things stand as of now. I don't know much more than I did a month ago - other than the fact that I know what it isn't! :(

To be continued..................

05-21-2012, 04:58 PM
At least it's not MD! I'd call the office of the next doc again tomorrow, and ask that if there are any cancellations, you'd like an earlier appointment, please! Explain you are retired so very flexible schedule wise (if that's true).

05-21-2012, 05:36 PM
At least it's not MD! I'd call the office of the next doc again tomorrow, and ask that if there are any cancellations, you'd like an earlier appointment, please! Explain you are retired so very flexible schedule wise (if that's true).

I already talked to the Baltimore office today to give them insurance info, etc., and asked if I could get an earlier appointment. No - but they put me on a list to call in the event of a cancellation. I'd need a day's notice tho and couldn't take a last minute one, since it's a good 2 hour drive to where I have to go, get to the parking garage, and walk a couple of blocks to the office. And of course I have to be there a half hour early to fill out a ton of forms, etc. Maybe I'll luck out tho and get an earlier one.

Yeah, I suppose it's good that it's not MD, but compared to what they could be looking for, I think I'd prefer MD!

05-21-2012, 06:21 PM
Hope you can get in sooner. Will definitely keep you in my prayers.

05-21-2012, 08:10 PM
Sorry to hear about your eye problems. Hope it can be corrected soon.

05-22-2012, 04:40 AM
We are sending good thoughts and healing energies to you, in the hopes that this can be fixed up without too much trouble.

God bless.

05-22-2012, 06:11 AM
Oh dear,, i wish you the very best of luck. ive been having slight blurryness in viewing stuff far off for several years now. i find that annoying enough as it is. hope you can get in sooner

05-22-2012, 09:34 AM
I just had a call from the local doc's office, and they will refund my money for those new and pretty and useless glasses. That was a wise decision on their part - they wouldn't have wanted to see my ugly side! :eek: :p

05-22-2012, 11:16 AM
I just had a call from the local doc's office, and they will refund my money for those new and pretty and useless glasses. That was a wise decision on their part - they wouldn't have wanted to see my ugly side! :eek: :p

LOL, sounds like you are taking all this in stride. Good for you.;) Reading your update on the eye problems, it seems that knowing
what's not the problem is better than not knowing anything at all, but hopefully the answer will come soon. Prayers for a quick and
lasting cure for this problem.:)

05-22-2012, 11:35 AM
I just had a call from the local doc's office, and they will refund my money for those new and pretty and useless glasses. That was a wise decision on their part - they wouldn't have wanted to see my ugly side! :eek: :p

Good on you for pressing this issue! That is a help.

Continued prayers as to what is happening.