View Full Version : Should I Be This Upset??

11-16-2002, 10:21 PM
Should I be so upset that I got a 70 in science? I am really angry now because I was always on honor roll and now I ruined it and got on merit. I am really upset because the rest of my friends are all perfect and while they get their honors awards I am gunna get a stupid merit. I know I am being extremely selfish because at least I got something but I do not deserve merit because I am an honor student. It is all because of my horrible science teacher. He teaches the right stuff but then puts things we never heard of on the tests. I hate it. I really do not think I should be this upset but I take everything so personally. Should I talk to my teachers about my grades and ask them why I got 80's(only in 3 subjects?). :confused:

11-16-2002, 10:37 PM
Hey don't be so hard on yourself. My mom always says " as long as you tried your hardest is all that matters"

Don't feel bad. I had the same experience. I am an honor student as well. But in Chem Honors I just didn't get along with the teacher. He would also teach one thing and put another on the tests. I just couldn't learn from him. I ended up with a C+ I was devastated at the time...but I've gotten over it. I learned that You can't always get good grades in every class... no matter how hard you try. Just make the best of it while your in his science class. It'll be over soon.

11-16-2002, 10:40 PM
I agree, it's not the grade that counts, but whether you learned anything and if you did your best. I only got a GPA of 2.68 in my college course, but I worked hard *most of the time* and heck, I passed! So don't beat yourself up over one not perfect grade, you gotta take the good with the bad :)

11-16-2002, 11:15 PM
I think its okay to be upset and maybe you'll try harder next year. I grew up with my parents thinking anything under a 4.0 was just unacceptable! They're not slave drivers but they did think highly of their daughters and expected them to make the most of school. My sister and I did work hard to live up to expectations and I am grateful to my parents.

They did understand though that no one is perfect and didn't get bent out of shape over a bad grade here and there on tests.

11-16-2002, 11:55 PM
I think occasional mediocre grades are really good for getting your butt in gear. It's obvious that you're not happy with these scores and KNOW that you can do better, so prove it to yourself next time around. Look at it as a challenge. And I think it would show initiative if you talked to your teachers about what they think you could do to improve things. Just so long as you don't get personal and upset with them.

11-17-2002, 11:22 AM
But now that I am on...I can't even type it..MERIT, I have no chance for getting on honor society. My friends could care less because they are not the ones getting grades like this. I know people get these grades most of the time or even worst but I was always a straight A student and then all of a sudden 6th grade came. That was probably my worst year ever because I had this kid in my class who got the best grades in the school. We had been rivals since kindergarten. But of course she always beat me. So all year I had to deal with her shouting her amazing grades in my ear and it just disturbed me. Even the teachers admitted that was my weakness. If I fell trap to her I would blow my chance for any honors classes. Well I fell trap. Luckily I looked at each of my grades and sought out what ones I still had a chance for honors on and it was english. So I tried so hard to keep my english grades up and studied so hard for that final. It all paid off and now I am on honors english! Of course that is the only honors class my friend IS NOT in so I have something to be proud of. But not anymore. She did so well that now she is going on honors english next quarter and maybe even my class. Great. I hate school it is just a big competition for who is smart and who is not and I'm not sure which I am in right now. Thanks for letting me vent on here only Pet Talkers would understand. :)

11-17-2002, 11:51 AM
In the long run, the grades don't matter, but your attitude WILL matter. The girl you're "competing" with is probably someone that you'll never see again after the next 6 years. Don't let her accomplishments affect your own self-esteem. Again, ask your teachers for help. If your science teacher won't, ask your math teacher, or ask another teacher you had and respected last year.

You should be motivated by that grade to do better next term. Ask for extra help, ask if there is something you can do for extra credit to get your grade up, then work as hard as you can.

Don't get depressed upset, do get motivated upset. And you know what? Your learning is more important than your gradees anyway. When you take the SATs 4 years from now, they are not going to ask what your grade was in science in 6th grade. They will question your KNOWLEDGE of science.

11-17-2002, 01:28 PM
Thanks Karen, will do. My science teacher still refuses to give extra credit but I can try and see if there is anything in the other subjects. I think I will be absent on the day of the certificates. I just do not feel like accepting somrthing that is not mine. But I will try to feel better. I cannot help it. Now my best friend got a greater score than me in every subject. I don't know why but I just think everyone should mind their own business and not worry about grades, well except if you are failing then that matters. And plus, I got a better art grade than her--a 96!! I forgot about that!! And she is not going to be on honors english till next quarter but at least I got on it at the beginning of the year!! I feel better now!!:p

11-17-2002, 08:31 PM
Oh, Floppsy you have always done well in your grades from what you have told us. It is not the end of the world that you did not get a perfect grade - but I understand in school with your friends it is a big deal. None of us are perfect and if you think you should be - your going to be in for major dissapointment and feel like you are never good enough in life. Karen is right your knowledge is much more important in the real world that a grade score. You can do it girl.:D

11-18-2002, 12:30 AM
1)NOONE is perfect
2)don't be too hard on yourself
3)WELCOME to education that is why you read your book and STUDY

11-18-2002, 12:41 AM
Originally posted by FloppsyLadySally89
I think I will be absent on the day of the certificates. I just do not feel like accepting somrthing that is not mine.

Ahhhhh... but it *IS* your's.... whether you tried your best or not, it is your work & thus your responsibility. I think it's great you're going to try harder! And remember that there is nothing wrong with healthy competition, but in the end it's up to YOU to make yourself happy. Ignore the others and concentrate on yourself and your goals.

I don't know why but I just think everyone should mind their own business and not worry about grades, well except if you are failing then that matters.

OK Flopps, read what ya just wrote... "everyone should mind their own business"... that includes you! Don't worrry about what the other's made on their report cards... focus on your abilities and strive to improve upon those. It's not fair for you to compare yourself to others--and it's not fair for other's to compare themselves to you. Everyone is different--learn to embrace it.