View Full Version : Had my hearing tested today...

05-01-2012, 03:56 PM
About 6 years ago, when I was still in Michigan, I had a bout of vertigo, with vomiting, dizziness, the works.

My doctor sent me for a MRI of my right ear. I had an "unidentified inflammation". The hearing impairment and tinitis is driving me crazy so I went to an ENT. He told me that I have a "moderately severe" hearing loss in my right ear. He told me that I have a 1 in 1,000 chance of having a tumor (similar to a wart, benign) causing my hearing loss. I told him about the MRI and he asked me to get a copy of it and the last audiology report. MRI not available, did get a copy of the audiology report where it indicates something about a "lesion". Okay, now I'm REAL curious.

I asked him worse case scenario. He said surgery is only performed on "growing" tumors. Risks include permanent/worse tinitis, total hearing loss. Surgery is overnight in the ICU.

We're going to cross that bridge when we come to it. I have another hearing test in 6 months. He may send me for another MRI of the ear to see how big it is, and to determine if it grew.

It sure SUCKS to get old!:(:(

05-01-2012, 04:18 PM
We are all sending along good wishes and prayers for dealing with this and that it can be treated satisfactorily.

{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}} and ~~~~~~~PURRS~~~~~~~ and :love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love:

05-01-2012, 05:26 PM
I had an acoustic neuroma - benign tumor - removed from my hearing nerve 16 years ago now. It is benign but slow-growing, so I was fortunate that it was caught when it was still very small. I had already lost some hearing in that ear anyway, which is how it was discovered, and after the surgery am deaf on that side, but it was worth it to get it removed before it grew and caused bigger problems.

And now I don't get motion sick, which before I did very easily. So there's an upside!

05-02-2012, 07:47 AM

THAT'S IT!!! I couldn't think of the name. This constant tinitis is driving me NUTS!! I have a call into him to see if he wants me to get an MRI (again) so we can measure it in 6 months.

I swear, by the time I'm 70 I'll be blind and DEAF!!!

05-02-2012, 10:42 AM

THAT'S IT!!! I couldn't think of the name. This constant tinitis is driving me NUTS!! I have a call into him to see if he wants me to get an MRI (again) so we can measure it in 6 months.

I swear, by the time I'm 70 I'll be blind and DEAF!!!

Well, if you look at my prescription, and everything, many folks would tell you I am already half-blind, and am certainly half deaf!

05-02-2012, 06:10 PM
Hey Babes you might be blind and deaf by 70 but not DUMB lol,:D seriously my dear friend i am sorry to hear of your latest health issues, and i hope there is nothing too major going on and they can help you,just wanted you to know you are very much in my thoughts, take care dearest Donna.:love:

05-02-2012, 06:20 PM
And as you know, as we've met in person, being deaf in one side is not really a big deal, and can be helpful at times when you want to "turn a deaf ear" to someone - you can actually do it! And, to my way of thinking, I'd much rather be completely deaf on one side than dealing with tintinitis for sure! And, as you will likely ALWAYS have animals at home, you can count on them to turn their heads or swivel their ears toward any strange noise, so you'll know where it is coming from. Me, right now I have to ask Paul. (Who is remarkably patient with it, thankfully!)

05-02-2012, 07:48 PM
Sending positive thoughts your way!

05-03-2012, 06:16 AM

What's funny is, my daughter has a hearing impairment in her left ear. It definitely causes issues because my "good ear" is on her "bad side" and hers is on my bad side. :eek:

05-04-2012, 02:29 PM
I'm sorry. I will pray for you.

05-06-2012, 05:12 PM
Sending good wishes your way, Donna!

My Dad had Menier's Disease in his right ear, and he used it to his advantage while driving and Mom was in the passenger's seat. He always claimed that he didn't hear what she was saying. :eek: I said it was selective hearing since he could hear what he wanted to hear! :rolleyes: