View Full Version : What was I thinking? this ain't no vacation!

04-30-2012, 09:38 PM
I took today and the next two days as vacation to do some cleaning and upgrades to the bedroom, the office, and the hallway. Today was the day we moved everything out of the bedroom, tore out the carpet, roll out new carpet and put everything back in.

I have muscles yelling at me that I didn't even know I had. I spent much too much time organizing the junk drawers of my dresser.... do you have any idea how many old cell phones and random chargers I had tucked away in the dresser drawer???? Then I put miscellaneous craft doodads and thingamagigs in organized plastic boxes (still have more organizing to go)

The poor animals had no idea what we were doing because we kept kicking them out of the room. Though they had lots of fun playing on the mattress as it stood on end in the office.

And I get to do it all over again tomorrow as I repaint the hallway and all the doors going down the hallway, and finish by laying carpet and a new runner.

Then we tackle the office. Thats already painted and recarpeted (hubby's project last week all by himself). I just need to get into the closet -- its one of those closets you open the door and things fly out at you. I already tossed a whole trash can of books and such that we HAD to hold on to but don't need.

We're getting to the point in our lives that we hold on to too much extra junk and are not focusing on the important things right in front of us. Lets clean the closets in real life and hopefully the closets in our mind clear too. :)

04-30-2012, 09:40 PM
But just think how satisfied you'll feel when it is done! And take an aspirin before bed, and you won;t ache so much in the morning! (That was recommended to my by a doctor friend we helped move!)

04-30-2012, 10:43 PM
Garage sale pending? :D

Take care of yourself, hope you have no lasting muscle owies!:love:

05-01-2012, 08:09 AM
I feel your pain! :D

Last summer I ordered a dumpster and did a major cleaning out of my house. It is very liberating.

Had to laugh at your comment about the cats playing on the mattress. :)

05-01-2012, 10:39 AM
I also know how you feel. I moved to my this residence three years ago and only a few months ago did I finally clean out one of the closets I had shoved stuff into. I didn't even know everything that was in there, now I do after throwing lots of stuff out. I did feel better after that. Good luck.

05-01-2012, 11:00 AM
Tearing up carpet is back breaking work!!!

05-01-2012, 05:32 PM
I thought I was tired yesterday..... I overslept this morning and nearly missed a doctor's appointment that hubby had with the dermatologist (he found some moles he didn't like the look of and was scared to go alone - all is good). We way overserslept to get Cameron to school so he went with us to the doctor. The appointment lasted forever. He was great in the office becuse he got to see them burn skin tags off grandpop. He even helped by pointing out ones they missed ;)

We stopped at Goodwill along the way home and got Cameron a whole new summer wardrobe for $20. Of course his mommy was none too impressed because they are from Goodwill and told us we could keep the clothes here :rolleyes:

Then I passed out for nearly 3 hours. Zzzzzzzz.

I hope I gather some steam because I really did want to get something accomplished today.

05-01-2012, 05:53 PM
I hope I gather some steam because I really did want to get something accomplished today.

You already got LOTS accomplished - hope that second wind kicks in for ya! It's good the moles were all of the non-scary kind!

Scooter's Mom
05-01-2012, 07:35 PM
We stopped at Goodwill along the way home and got Cameron a whole new summer wardrobe for $20. Of course his mommy was none too impressed because they are from Goodwill and told us we could keep the clothes here :rolleyes:

Good job on the bargain hunting! Too bad Cameron's mother doesn't appreciate the value of a $$.

05-01-2012, 09:02 PM
Good job on the bargain hunting! Too bad Cameron's mother doesn't appreciate the value of a $$.

She never will appreciate anything I do. She made a snide comment and I just walked out of the room. I don't have to take her misdirected furstration any more, so I won't. I simply walk away and keep my mouth shut. She did the same thing back in the fall when we got him clothes. Snippy comment and then all the clothes disappeared a few weeks later once she realized they were nice clothes (Children's Place, Ralph Lauren, in addition to the expensive licensed tees he wants). So what if another little boy wore them before? At this age, they outgrow the clothes before they look worn. We got a Spiderman tee that I swear was never worn and a Pokemon tee that Cameron is super excited about - I have the feeling will never come off once I wash it for him :)

Hubby and I just laughed about the reaction. We don't waste time worrying about her because she will eventually realize the clothes are nice and that she wants them. It is what it is. And Cameron is happy and healthy so there's nothing we can do but love him and help when we can.

As for my vacation, I decided to take tonight off. Well, off from painting. I'm reorganizing my craft supplies, which is a project in and of itself. I bought new bead organziers tonight and keep spilling little beads all over the place. Of course the cats are being VERY helpful :rolleyes: :p