View Full Version : Oh geez..more about my college problems..

04-26-2012, 09:01 PM
Yes, I am ranting again.

I feel like you guys probably think I am psychotic or something.

I have been agonizing over academic decisions lately. Mostly, changing my major. I have been SO utterly obsessed (AND depressed) with this for the past 3 weeks. I was going to change to Radiology, but realized..nah not for me. Then I was thinking Graphic Design and while I do not hate it, my heart and head (as corny as that sounds) always leads me back to Biology and animals.

I feel like I am letting this dictate my whole life because of one stupid math class that I am scared of. I am scared off so easily when it comes to a bad grade. I am scared off easily by what I read online. I am scared off by what my brother keeps telling me. He is looking out for me, I know that, but he keeps pushing me towards some technical school or something that I know I am gonna regret. Yeah, maybe nursing and medical fields have better job prospects but what does that do for me if I HATE my job?? I seriously can't imagine doing anything else with my life other then working with animals. The medical field is NOT for me. I want too get a degree in Biology - just biology. Not wildlife biology or ecology, just so I am not screwed and limited with just that. Online I read things I didn't like...but ya know, I think I need to stop reading into this so much. My dad told me he supports me and I think that is enough for me.

I am just sick of letting people control my life. I am sick of my siblings telling me things like "oh you're gonna regret this...", "you're gonna be paying $40,000 to go clean up animal crap in a zoo somewhere, have fun with that..."...like why do I let them bring me down? I am not saying I want to be a zoo keeper, geez. I think there's alot I could do with a bio degree...especially if I further that degree with a Masters (in a more specialized field). I have read that jobs are hard to come by, but lately I've been reading that is the same within every field....gahh

Sorry for the rant...I am just so sick of hearing this crap from my own family. It seems they think they know everything. My mom seems indifferent to the whole thing. Don't get me wrong, I am worried about student loans but I have to try to make it work.

Anyway, sorry for the random post - also, any advice for me? I think I need to apply for lots of scholarships and internships to get experience. I think I may try a few different "fields" before I choose exactly what it is I want..

Oh wanted to share some good news to - I will officially be working for a wildlife refuge over the summer as a part-time unpaid intern, only two days a week...maybe thats a start.:) Plus my current job (working with dogs), plus previous experience with volunteering at the SPCA, plus FFA awards and the like...I don't think I am set up for failure, hell maybe I am, but I think for once I need to do something for myself.

04-26-2012, 09:13 PM
Internships are good; it's like volunteering and it helps your resume. Pick the major you want. You can supplement with courses in wildlife biology and any other field you like to expand your employment opportunities. Don't be afraid of a math course. Hire a tutor. Use this internship to explore the various jobs available at a refuge. Think about what skills you might need and get the training for them. My mom wanted me to be a piano major and teach piano at college. I couldn't think of anything more boring than teaching piano. And it requires so much self discipline I couldn't teach just any student.

You need to do what you love. You'll find a way to make the money follow.

04-26-2012, 09:18 PM
Internships are good; it's like volunteering and it helps your resume. Pick the major you want. You can supplement with courses in wildlife biology and any other field you like to expand your employment opportunities. Don't be afraid of a math course. Hire a tutor. Use this internship to explore the various jobs available at a refuge. Think about what skills you might need and get the training for them. My mom wanted me to be a piano major and teach piano at college. I couldn't think of anything more boring than teaching piano. And it requires so much self discipline I couldn't teach just any student.

You need to do what you love. You'll find a way to make the money follow.

Thank you. I appreciate it. It's not like you can't make a career out of this. I know it's possible. The going might be tough, I may have to move to places in the middle of nowhere, but I have already talked to several people in the field who have proven to me it is possible. Maybe I would end up liking something more...environmental. Who knows? I think whatever will be will be...I know perm. positions do pay VERY well, especially in the private sector.

I presume you didn't listen to your mom and you don't regret it one bit? :D

04-26-2012, 09:22 PM
Never let anyone tell you what you should do with your life. If you think your life is set in doing something with animals in biology, then follow your heart!

I've had tons of people tell me I'd never make it into being a vet, and even though I might be doing something else now for different reasons, I do know I want to do something with animals and I'm determined to make that happen.

Just keep your head up, Alyssa. Things will work out in the end (((HUGS)))

And congratulations on your internship! That's very exciting :)

04-26-2012, 09:48 PM
Consider teaching Biology - if Bio is what interests you most, you might be a good teacher, and able to work with students who, like you, sometimes struggle with academics. Don't let anyone else tell you what to do, follow your heart, okay, kiddo? I think the Internship sounds like a good opportunity, and will give you more of an idea what those jobs entail. And if you add in some education classes, maybe as a minor, that ought to hush the whiners who think you'll never get a job. Good teachers, especially in the realm of science, are always needed.

04-27-2012, 09:36 AM
We were discussing college majors at work recently. Most people have degress and are working in fields unrelated. In my office we have an Accounting degree, Criminal Justice Bachelor, and Engineering Associate degree, my Fine Art degree, and a retired nun who was a teacher and Principal during her sisterhood career. We all now sell furniture for a living (or as my boss says, "sling sofas" :D)

I would say that in today's job market, the smart student would choose a major that has broad job options, with skills that are eaily transferrable from one career to another. Biology can be used in many fields. The more specific the major, the more difficult it'll be finding a job.

Don't stress yourself out on jobs. We all have ways of finding ourselves in jobs we love --- and if we happen to hate our jobs but keep it because of the money it brings in, we find hobbies that compensate for the weekly drudgery. I happen to LOVE my job. If you asked me in college if I'd be happy selling sofas, I'd have laughed at you. I almost didn't apply to my job because it was "beneath me" -- thank God my mom talking me into applying! You never know where life will take you. and in this job market, even the most seasoned worker has no clue what they want to do for the rest of their life.

04-27-2012, 10:13 AM
I would say that in today's job market, the smart student would choose a major that has broad job options, with skills that are eaily transferrable from one career to another. Biology can be used in many fields. The more specific the major, the more difficult it'll be finding a job.

If only this could be drilled into the head of all juniors and seniors!!! Young people- please listen to this advice, it is probably the best advice anyone could give someone as they start their college career.

smokey the elder
04-27-2012, 10:51 AM
I think general biology is a good major; there are heaps of medical advances in both human and veterinary medicine that use it. Don't freak out over the odd bad grade; I had to take linear algebra and it was the pits. Find a math tutor who can give actual real-world applications to the equations, not just rote memorization. I appreciated calculus a LOT more when I discovered it was actually useful in chemistry, physics and even economics. Good luck!

Miss Z
04-27-2012, 01:49 PM
Online reviews will always be mixed - you just can't please everybody! If you feel like you're being led back to biology every time you think of a different career path, you should probably stick with it. I think that you'd be able to excel at WHATEVER you chose to do, Alyssa, but as you say, there's no point being 'successful' and unhappy! Stick with the course. Don't let the maths get to you. It's one very small aspect of that entire field that will be opened up to you when you graduate. I know that my PT visits can be spasmodic (I'm hoping to be able to stick around whilst I have my lab project and less lecture hours), but PM me if you ever want help or a rant. I have no idea how much I'd actually remember from my Further Maths A level :D but I could give it a shot!

04-27-2012, 06:30 PM
as i was reading these posts i was saying to myself.....get a tutor.....i have been a tutor.....it does help a lot.....so i support mrspunkysmom......and the advice from catnapper.....as well as all the comments i read.....lots of good advice here.....you need to take from all of this what you feel to be helpful to you....and your parents mean well too i am sure.....we love our children and just worry cause we want the best for them.....btw, .the internship will be invaluable in many ways.....good luck!