View Full Version : Big kitty

cat lover
04-26-2012, 05:11 PM
Last I heard the Guiniess record for the heaviest cat was 35 pounds. Seems there will be a new record since this one tops that.


04-26-2012, 08:01 PM
From a different article:

The world's heaviest cat was 47 pounds, according to Guinness World Records, but the competition stopped awarding the fattest animals in fear that owners would begin to overfeed their pets in order to become a record-holder, the Examiner reported.

Poor Meow, I hope he is able to lose a lot of that weight and regain his healthy and mobility. I know his owner probably loved him, but love and food are not the same thing.

04-27-2012, 08:14 AM
Oh My Goodness! He makes Luke look small. The video said "his elderly owner couldnt care for any more." She probably couldnt lift him either LOL. I hope cat can lose some weight; I know he would feel better. My Luke feels so much better since he went from 27 to 18... a more active cat.

04-27-2012, 09:28 AM
I hope that they are letting that Poor Cat get so heavy to get his name in a record book as that is so cruel for a Cat to suffer the effects of obesity.
I remember a Jolly Fat Owesome Orange Cat Pumpkin who got in the local newspaper , but died in a lot of pain at 6.
He paid a high price for his Guardians egos.:(:(

Miss Z
04-27-2012, 02:05 PM
Ugh, how disgusting. :mad: There's no other word for Meow's previous owner than CRUEL. When we take on a pet, we accept responsibility for its wellbeing, and to ease any suffering it may encounter in its life, not increase suffering!! Goodness knows how much, possibly irreparable, damage has been done to his hormonal cycles and internal organs. Cats are badly equipped to carry excess weight at the best of times, let alone get that obese. Poor baby. :( Thank goodness he's in better hands now!

05-08-2012, 02:58 PM
I just saw on the news, where Meow passed away over the weekend from respiratory distress.

RIP Meow. I wish you could have gotten help sooner, but it wasn't meant to be.