View Full Version : We must have a Noahs Ark at the Found Cat Hotel!!

04-22-2012, 12:49 PM
First Josephine shows up then Joey
Then Mikey Fluffy Tail, then Monroe Fluffy Tail shows up.
Then Malcom was chased across the lawn by Scrapsters Twin Brother!!!:love::love:
Where on Earth are these Cats coming from. I wonder if My Porch Angels are sending them.:love:

04-22-2012, 01:27 PM
I like to see the Found Cat Hotel filling up again. Though I'm sure you are saying, "Okay, we have enough kittys here now!" God sends these poor little souls to you to take care of. He know they will have warmth, food, and love when they are in your care.

04-22-2012, 04:55 PM
Cats know all the right places to go! ;)

04-23-2012, 09:34 AM
They have helped themselves to the Ebony Beau Tubster Memorial Porch Enclosure by ripping through the lattice and screen.
I cannot blame them as it gets cold some times outside.:love::love:
I think that Joey and Gregory have made themselves at home and are using the litter box.
I am not sure what to do in summertime as I do not want my Cats to not have use of the Porch , I will prpbaly have something to block it off and feed the Porch Cats :love::love: in a new Covered Feeding Area,
I do not want them to get wet:love::love:

Laura's Babies
04-23-2012, 02:49 PM
Well, I have gone through a big bag of cat food, feeding what I thought were the neighborhood strays. Yesterday evening at almost dark, Caramella ran from the kitchen window to the front door (it was open). The way she ran, alerted me to the fact that she had seen something so I get up to go take a peek at what she has seen... Out there, eating the food I had put out was the biggest coon I have ever seen!!..... so much for me feeding the strays.....:eek:

At least you know you are feeding the kitties!

04-24-2012, 09:24 AM
Gregory I think has moved in, he has torn yet another hole in the Ebony Beau Tubster Memoroal Porch Enclosure:love:
I am a bit sad as I wanted that as a place where My Cats could get some fresh air , without getting out.
Malcolm got out yesterday , and as I was waiting for the bus, there he was!!!:eek::eek:
Go home I yelled startling a poor Lady who must have thought me a bit off in the head , and of course Malcolm was nowhere in sight:o:o
I guess I need a door with an in door only.:confused::confused:Or a Revolving Door:p:p

04-27-2012, 09:24 AM
Gregory and Joey I think have decided to move in:D:D
When the door is blockcaded for My Cats to enjoy the Ebony Beau Tubster Memorial Porch Enclosure they wait outside in the outdoor shelters , in good weather and once the enclosure is open they rush in, appetites ready to go.
They both are getting friendlier and may eventually be Found Hotel Cats!!!:love::love: