View Full Version : How about an opinion on THIS letter about VH1's bad taste show!?

11-16-2002, 03:55 PM
Hi all, I'm curious to see what you guys think of the email that I sent to Viacom, VH1's parent company, in regards to VH1's show "Behind Bars" where they feature prison inmates every week performing in front of their "peers" and the cameras. Keeping in mind, of course, that some of these people murdered and raped people and that's why they're in prison in the first place. AACCKK!!! I just don't understand where our society is headed. Anyway, please tell me what you think of the letter. If anyone else is interested in emailing them, their email addy is: [email protected] I found it on VH1's website, where I have been postin my disdain for this awful show. Ok, I'm done venting now, thanks in advance.... Here it is.

To whom it may concern,

I am writing to express my disdain for Viacom's company VH1 and their poor taste. To give murderers and rapists the limelight and feature them on their own program goes beyond bad taste. It actually borders on immoral. I join Bill O'Reilly and the vast majority of others in denouncing this program. No longer will I EVER view ANYTHING on VH1. I am very pleased to see most of the major sponsors of this distasteful program have pulled their ads. While I find Don Imus' show in the morning to be my entertainment on my drive to work, I am considering boycotting it simply because he is employed by you, Viacom, who obviously condones this irresponsible and hateful behavior. Please be assured that I will do everything in my power, including emailing Mr. Imus, to make it hurt for you, Viacom, and VH1. I am hereby making my plea to your better judgement, to advise VH1 to pull "Behind Bars" from their lineup. I just wish the families of the victims and the victims themselves had some sort of recourse against Viacom and VH1 in this matter. These are the people who suffer from all of this. I'm sure everyone involved with this program would feel differently if one of their relatives had fallen prey to these monsters.

Thank you for taking this matter into consideration.

Molly Kendall

11-16-2002, 04:10 PM
Here's something along the same lines.
Serial killer turns artist. (http://www.oregonlive.com/news/oregonian/index.ssf?/xml/story.ssf/html_standard.xsl?/base/news/103745152840730.xml)

11-16-2002, 06:23 PM
Hmmm...this is a sticky situation. Very complicated, indeed. I'd need to do more research on this, as I find Bill O'Reilly to be a horrible scaremonger who rarely reveals all the facts.

11-16-2002, 07:35 PM
OH trust me...I've watched video clips of the show and it's replusive to me. I just feel so badly for the victims' families who have to endure this. I realize that they don't have to watch, but just knowing that their relative's tragic death is being made a mockery by this inane idea of VH1. I'm sorry, but these people are in prison for a reason and they get air conditioned cells, weight rooms, libraries, tracks, cable tv, free medical care, and countless other perks being paid for by the taxpayers of America. It's no wonder why so many commit crimes again when they are released...why give up a great deal like that? And the scary part is, they'll tell you that. I've heard it myself. Whatever happened to prison being a punishment? I do like O'Reilly's idea for violent offenders....send them to work camps where they pound rocks all day, let them get their exercise that way! Oh well, I guess THAT'S never going to happen in THIS politically correct society. And my husband calls me a bleeding heart liberal! HAH! lol But, I guess I do have more liberal views than conservative! I was just raised that if you do the crime you do the time and accept the consequences of your actions and that there WILL be punishment if you do wrong. It's the same idea of taking corporal punishment out of schools. The kids have the run of the place because they know the teachers have no recourse. Like the lady from SCAN (my most hated organization) told a group of 5th graders....if anyone touches you in a way that you don't like, that's called child abuse. And don't think those kids went running home with that! Fortunately, there was a wise teacher in the room that set them straight pretty quickly.

Oh well, I'm done venting now on the ills of society! lol

11-16-2002, 08:09 PM
The issue of incarceration is very complicated. I'm actually a political researcher, and one of my areas is corrections. It's something new to me, and something I'm still learning about, but one thing I've realised is that it's not as easy as people would like it to be.

Most criminals will leave prison, now, I personally don't want people who are even more angry, more enraged, and more disconnected from society than they were beforehand. That's just ensuring that they'll recommit and most likely, more violently. I don't want that blood on my hands.

Prison management is a huge ordeal. There have been huge prison riots resulting in massive fatalities simply when the food being served is inhumane. People will react.

We live in a country (USA) where we took a stand against "cruel and unusual punishment", I for one, do not want that to be taken away.

Sorry, but I don't think prison is some sort of la-la land. I've visited relatives inside, and they're disgusting places where you relive the nightmares of your decisions daily. What makes people reoffend is that they've been disconnected from society from day one, and have no idea how to exist in a non-institutionalised lifestyle.

I'd rather have an in-depth look at these things, than do the sort of mob-mindset of barely feeding prisoners, making them work till they die of exhaustion, etc.

However, if this TV show is doing what you say it's doing, that to me is completely unacceptable.

11-16-2002, 08:35 PM
Wow, what idiots some people can be. I do not see why criminals get their own TV show either. That letter was really cool Mugsy! Wy do people who break the law get their own TV show?? People these days...*sigh*... I have seen the show as well. Bad girl I am, yup:p. I too feel bad for their families who have to suffer the embarassment of this and if a good person went to jail(for something like speeding a million times, I don't know!)their families would be worried sick about what is going on there!! Even though I really do not understand goverment and stuff yet I still think that is crazy.

11-16-2002, 09:50 PM
I too have, unfortunately, had to visit people in prison and THEY even said it wasn't as bad as it needed to be to dissuade people from offending or reoffending. My biggest gripe with treatment of prisoners is that they throw everyone into the mix and you end up next to whomever you end up next to. I had a relative who was in for DWI (and never hurt anyone) and had a murderer on one side of him and a rapist on the other. I think that violent offenders need to be kept totally away from the rest of the prison population. As far as violent offenders go, I don't think they should be given a chance to go back out into society.

11-17-2002, 12:06 AM
And my husband calls me a bleeding heart liberal! HAH!

Next time he says that, tell him that when the heart stops bleeding, it dies.

Aspen and Misty
11-17-2002, 12:12 AM
Originally posted by mugsy
As far as violent offenders go, I don't think they should be given a chance to go back out into society.

I agree, why give them the chance to do it again! They did it once. Personally I think the goverment and stuff needs to open there eyes. Do they not care at all? How would they feel if there child was attacked by someone and that person only got 1 or 2 years in jail? I'm sure they would have a say or two about that, but as long as its not there child do they care? NOPE.


11-17-2002, 02:52 AM
I always get sort of annoyed when discussions take this turn. I spend my days with politicians, and I will tell you that they aren't just out to make your life hell. They work HARD and they have to think A LOT about a variety of things, negotiate and compromise and still not make anyone happy. It's the most thankless job ever. They get people visiting them, writing them, and phoning them ALL day telling them how they have no heart, blah blah blah. They're people too, and they have feelings, and for a large part families of their own. Think about things a little more in depth before you judge. Nothing is as simple as we'd like it to be.

So, we lock up EVERY violent offender for life? Please, explain to me how you would do this, especially from an economic point of view. To say nothing about human rights, etc.

11-17-2002, 04:06 AM
I didn't mean to leave all in there for life! (If you get my drift!)

11-17-2002, 05:50 AM
Well, you did say:

As far as violent offenders go, I don't think they should be given a chance to go back out into society.

That sounds like keeping them in there for life, to me.

It's all very well and good that people want to bemoan the ills of modern society, but then none of them actually get off their butts to vote. Not you, Mugsy, but others. I get sick of oversimplified debates.

11-17-2002, 07:52 AM
OH Soledad, you hit a chord with the vote thing. I have lectured my 8th graders to death about the importance of voting. We've spent many a class period talking about why you should vote. My first comment to them is: If you don't vote, then shut up because you have no right to bemoan the situation when you do nothing to make it better. Then I tell them that if they don't vote that they may very well being giving up the freedoms that they so easily enjoy because they've given up their right of government by the people. I've convinced a lot of them. I had some who said they went home and yelled at their parents for not voting! OOPS!! I expected some nasty phone calls on that one, but I guess lazy in one area can translate to lazy in others! lol

11-17-2002, 02:05 PM
I haven't seen this show since VH1 doesn't exist in Sweden, so I really can't judge. But however, prison is hell and a lot of the people in there are innocent. That's all I'm gonna say on the subject since I haven't seen the show.

11-17-2002, 10:13 PM
What Ann said was something that I thought of too.. sometimes people go to prison who didn't really commit the crime, but other than saying that I don't really have a solution.

I think it is in bad taste to give criminals a TV show, mostly because of the families and victims.. it isn't fair to them because it's taking away their choices like privacy or moving on with their lives.

11-18-2002, 01:52 PM
Originally posted by Ann
I haven't seen this show since VH1 doesn't exist in Sweden, so I really can't judge. But however, prison is hell and a lot of the people in there are innocent. That's all I'm gonna say on the subject since I haven't seen the show.

Ann- if my math serves me correctly, you are 18 years old, right?
So, I ask the same question of you that I did of Popcornbird.... What are you basing your comment above on? While I don't know Sweden's criminal justice system, I am thinking you probably have NOT been in prison? Again, as an 18 year old, I don't know how much time you have spent amongst prisoners..so, I just don't know where you get your statements from.

As someone in the legal system- seeing firsthand the criminal justice system in the United States, "alot of the people in there are innocent" is a bunch of poo-poo. The sad fact is that ALOT of people are NOT convicted because the prosecution CANNOT meet the burden of proof, that in numerical terms, equates to 99%. I can also assure you (and I think Soledad) that, AGAIN, with first hand knowledge, prison is NOT as bad as one might think. Keep in mind that it is punishment (ah...different from deterrence, :D ).
It is not supposed to be a blessed experience. Three squares a day, clean water in which to bathe, minimal health care, a roof over the head, blanket, cot to sleep on, air/heat. There are people here in the US...including children, that don't have it that good.

As to the 8th amendment...cruel and unusual punishment...that has been abolished. Life time sentances are not C & U (except to the family of the victim....).

As to policitcans/government...I agree with Soledad- it is a thankless job, trying to serve the majority. While we can't lock up every violent offender..I support the death penalty, not as a deterrent, but as a punishment. No, I don't want to be the one to administer the lethal injection, that is a job best left to the executioner. Maybe we should release the 'victimless crime' convicts...prostitutes, drug abusers (not necessarily the dealers)...comes to mind..but, that too, has some soceital issues, doesn't it?

Soledad...I hear you now, in my mind's ear..Cataholic..why do you have to be so rough? And, I don't have a good answer for you. I agree that things cannot be broken down so simply...that there is much underlying issues that result in today's problems..jail management, over population, welfare, ignorance, poverty...and that I do sit here in remote removal from the hard facts of life..I read about it more than I immerse myself in it. But, as a part time prosecutor..I don't think lighter, less restraining punishment is the answer. Maybe, it is more cats for everyone.

11-18-2002, 05:24 PM
I did not say that keeping someone in for life is c &u, but referring to other times on this board when people have demanded criminals be tortured, starved, etc. It's popped up before, and it's something I find frightening as I thought we were slightly more evolved than that.

My problem with justice related arguments on Pettalk, is that it always seems to become embarassingly simplistic and based on some show someone saw. Everyone can have opinions on anything they want, but when they have basically no specific knowledge in the area they're criticising, and yet still feel that they are absolutely correct, I get angry.

I don't mind if someone who has researched things/studied the topic and comes to a different conclusion than myself. But I do care when people who have no idea about the system feel they are qualified to administer justice.

I believe there are people in jail who are innocent, but there are far more guilty ones inside as well as innocent outside. The system can never be perfect, and I accept that.

However, I think many people feel that if they watch some expose on 60 minutes about ONE jail that has cable tv, that all jails are five star hotels. That's just ignorant. Jails vary greatly, and while many may be decent places (as they should be) just as many jails are rundown nightmares where personal safety is constantly in jeopardy (by way of murder, beatings, rapes).

From my own researsh I believe the best way to defeat crime is through providing jobs, education, etc. But that's not what people want to hear, they just want to increase punishment.

I am morally opposed to the death penalty, as I do not feel that the state (especially as of now) is in any way qualified to determine who lives and dies.

11-19-2002, 01:46 AM
I used to agree with the death penalty until I watched "The Green Mile" That movie REALLY openend my eyes. I'm not saying that people don't deserve to be punished, but I not look at capital punishment as a much more grey area than I did before.

11-19-2002, 05:44 PM
I took a Criminal Justice class a few semesters ago and read a case where criminals were put in a "chain gang" environment. Studies showed that the "participants" learned to work together and bonded...which was quite interesting, but not surprising. The study also revealed a lot about coercion, which seems obvious to me, it's prision. Basically, I think the people in jail need to experience something like this...actually DOING something to benefit the outside world while they are living free on our tax dollars. They should have to do something...plant trees, build things, etc. Something that makes use of their time...
They may do this now and I am unaware...all I have to go on is what I've read about.

A story...my father-in-law was a gang member in New York when he was young and parentless. He tells us stories (Gradually, because he is NOT proud of who he was before he received the Lord.) about his life back then and his time in jail. He said that one night, the prisoners were in the "TV Room" and wanted to watch an hour more. The gaurds said that is was time to go back to their cells. Basically, they rioted and got their way. This story upsets me...I'm glad they are in there learning their lesson...respecting authority obviously was not on that list.

Anyway...this VH1 show sounds horrible. I for one, will not be watching that channel, ever.

Another annoyance....the three strike law...we have that here in California. There are some happenings going on right now in our government to render it cruel and unusual or make the third charge a major crime. Um...I'm sorry, but if first you rape someone (go to jail), then rob a bank (go to jail) and then six months later feel you have to STEAL a carton of cigarettes, you obviously didn't learn anything and deserve to stay in prison forever.

My opinion on the subject includes mental help. To me, if a person is able to kill, injure, hurt and/or steal there is something mentally wrong with them. I'd like to see more of these people in a mental ward first and then transferred to prison for restitution. My brother was hit hard by my parent's divorce and some how can "morally" commit crimes like stealing and breaking into people's homes. That isn't normal behavior and while he ISN'T a violent person, still committed acts like this when he was a juvenile. He spent three months in juvenile hall and was "good" for eights months...enter a new step-dad and there he goes again. Now, please tell me there isn't anything mentally going on in this kids head. When we start to diagnose and TREAT these problems is when our system will change.

OK, don't attack me....these are just my beliefs. :)

11-19-2002, 05:48 PM
You tell 'em Mugsy!! I'm with you on this. Why the hell should they put murderers and such in the limelight?? If there is any money to be made, put it in a trust for their victims. And I mean that for ALL criminals!! My cousin's husband was murdered in cold blood so that kind of stuff hits very close to home.

11-19-2002, 06:29 PM
I guess I feel that people who commit violent crimes are not IMMORAL, they are even scarier....they're AMMORAL.

Thanks Donna for the support. You ought to write them a letter also...maybe we can get this trash off of TV and for those who want to hear them play can go to prison and listen to them.

11-19-2002, 07:37 PM
My reference to my brother "morally" doing something meant he felt it was OK to do...does that make sense?

11-20-2002, 09:17 AM
Well, it seems, as usual, we are more alike and similar in our beliefs, then different. Noahsmommy, I agree, mental help is huge! And, I do think it matters when a youngin is brought up in an environment that lacks morals and values- the simple ones- don't kill, steal, disrespect, learn to earn a living, etc. That child hasn't seen the other side..so, no point in just sticking him/her away without re-educating them, adjusting their mental view of society.

Soledad- I am in total agreement with you, largely, and specifically, in the area of spouting off opinions without the proper fundamental basis for expressing them. But, didn't you kind of get poopy with me for going after Popcornbird for that very same thing? I am not mad..I promise, and I am kind of teasing you..I think your main thing with that situation was the way I went about it...and I did try to be the kinder softer Cataholic when I did it here again with Ann...

But, I do think it is good we express our opinions, because in this forum, we see a vast spectrum of opinions, and it is here where we can learn, grow, and learn to defend our positions.

Sorry Mugsy Pugsy that we took over your thred!!!

11-20-2002, 12:48 PM
Hey no problem Catty Cathy!! lol

11-20-2002, 01:18 PM
Mugsy, I think the letter is good.

I hope the show gets yanked.

11-20-2002, 01:36 PM
Thanks Kimmy!!! With as much negative press as they have had and had 3 of their major sponsers yank ads from the show, they may be getting a clue.

11-20-2002, 02:44 PM
Originally posted by Cataholic
Well, it seems, as usual, we are more alike and similar in our beliefs, then different. Noahsmommy, I agree, mental help is huge! And, I do think it matters when a youngin is brought up in an environment that lacks morals and values- the simple ones- don't kill, steal, disrespect, learn to earn a living, etc. That child hasn't seen the other side..so, no point in just sticking him/her away without re-educating them, adjusting their mental view of society.And interesting thing, re: my brother. My mom is very strict when it comes to morals and doing the right thing...even after you've messed up. (I, personally have "Dr. Laura" type standards and morals) To this day I think that the reason he is the way he is, is because of the impact of the divorce on him. He tested my parents love and lost...I would be very interested to see what type of childhoods many of the people in jail had...

11-20-2002, 03:38 PM
I 'm glad to hear that I'm not the only "factor fan"I have been dealing with some small court stuff with my daughter (drunk driver hit her then ran after sentencing) I am getting so disgusted with the whole justuse system . We have space problem here so they are letting 250 guys out that arn't even up for peroll for years. the day i sat in on a local court I saw 14 young people get a TALKING to for DUI. No wonder we have so many drunks kill people here in Montana.
I have not got cable (only get NBC) so haven't seen the show but can imagine it as to what we have out there now that the kids are listening too. Prison was set up as punishment for bad behavior when did it become an badge of courage ? I don't like my tax dollars funding this stuff, I think the chain gang and work farms in Texas are the best answer let them pay for the punishment also let them raise they own food for the prison learn a few skills. Not being jailhouse lawyers!!!!!Choking up our legal system.
Sorry guys but I have a very strong feelings about this subject thanks muggys for the palce to vent.

11-20-2002, 03:58 PM
You have very Dr. Laura type morals?? Shocking, considering she not only cheated on her husband with a married man, but allowed her married lover to photograph her nude...

11-20-2002, 04:01 PM
Originally posted by Soledad
You have very Dr. Laura type morals?? Shocking, considering she not only cheated on her husband with a married man, but allowed her married lover to photograph her nude...
Let's put it this way....I believe in a lot of the advice she gives her callers. I don't know whats happened in her personal life, but I think a lot of it is untrue. I do know she's a huge advocate for children and doing the right thing...both are very important to me.

11-20-2002, 04:08 PM
I think she's just one of those "do what I say, not what I do" types. But if people can gain from what she says, then I guess that's cool.

She admitted the pictures were her, by the way.

11-20-2002, 04:23 PM
Originally posted by Soledad
I think she's just one of those "do what I say, not what I do" types. But if people can gain from what she says, then I guess that's cool.

She admitted the pictures were her, by the way.
Exactly...she changes many people's perspective when it comes to the emotional and physical needs of their children...that, quite honestly redeams her in my eyes.

Re: pictures....I would imagine many couples do that sort of thing...

11-20-2002, 04:25 PM
You imagine two cheaters would often have sex behind their partners' backs and photograph each other naked? Wow...

Dr. Laura dishes it out, but she can't dish it in. But, like we said, if she helps people, it doesn't make her any less of a hypocrite, but at least she's not a total waste.

11-20-2002, 04:33 PM
Originally posted by Soledad
You imagine two cheaters would often have sex behind their partners' backs and photograph each other naked? Wow...

Nope...I meant it literally...that couples take pictures of each other...

11-20-2002, 04:36 PM
I think the main point was that she was married, as was he, but not to each other.

Taking pictures of each other naked was just the icing on the cake.

11-20-2002, 04:48 PM
I think I've made my point...I value her efforts and the effect she's had on an amazing amount of adults and children. THAT is what I care about - not useless and relentless gossip.

11-20-2002, 04:55 PM
I guess it could be considered gossip, but she does dispense harsh advice and call people "cheaters, homos" etc. so it becomes more than gossip at that point.

But, yes, you've made your point.

11-20-2002, 05:19 PM
I've listened to Dr. Laura for as long as I can remember (even in the car with mom when I was younger) and I have NEVER heard her say the word "homo"...EVER....have you listened to her? Or just the gossip surrounding her?

11-20-2002, 05:25 PM
I listen to Dr. Laura for as long as I can listen to any bigoted hypocrite.

Oh, and you're right...she didn't say homos...just that they were deviants and biological errors. Isn't that much nicer?

11-20-2002, 05:46 PM
I've never heard her talk about homosexuality, but then again, I can only listen if I happen to be in my car when she's on. I have nothing to go on to offer a response.

Well, you are very much entitled to your own opinion. I am chosing to overlook something I've never heard about...

11-20-2002, 06:33 PM
In my humble never to be humble opinion (yup, I stole it from Dr. Laura), I haven't ever heard her say the word "Homo"...and I think other ways of expressing her opinion of homosexuality are more tasteful than "homo".

As to her past, what is the point of EVER redeeming yourself, whether it is through religion, PRISON, personal examination, if you are FOREVER TARRED by it? Doesn't that sorta mean she should just stay in the pit she was in(I am not saying she was in a pit, just using it as an example)?

We all have the right to make mistakes, learn from them, and then MOVE ON! And, quite honestly, NO, I haven't made some huge mistake that I am trying to recover from. I think if someone makes a mistake, 'pays' for it..however, grows from it, they are entitled to move on. Sheesh...haven't we all done something to someone and been 'forgiven'?

And, I have to agree, many couples take pictures of one another..I don't really see that as a big deal.

11-20-2002, 07:10 PM
I don't see why I have to repeat this, but obviously it's not getting across.

I have no problem with people making mistakes in life. I've done it hundreds of time, and I know I have a crap load awaiting me in the future. However, I don't make a living judging others and spewing vitriol at others. If you're going to have a sordid past, of course you can move on, but you would think that sordid past would make you able to have more compassion and be less horribly judgemental of others.

It's like when those "family values" politicians are caught with their pants around their ankles with someone who is not their wife/husband. It's pretty basic, it's called "people in glass houses".

She is an extremely blunt, extremely caustic person who feels no compunction about calling people all sorts of things and condemning them for their faults...where's that chuztpah when it comes to her own life? Calling it "gossip" and whining about people judging you when you make millions doing that very thing is called HYPOCRISY.

Write it down.

Look, you wanna take naked pictures of yourself with your husband, great. You want to take pictures of you and your lover running around naked as you both cheat on your spouses, hey, have a ball. But when you then go on to be a self-righteous git, expect to have it thrown in your face.

Why is Dr. Laura entitled to forgiveness when she denies that very thing to her own callers?

11-20-2002, 07:34 PM
hmmmm...I must admit I have wondered a time or two the same thing as Soledad posted in the last sentance.

But, for the record, and in an overall sense..she does give some straight no poop talk...and it could be done in a nicer way sometimes. Her advice sometimes gets lost in the delivery.

11-21-2002, 02:34 AM
Originally posted by Cataholic
Her advice sometimes gets lost in the delivery.

I totally agree.. she makes me so mad sometimes because she doesn't seem to take into consideration that these people are calling her because they are hurting.. I've heard her make a young woman cry on the air because she said she was stupid (or a similar word) because she wanted to marry some guy that her kid old didn't like. Now I agree with Dr. Laura's statement that she needed to take her childs opinion to heart, but the woman was obviously distraught and Dr. Laura just lit into her. When it comes to the topic of divorce, it always seemed to me that unless her callers played out their divorce EXACTLY the same way she did, they were doing it wrong, and for someone who is supposed to be a specialist in human psychology I thought that was pretty narrow minded.

I do agree with some of her advice, but I think she could be a bit nicer sometimes.

11-21-2002, 11:31 AM
I do agree, she is very harsh at times...and quite honestly, its well deserved, but not always.

She deserves forgiveness, we all do.

11-21-2002, 11:44 AM
He who has no sin may cast the first stone!!!!!

11-21-2002, 01:49 PM
Good advice, I wonder why Dr. Laura hasn't heard it yet.

11-21-2002, 02:22 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
She deserves forgiveness, we all do.

Does that mean you would forgive me if I stole Basil from you? He he he...

11-21-2002, 02:35 PM
Originally posted by Cataholic
Does that mean you would forgive me if I stole Basil from you? He he he...
Oh how dearly I would miss him.... :)

He sure has turned into a HUGE lover boy lately. I'll share him though. :D I wonder how much a ticket to Ohio would cost...hee hee

11-21-2002, 02:36 PM
Originally posted by Soledad
Good advice, I wonder why Dr. Laura hasn't heard it yet.
You would be surprised (I know I've been pleasantly suprised) to hear that she is calming down much more. She's been a lot nicer lately to her callers.

11-21-2002, 02:40 PM
I know, let's have Baby Basie call in with a question for her..like, maybe, how to stop annoying his elders? And see how she treats him. I was sad, cause she went off the air here, or at least on to a later time slot. I used to listen to her on the way home from law school, after class let out at 915! Past my bedtime! Then she went to 10, then the morning slot..oh, talk radio, gotta love it.

11-21-2002, 02:44 PM
Originally posted by Cataholic
I know, let's have Baby Basie call in with a question for her..like, maybe, how to stop annoying his elders? And see how she treats him. I was sad, cause she went off the air here, or at least on to a later time slot. I used to listen to her on the way home from law school, after class let out at 915! Past my bedtime! Then she went to 10, then the morning slot..oh, talk radio, gotta love it.
I would hope she'd be nice to him...otherwise my "mommy" instincts would kick in! :D

I actually would be afraid to call in myself. I'd be scared that I couldn't "set up my call" in the order she wants...you know, no long background info, just the facts sweetheart! ;)

I wonder if she has any pets??

11-21-2002, 02:45 PM
Did you ever get to listen to Karel & Andrew? Or John & Ken?

If so, what do you think of them? I LOVED listening to Karel and Andrew...they were such a great balance for eachother.

11-21-2002, 02:45 PM
I know she has a son...and something tells me no pets, but I wouldn't swear to it. I was always interested in her book, "ten stupid things a woman does to mess up her life" or similarly titled, but I was afraid I would become the poster child!!!

11-21-2002, 02:48 PM
How funny...I haven't read it, probably for the same reasons....and I'm pretty good at looking within and changing bad qualities - it's the Psych student in me! :D

11-21-2002, 02:56 PM
And, that is why I don't read it...it is the psychotic in me..he he..
Nope, I haven't heard to those two..same sort of format?

11-21-2002, 03:13 PM
Actually, no. Karel and Andrew just chat about whatever they want...they happen to be partners, so it really spices up the conversation and gives you and interestion perspective. Andrew passed away a year ago from a heart embolism. :( Thus ending the snow. It was really a very entertaining show.

John and Ken on the other hand are, well, quite abrupt in their opinions and I usually don't agree with them. They are pretty controversial...no...un "PC" in what they say...thus, more entertainment. :D

Check out their site: John & Ken (http://www.johnandkenshow.com/)

They were very instumental in getting a judge off the bench (and the ballot) because he was being investigated for having child pornography on his computer. They do a lot of stuff like that...their latest "conquest" is this SUV - Jesus thing.

11-21-2002, 05:15 PM
Personally, I'm an Imus in the Morning girl....he's gruff, but he's really funny too....I'm sure he's WAY to gruff for some on this board, but I like him. I also listen to Bill O'Reilly and I sometimes watch him on Fox at night. I used to listen to NPR, but they got a little too far out in left field for me.

11-21-2002, 06:08 PM
John and Ken sound like they are a lot like Imus...but there are two of them! ;) They get a little carried away and rude with thier callers...but then a commercial arrives just in time. :)

11-21-2002, 07:18 PM
Dr. Laura does have a dog. And I think he is in the studio with her every day, lying under her desk. I won't swear to that, but I remember her talking about him a lot in the past (of course, I can't remember his name to save my life :o ). When I traveled a lot, I loved to listen to her. Sometime, she would make me squirm pretty badly, but still, in the end, I think she usually gives sound advice. She no longer comes on in our market and I miss her. Now all the talk radio has is political talk, happens to be Republican political talk (and I'm ok with that ;) ).


11-21-2002, 07:55 PM
Logan, haven't you noticed that Talk Radio tends towards the Republican side whereas NPR has a definite LEFT slant?

11-21-2002, 08:31 PM
That's because Talk Radio attracts the crazies :)

11-22-2002, 11:00 AM
Dang, you political left slanters..keep in mind who controls both houses! He he he...go GOP! I am just kidding.

But, this NPR thing...I don't get any NPR except on our classical station. Is there a all the time NPR station (I see funding problems with that concept).

And, do you know why Dr. Laura was pulled? I think our station that carried her was part of the Clear Channel network..which, I think is national..

AND, my favorite part of talk radio? Saturday's programming of yard/house call in shows, the cooking show all afternoon, and the pet vet in the evening! It is like learning while driving, multi tasking is where it's at. Then, when I combine it with drinking coffee and talking on my cell phone...WOW, I am getting a whole weeks worth of activity in one day.:D

11-22-2002, 12:15 PM
Oh, so you're one of THOSE drivers eh?? hehehhe

11-22-2002, 12:18 PM
Originally posted by mugsy
Logan, haven't you noticed that Talk Radio tends towards the Republican side whereas NPR has a definite LEFT slant?

I must admit that I never listen to NPR, Molly. Maybe that's why! LOL!!! :o

11-22-2002, 12:28 PM
Originally posted by mugsy
Oh, so you're one of THOSE drivers eh?? hehehhe

YUP, and I am headed DUE EAST!!!!

11-22-2002, 12:45 PM
What is NPR???

11-22-2002, 12:50 PM
National Public Radio...

11-22-2002, 01:09 PM
Gee Johanna, isn't that a dirty word for you?? hehehhehe

Oh, and, due east is a good thing since you'd be driving away from me!! (Yes, I know, I'm bad)

11-22-2002, 01:28 PM
Originally posted by Cataholic
National Public Radio...
Ohhhh....thanks! :)
Your driving sounds like my mom's...she always tells me "I drive like a claim rep...driving with my knees, map over the steering wheel, cell phone in one ear and eating with the only free hand" Too funny. :)

11-22-2002, 01:32 PM
Originally posted by mugsy
Gee Johanna, isn't that a dirty word for you?? hehehhehe

Oh, and, due east is a good thing since you'd be driving away from me!! (Yes, I know, I'm bad)

THAT IS IT, I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF YOUR HOOSIER-NESS!!!!! I am sending you a fresh batch of presents from the cats. I am sure you will love it.

Isn't it too funny that even when I try to slam you I STILL can't get over my geographical limitations? I shoulda just said I am driving to the Indy Mall, and watch out!!!

11-22-2002, 01:33 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy

Ohhhh....thanks! :)
Your driving sounds like my mom's...she always tells me "I drive like a claim rep...driving with my knees, map over the steering wheel, cell phone in one ear and eating with the only free hand" Too funny. :)

Is one of you a claims rep? That was my former occupation, and that is where I learned to drive and do six other things at the same time. I can also read a map in the dark, by utilizing the light from the speedometer thingy..I am quite a talented driver....

11-22-2002, 01:36 PM
WELL!!!!! I guess Hoosierness is better than Buckeyeness! eheheh (sorry to all you other Buckeyes)

And I'll bet my DOG presents are better than your CAT presents!! Or at least A LOT bigger and probably A LOT stinkier!

And at least you're still 2 hours south of me at the mall! Now, if you said you were headed to Glenbrook Mall in Fort Wayne, then I might be nervous!

11-22-2002, 01:40 PM
Originally posted by mugsy
WELL!!!!! I guess Hoosierness is better than Buckeyeness! eheheh (sorry to all you other Buckeyes)

And I'll bet my DOG presents are better than your CAT presents!! Or at least A LOT bigger and probably A LOT stinkier!

And at least you're still 2 hours south of me at the mall! Now, if you said you were headed to Glenbrook Mall in Fort Wayne, then I might be nervous!

You apparently aren't familiar with my cat's abilities....are you now?

And, let us just say that Glenbrook Mall in Fort Wayne has been set into my cars GSP....

11-22-2002, 01:42 PM
AAACCCKKKKK!!! NOW I'm frightened!! lol

And I'll bet YOU underestimate my Great Danes' abilities!

11-22-2002, 02:11 PM
I forgot about your Great Dane...I may have to get my brother involved in this!!! HE HE HE

11-22-2002, 03:50 PM
And, you don't have 18 of them either!! hehehehe

11-22-2002, 04:10 PM
Originally posted by Cataholic
Is one of you a claims rep? That was my former occupation, and that is where I learned to drive and do six other things at the same time. I can also read a map in the dark, by utilizing the light from the speedometer thingy..I am quite a talented driver....
Yes, my mom is. We actually work for the same company, in the same building. She's been here about 27 years....I've been here for 5 of those.

11-22-2002, 04:27 PM
How very cool!!!! I loved the job...but, I needed to move on. It was probably the most fun job you could have..next to being a professional pet hugger and kisser..

11-22-2002, 04:37 PM
Gee, I want THAT job. Can you imagine a better job than hugging and kissing pets all day AND getting paid for it?

11-22-2002, 06:37 PM
Originally posted by mugsy
Gee, I want THAT job. Can you imagine a better job than hugging and kissing pets all day AND getting paid for it? Amen to that! Where do I sign up? :)

11-22-2002, 09:32 PM
Hmmmmm.....a money making scheme perhaps??