View Full Version : Need input...

Laura's Babies
04-15-2012, 11:41 AM
I have had many cats in my lifetime but I have come across something now I have never seen or delt with. Several months ago Caramella got my attention by sounding like she was in pain... I looked and she was chewing on her back where her tail joins her body and making that noise like she was in pain...? I didn't think much of it until it happened again......and again.......and again and she still continues to do it.

One day she was laying in the rocking chair and flipping her tail all over the place. Suddenly, she noticed it was moving (like she had no idea it was moving), she looked suprised and irritated like it was really annoying her that it was moving. I am sitting there laughing at her and she started catching her tail and trying to bite it. Finally, she started bitting at that spot where her tail joins her body and crying out in pain! I have tried all sorts of things to see if I could pinpoint what it is that hurts and of all the things I have tried, only one gets a reaction from her and that is when I take my forefinger and thumb and do the scratching motion back and forth across that spot. (Going up and down gets no reaction but back and forth gets the reaction)

She will be laying on the floor, spread out relaxed and suddenly jump up and start chewing on that spot and make that noise like she is in pain... Like I said, I have never seen a cat do this in all the cats I have had during my lifetime. Anyone ever have a cat that did this? Any suggestions as to what is going on?

Here she is on the perch at the window with Giz joining her.

At the front door in a chair I put there for her..

04-15-2012, 11:53 AM
Maybe a pinched nerve or something? Is it consistent?

04-15-2012, 12:11 PM
In all my years of having Cats that is the first time that I have heard of this:confused:
I think Karen may be on the right track on her idea of a pinched nerve , or maybe something is wrong with her spine:(
We are praying that it is nothing serious and that your Vet will soon have the matter well in hand:love:

04-15-2012, 02:19 PM
Try putting Revolution on her (between the shoulder blades). My friend's cat had that problem and it turns out he had fleas. One dose of Revolution did the trick!

04-15-2012, 02:53 PM
Hello, beautiful Caramella and Giz! Big prayers that whatever is causing Caramella the pain will be found and resolved!

04-15-2012, 03:29 PM
Laura, I'm sorry to hear this.:( My cat Pearl will sometimes play with her tail but she never screams in pain. All I think to tell you is to have her checked out by your vet. Is she missing any fur on her tail? If so maybe she's overgrooming herself for some reason and sometimes this can be caused by stress. I hope you can get this problem resolved quickly. Good luck.:)

04-15-2012, 04:43 PM
I laughed at your description of Caramella thinking her tail is possessed! :D I've seen kittens and puppies do that, it is hilarious!

No ideas on the pain issue. I'd suggest a vet visit.

Laura's Babies
04-15-2012, 05:49 PM
She isn't chewing enough to loose any fur there yet, I watch her close for that .. As for consistancy, she does it several times a week.

I have been meaning to get to the vets and get flea treatments for them but I drive right by there and not think about it until I am opening the door at home. :( I'll make a note to "self" and hope I will remember to pick some up!