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View Full Version : someone always puts you down

04-11-2012, 04:59 PM
I have been working really hard to lose weight. So far, I've lost somewhere between 30 - 35 lbs. ( difference is because I never weighed myself at the start and I'm guessing.... its definitely 30+)

Anyway... I'm working REAL HARD and am darn proud of myself. I'm almost down to normal XL sized clothes. I haven't seen that in years. So yeah, I am proud of myself. My doctor is too. She was thrilled for me.

My friends? Not so much. One has been. On three separate diets since january. And she tells me everything I'm doing wrong... from wrong # of calories, to fat content, to carbs.

I know its jealousy. But it still hurts a d makes me second guess things.

04-11-2012, 05:12 PM
Just tell her everyone's body is different, and reacts to thing differently. You are glad for her support (because I am sure she MEANS well, but let's pretend she does anyway), but don't need the "corrections!

Queen of Poop
04-11-2012, 05:15 PM
You are doing fabulous. Keep up with exactly what you are doing because you're losing weight and it is working. Let the negative friend spout off all she wants, you know better, you're doing what is working for you. I am very proud of you. Keep up the excellent efforts!!! :love::love::love:

04-11-2012, 06:03 PM
Congrats for losing 30 or more pounds!!! I KNOW how difficult it is to lose weight especially as we get older. If it works for you, then you obviously are doing something right. I've lost and gained and done the yo-yo thing all my life. You are doing something great for your body and your health--really wonderful. Hang in there and dont pay attention to what the naysayers are saying; just consider the source. Good job! Good Luck for future loss!! Also if you dont lose any more, just try not to gain it back, ok?

04-11-2012, 06:11 PM
Congrats! I know exactly what you are going through. Everyone has an opinion on the proper eating habits...EVERYONE. I have been on every diet there is. I just did Atkins for over a year and lost about 30 to 35. Over the winter I totally failed.

Keep up the good work. I know how hard it is. I have been battling this ever since I had my children back in the late 80's.

04-11-2012, 06:21 PM

You should be proud, girl!!! Don't let the naysayers get you down. KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!

04-11-2012, 08:29 PM
Keep up the good work!

04-11-2012, 08:52 PM
Thanks.... this friend is on some crazy diet that the whole town is talking about. Its through a doctor, to the tune of $90 a week. For that $90 you get a weekly doctor visit and weigh in, protein powder, and whole list of food you can't eat.

This is a glimpse in her day:
Breakfast: protein powder in your coffee or tea.
Lunch: protein bar and raw spinach or lettuce. You can add as many mushrooms to your pre-approved greens as your heart desires (since I HATE mushrooms, it'd be none :p)
Dinner: 7 ounces of chicken and lettuce. (thats a LOT of chicken = I'd rather that split between lunch and dinner)
Snack: all the cucumber slices you desire.

NO fruit, red meat, pork products, salad dressing, carrots, beans, potatoes. There's more to the NO list. Actually, its much easier to look at the approved list.

No wonder she is cranky and resenting my success. I have no idea how this EVER got a doctor's approval. Its been prooven that slow and steady is what takes weight off.

I want this to be permanent. Since I was 19, I've gained and lost the same 70 pounds over and over again. Thats 20 years of yo-yo-ing. I hit my highest weight ever this year and decided enough was enough and to take control of my eating and habits. I own my behavior. I admit I was out of control, and I am taking the time to retrain myself on how to eat. It hurts to have people knock me down. You know what? My mom hurt me most this weekend. She never noticed I lost 30 pounds. Its so obvious in my face and stomach. And she didn't notice :( hubby finally had enough and mentioned it 3 times... and she never picked up on it.

Hmmm.... let me find a photo of me just as I started and one from now. I'll be back.

04-11-2012, 09:11 PM
Ok, here's one from early January - my heaviest weight

and me last week

Apart from complete dorkitude, I think the weight loss is readily apparent

04-11-2012, 09:22 PM
Ok, here's one from early January - my heaviest weight

and me last week

Apart from complete dorkitude, I think the weight loss is readily apparent

Yes it is. Nothing wrong with being a dork. You have lots of wonderful company! :D

Scooter's Mom
04-11-2012, 10:44 PM
You're doing GREAT! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

As Karen and others have said, every person loses weight differently. Just keep going!

04-12-2012, 05:51 AM
WOW! Congratulations girl! ;)

Not sure what you mean by "Dork" though. You are a beautiful woman! For you to see it, maybe a few wardrobe changes might help or a new hair style. People will be more apt to positively reinforce you when it shows you are proud of yourself. You have a right to be proud of yourself.

As for your "so called" friend... Well, some friends come into our lives for a while and then they move on having served their purpose/destiny. In some cases, we move on. That's as it should be. We should all grow in our lives and have a right to seek the same positive reinforcement we ourselves offer to others. Some "friends" wear out their welcome. You can understand them and even love them. It does not mean you have to let them detract from your joy. Keep doing what is good for you... you are the only person in all your life you will be able to depend on forever; treat her the best of all! There are those forever and for always friends too...stick with those.


04-12-2012, 08:04 AM
WOW!!! You look fabulous, Kim!!! Keep up the great work.

Diets like one your friend is on don't work. You're hungry and cranky cuz you're hungry. I've always believed in Weight Watchers. It shows people how to eat right. There's no deprivation. You can eat what you want, just keep track of it.

I think you're doing a fabulous job, Kim. Don't let her attitude get you down.

04-12-2012, 08:18 AM
Wow - what a difference. You now have definition to your face, and one chin instead of two. Obviously what you're doing is working for you, so stay with it and ignore the naysayers. You'll have the last laugh when they go off their miracle diets and gain all the weight back - and then some too. And I can't believe that your mother didn't acknowledge the difference!!! :( Maybe she needs her glasses changed????

And not to hijack, but my son who had the lap band 6 months ago, has shed 78 pounds. Even his doctor is amazed. He can see his feet again - and he looks and feels wonderful. :D He wants to lose another 5 or 10, and then he'll be at the weight he should be.

So congratulations, and keep up the great work.

smokey the elder
04-12-2012, 08:53 AM
Your friend's diet is not sustainable. The latest wisdom in weight control (such as it is) is portion control and most importantly, being aware of when, what and how much you eat. Good luck!

04-12-2012, 09:48 AM
First of all............WOW! You look GREAT!! :D :D
Second, as someone stated....everyone is different. One diet might work great for one person but not work at all for someone else. You just have to find what's right for you. And obviously you found it!! :)
I am still searching for mine. Although I'm not trying very hard. :o We signed up for a gym that opens this Sunday, so hopefully things will change for me too.

Keep up the good work Kim, and don't let others bring you down with them.

04-12-2012, 10:10 AM
Kim you look great! Wow!

Others may put us down, but we don't have to stay there. ;) Get back up on those healthy wonderful feet and enjoy life!:love:

04-12-2012, 03:20 PM
I just saw your photos. Yes, I can definitely see a difference. Probably the reason your mother didnt notice is because she sees you often. Is that right? Many many years ago I lost 60 lbs (I was huge) before anybody at work noticed. (One time I lost 140 lbs & I've lost 50-70 several times) I did not mention that I was trying to lose weight because I knew all the skinny gals would be telling me how to do it so I just kept quiet. Then one day someone noticed. You keep it up Girl and dont worry who notices or who doesnt. One day they will all see the difference. Even if they dont, just do it for YOURSELF.

04-12-2012, 07:51 PM
DO NOT let anyone bring you down!! I can plainly see it, you have definitely lost and you look great. Seriously, that crazy diet sounds made up. She's probably gonna gain whatever she lost right back as soon as she quits. Retraining yourself to eat healthier has been proven to work 100 times better than doing some binge diet. What happens is the person goes on the crazy diet, losses all that weight and gains it all back because their body is not used to the intake of a normal diet!!

You should be proud!! KEEP it up! :D:D

When I was loosing last year, this obese girl in my school would strike up conversation with me on occassion and tell me how to diet. PLEASE! I've never seen this crazy person diet once. I thought she had a lot of nerve. I was mad until my friend pointed out she weighed 180 lbs more than me!!

Maybe just don't bring it up anymore? Then I am sure she'll stop, unless of course she is one of "those", who has to bring up every little thing they've accomplished in a day.