View Full Version : Pet Psychic - Anyone have a question?

04-09-2012, 09:47 PM
This Thursday I'll be hosting another show with the Pet Psychics/Animal Communicators for All Paws Pet Talk. It may be just this week. Anyone want to ask a question of one? It won't cost anything, of course. Let me know!

04-10-2012, 06:42 AM
I would love to know if we will ever be able to convince WiggleFoots to let us touch him and make him an inside cat....

Thanks Karen!

04-10-2012, 09:21 AM
I'd love to know how Pouncer is feeling. He's really grumpy but continually gets good reports from the vet. I have to wash his kitty bits with a medicated oil every night, which I am certain he knows is for his own good. Is there something the vet is missing?

04-10-2012, 09:50 AM
I'd like to know how Bella is feeling. How she feels about having kittens and living inside.

04-10-2012, 11:39 AM
I will pass these along, and let you know what they say after we record on Thursday!

04-10-2012, 01:06 PM
I'd love to know why Chip just will not behave himself. Baby Frankie is better behaved and less destrutive. :love:

04-10-2012, 06:39 PM
I'd like to know why Milly eats so fast that she barfs up her food sometimes.
I'd also like to know if it is her or Izzy that pees on the hall carpet sometimes.(and why they are doing it)

04-10-2012, 07:13 PM
I would like to know if Molly and Sonic are feeling dopey because of the prozac, and if it is helping them with their anxiety. I would also like to know why Minnie has decided she isn't so fearful of us anymore, and comes out and about so much more frequently these days. Did WE change, or did she? (and before anyone gets excited...more frequently means maybe 1-2 a week or so, LOL)

04-10-2012, 07:54 PM
Do you have a picture of Molly and Sonic you could email me, Johanna? That usually helps the Animal Communicators, they say.

04-10-2012, 08:23 PM
I will email you these tomorrow, Karen. Thanks!

04-10-2012, 08:28 PM
You're welcome! Funny, so far it is all people with cat questions! :)

04-10-2012, 09:43 PM
I worry about my dogs all the time. Are they happy? Am I doing the wrong thing by trying to keep us all together. My dogs are stuck inside for up to 10 hours a day while I am at work. Are they comfortable? Are they in any pain?

04-10-2012, 10:34 PM
I worry about my dogs all the time. Are they happy? Am I doing the wrong thing by trying to keep us all together. My dogs are stuck inside for up to 10 hours a day while I am at work. Are they comfortable? Are they in any pain?

I will ask for you, Robin.

Scooter's Mom
04-10-2012, 11:33 PM
I would like to know: Why does Charlie kitty have to be touching me all the time?

(It's funny, it's the same thing Scooter used to do...)

04-11-2012, 07:38 AM
And if anyone needs some comic relief, could we find out why Mikey is so obsessed with knocking over drinks? I have long ago accepted it as a Mikey thing, and instead of getting mad I have to laugh. :love:

Also, can she please ask him to use the little box instead of the wall next to the box? It would be much appreciated. :)

04-11-2012, 09:30 AM
Can you ask if Calvin misses his brother Hobbes and if he'd like a new brofur?

04-11-2012, 10:04 AM
Okay, folks. I've passed all these along, and that should be it for this week's show. I will let folks know the next time, okay? And after we do the show on Thursday, I will get the audio files, usually by Friday, and will let everyone know what they said!

04-12-2012, 04:52 PM
Okay, when I get the audio files, I will email them to folks. But Trinityagain, WiggleFoots' answers is NO! You should not try to touch him, as that would freak him out, and he does NOT want to be an indoor kitty. He likes you a lot, and likes having you near, just does not want to be touched. Ever. He's a feral at the sore, and the didea of being touched makes him very anxious.

Catnapper, she said to tell you Pouncer feels he is King of the house, and sent her a mental image of himself complete with crown and robe. He's not unhappy, he's just a grouchy personality in general, and says that's just how he is. No worries there. (Said he reminded her of an old uncle she used to have...)

Robilee, they are not uncomfortable or in any pain. They would like "jobs" to do, whether it is to bark when the mail carrier comes, or to feel they are guarding the house, but that's all. She mentioned some stuff about flower essences, I'll send you the file. And she mentioned mental stimulation - Kongs stuffed with peanut butter or the like ...

Scooter's Mom: Charlie kitty likes to make sure everyone knows you are his, and touching you is very satisfying to him, as it confirms that. She said it's like a drink to an alcoholic - makes him feel good.

I'll add more later, folks, they didn't get to your crew Cataholic, but there are answers for some others.

Scooter's Mom
04-12-2012, 09:07 PM
Scooter's Mom: Charlie kitty likes to make sure everyone knows you are his, and touching you is very satisfying to him, as it confirms that. She said it's like a drink to an alcoholic - makes him feel good.

Hmm. I wonder if he likes me as much as Scooter Bug did.

04-12-2012, 10:30 PM
momoffuzzyfaces - She said Chip is just having fun, he doesn't think of it as being naughty or malicious, he's just having a rollicking good time with it all!
Vermontcat - She said Milly eats so fast because where she was before there were other cats, and she thought the others would eat her food if she didn't eat it fast enough. She suggested feeding Milly and Izzy in separate places, if possible, so Milly can get used to the fact that no one else will steal her food.

She also said that Milly denied peeing on the rug, and that's definitely Izzy that's doing it. I'll let you listen to the audio file for more explanation when I get it, it's a matter of territory, apparently.

Roxyluvsme13 - She said Bella does miss being able to be outside when it is nice out, maybe once the kittens have arrived, maybe she could go out on a screened in porch if one is available, or even go out on a leash and harness. She said Bella is happy she has food and care, and is glad her kittens will be born inside and never have to have the hard life of a cat outside like she did, when she never knew if she would have food or not. She said you should not worry, Bella is sire she will be a good mom to her kittens, and knows what to do. She likes you, and is happy with the situation inside, especially when it is rainy outside, it is only on nice sunny days she misses being an outside kitty. She also said that Bella is a very beautiful kitty!

04-12-2012, 10:34 PM
Any more questions for another day? If so I'd like to hear about whether or not Killer is happier now with me and the other three dogs or when it was just him and Corby.

04-13-2012, 03:37 AM
Any chance you could ask after my sweet Ellie-Mae, i just miss her so much,just want to know how she is at the Rainbow Bridge, also if Nikkita is ok after loosing her mama, i would so appreciate it, i know i cannot hear the show, but if you do ask ,and they answer can you let me know ,would mean the world to me thanks.

04-13-2012, 07:42 AM
Hubby laughed and said that Pouncer is defintely King

04-13-2012, 09:07 AM
Oh, how disappointing they didn't get to my trio. Will she? Or, was this just a one time thing?

04-13-2012, 09:12 AM
Cataholic, I don't know, the producer is thinking of a way to make this a regular thing again, I will let you all know!

04-13-2012, 12:11 PM
Thanks for directing me this way, Karen :D

Roxyluvsme13 - She said Bella does miss being able to be outside when it is nice out, maybe once the kittens have arrived, maybe she could go out on a screened in porch if one is available, or even go out on a leash and harness. She said Bella is happy she has food and care, and is glad her kittens will be born inside and never have to have the hard life of a cat outside like she did, when she never knew if she would have food or not. She said you should not worry, Bella is sire she will be a good mom to her kittens, and knows what to do. She likes you, and is happy with the situation inside, especially when it is rainy outside, it is only on nice sunny days she misses being an outside kitty. She also said that Bella is a very beautiful kitty!
I'm glad she's happy. She seems to be with all the attention and food she's getting. I am also glad that her kitties won't become feral and have to live outside... The property manager for our neighborhood sent out a notice that they're going to start taking a lot of the strays roaming around to the shelter, so I'm glad we rescued Bella and brought her in.

I'll try to find her a little leash and harness, don't know if she'll want to budge on it, but we'll see :D.

I'm glad she's confident in her birthing and motherhood abilities, because I'm so nervous for her LOL. She's so tiny, and she's getting so big. Wish I knew how many little munchkins there were in her belly! And I have to say I agree, she is a beautiful girl. And since Bella means beautiful, it suits her :D

04-13-2012, 12:55 PM
momoffuzzyfaces - She said Chip is just having fun, he doesn't think of it as being naughty or malicious, he's just having a rollicking good time with it all!

I'm glad at least one of us is having a good time. :D I thought maybe he wanted to be an outdoor cat or was still mad at me for sending 3 of his sibblings to live in Texas. Good to know it is just him having fun. :love:

04-14-2012, 06:55 PM
So, to everyone who asked questions, is your Pet Talk email address in your profile the one you want me to send the audio files to so you can listen to them? Or of court you can "listen live" on Sunday by going to http://AllPawsPetTalk.com/stations and clicking the link in the right-hand column ... It airs from 11 am-2 pm Eastern time zone ...

04-14-2012, 10:47 PM
Karen I sent you a PM about emailing me the audio file. Thank you for asking questions about Milly & Izzy, what you told me so far sounds interesting. Milly & Izzy did share a house with a lot of other cats before I got them and Izzy does tend to bully Milly sometimes.

04-15-2012, 01:15 PM
I just finished listening to the show. I know Karen was on the first hour, at least part of it was regarding the book "Soldier Dogs"
Karen led the second hour with pet communicators. I was surprised there were three or four different ones on during the 40 minutes rather than just one person. Karen has summarized well their comments. Enjoyed the show.

04-15-2012, 01:23 PM
Karen, my email on file is ok to use.

One odd thing: since the day you did the readings, Chip has been as good as gold. He is acting like a totally different kitty!!! I am rewarding such good behavior every chance I get hoping it will continue. :love:

It's almost as if a switch was turned on in his little brain like: "oh, now I see I'm not supposed to swing from the curtains or rattle the front room door until mommy screams" or something. :love:

04-17-2012, 08:16 PM
Wow, interesting thread. If they do this segment again I'd have a few questions. :)

04-18-2012, 03:01 PM
Oh, this is interesting! If this becomes a regular thing, I may have a question, too... :o