View Full Version : New foster with a sad story *pics*

04-07-2012, 10:30 PM
Well, Lulu is actually my sister's foster dog, but I know PTers love happy endings and who knows...maybe someone here knows her forever people.

Lulu's former owner thought to make a few quick bucks breeding her eight year old chihuahua to a yorkie and selling the puppies. :rolleyes: This didn't go well. Six perfect puppies developed, but the first one tried to come into the world sideways. The owner left Lulu in labor for two days before beinging her to the vet. :mad: Obviously by then all of the puppies were dead and Lulu needed a C-section to save her life. Oh, but the owner had no money of course...so my sister offered to take the dog in. The owner surrendered Lulu and she had the surgery to remove the dead puppies and spay her.

Once Lulu is recovered she's going to need a forever home. She's thin and she's going to need a dental at some point, but otherwise she's in good health. She's also a great lapdog and a total love. If she wasn't on antibiotics from her srgery, the hospital was going to give her a pair of homeless kittens to nurse. I'm so glad she's in good hands now. Here's the little darling...



The photos don't show it well, but she has a CUTE underbite that gives her face such a sweet expression. :love: My sister said Lulu needed a bit of a sponge bath yesterday, and despite being VERY uncomfortable wanted nothing more than to curl up in a warm lap after the sponge bath for some snuggle time.

04-08-2012, 12:23 AM
How horrible.:mad::( Poor Lulu:( and poor puppies, I sure hope that she'll be able to find a wonderful caring and loving forever home. RIP little ones.:( Lots of positive vibes are being sent her way.

04-08-2012, 07:43 AM
I'll never understand people treating animals so bad!!!:mad: Poor little Lulu.:( I hope she ends up in a wonderful home.

04-08-2012, 07:57 AM
Poor Lulu, her former owners should be punished for that neglect. Will she be able to nurse something after she's off the antibiotics? No dog deserves to go through what she did. Give her a kiss from me, if you can.

Lilith Cherry
04-08-2012, 10:48 AM
Poor sweet baby! I am so glad you got rescued Lulu and hope you find your forever home soon!

04-09-2012, 11:39 AM
What sweet little girl. She sure has gone through a lot. She deserves the best ever forever home.

04-09-2012, 03:07 PM
A few updated pictures. I went to the hospital yesterday with my sister to visit miss Lulu. She's very frightened right now, but she's also still in pain and on a lot of medication. Unfortunately, I think she'll probably have stopped producing milk before she's off the antibiotics, so no kittens to nurse.



Here you can see her adorable crooked jaw. Makes it look like she's going "Hrmph!" at you!

She does wobble a bit in the hind end, but it doesn't stop her from running around! Her knees are in good shapre, so it's probably a little hip displaysia, but no x-rays will be taken until the sutures are out and she's a little more comfortable.


What a cutie. Her forever home is going to be very happy with her. <3

04-09-2012, 03:40 PM
She is a doable, and I am sure will get a home lickety-split once she is well enough to leave the hospital.

Scooter's Mom
04-09-2012, 06:27 PM
That makes me so sad, but I am so glad she's being taken care of now. Poor Lulu.

04-12-2012, 10:57 PM
Just a quick update: Lulu is fine with/indifferent toward other dogs and kitties, so she should be happy in a home with dogs or cats. She's off fluids and looking good. :)

05-23-2012, 12:33 AM
OK, it's been WAY too long since I updated this.

Lulu had cancer. When she went under for her dental prophy a mass was discivered, and it turned out to be a grade 1 mast cell tumor on her vulva. Grade 1 is good news, but unfortunately because of the location of the mass, the surgeon was not able to get the margins he wanted when removing it. She's on steroids for the time being though, she bounced back from the mass removal and she seems very happy.

Today she went to an "official" foster home with a rescue! Muttville is a rescue in my area that specializes in senior dogs. http://www.muttville.org/ They're great people, and they generously have agreed to take Lulu in. She was dropped off this afternoon after many many cuddles. She's already up on the website for adoption!!