View Full Version : Need opinions

04-07-2012, 08:10 AM
You guys are my family and I trust your judgement.

I've been friends with Stephanie, who I met while working at the Hartford Courant. I used to cat sit for her when she went away, and would babysit for Brady whenever she needed me. I was there when Brady was very sick and she needed sleep to be able to not miss work. I'd pick Brady up at daycare when he had a runny nose or whenver.

They moved into a new apartment back in August. I watched Brady every single Sunday for six months until she got a new job. We would text each other all the time. I sent her a text congratulating her on the job. I sent her another one asking her how the job was going. NOTHING.

I hadn't heard from her in over two months. No phone calls, no texts, NOTHING. I emailed her and asked if she was mad at me for something. I told her I realized she must be busy with her new job and just wanted to know how they're doing.

Her reply was "Busy with work, can't get on FB at work, and don't have time at night. Upset that a bunch of jewelry I inherited from my Mother, that was supposed to go to Brady, is missing. I'm upset and very sad."

I told her how sorry I was, and could it have possibly been misplaced during the move?? I said I hope she finds it.

Haven't heard from her since.

So, what's YOUR take on this??? I feel like she's accusing me, in a roundabout way. I'm very upset by this. I wish she would come right out and ask me.

My friend Pam said, "See how sad she feels when she's in need of a babysitter at the last minute."

04-07-2012, 10:37 AM
I'm with your friend, Moosmom. You did her a huge favor by caring for Brady and cat-sitting. In response she breaks off almost all contact and insinuates that the missing jewelry might be with you-- someone she trusted enough to look after Brady and her cat?! Some friend :p . She should be showing her gratitude for all the help you provided to her :mad:.


04-07-2012, 11:11 AM
It doesn't sounds like she's accusing you to me, I'd send her another message saying you know she's very busy and everything, is there some time you could meet up for a cup of tea? And then you could bring it up, and see what she says. If she had said "When you were cat-sitting, my mom's jewelry went missing" THAT might sound like an accusation. But it sounds to me like maybe that JUSt happened when she sent you the note, so that's what was on her mind at the moment, not that it had anything to do with you, but she needed to vent to a friend.

04-07-2012, 03:25 PM
In either case its no way to treat a dear friend. She trusted you with her most precious thing, her son...

She needs to be nicer!

04-07-2012, 05:32 PM
It doesn't sounds like she's accusing you to me, I'd send her another message saying you know she's very busy and everything, is there some time you could meet up for a cup of tea? And then you could bring it up, and see what she says. If she had said "When you were cat-sitting, my mom's jewelry went missing" THAT might sound like an accusation. But it sounds to me like maybe that JUSt happened when she sent you the note, so that's what was on her mind at the moment, not that it had anything to do with you, but she needed to vent to a friend.

I agree with Karen on this. Sounds like she is pretty stressed by other things right now. I wouldn't take anything she says personally.

04-07-2012, 06:18 PM
I agree with Karen on this. Sounds like she is pretty stressed by other things right now. I wouldn't take anything she says personally.

She may also not know who she can trust. That's a bad feeling. And if she has other stressors, it just makes it even harder. It will take her time. She might also feel bad about dumping on you and just isn't ready to deal with the introspection she needs to do.

04-07-2012, 06:44 PM
She may also not know who she can trust. That's a bad feeling. And if she has other stressors, it just makes it even harder. It will take her time. She might also feel bad about dumping on you and just isn't ready to deal with the introspection she needs to do.

Very true, I agree.

04-07-2012, 07:46 PM
Your friend Pam is taking the wrong attitude about this. I don't think your friend is accusing you of taking the jewellery, like others have mentioned, she sounds buried under a load of stress right now. Sending her another message and showing your concern, asking if there is anything you can do to help etc...would probably help clear the air and it would also serve to show you have no idea about the missing things.

04-07-2012, 08:48 PM
The thing I hate most about technology is the human aspect. There's no way to tell from a text, email, tweet or any post what the true meaning is. Nuance is lost. I say pick up the phone and leave her a message asking if you can help. Tell her she sounds stressed and you are sorry about that. There's alot of humanity in hearing a voice.

04-08-2012, 08:01 PM
This kept coming up in the back of my mind...........you mentioned that she had moved several months back and your problem has been going on with her for several months as well (or months since she mentioned that the jewelry is missing).

Is it possible that she has the jewelry still packed up in a box and has forgotten - especially as she moved and then was busy looking for a job?

Why in the world would anyone steal jewelry from a good friend? They wouldn't, so I say, stay with her and it will be resolved. She may have to apologize to you.

04-09-2012, 05:47 AM
I texted her and Brady a Happy Easter. I got Brady a cute little fishing rod with magnetic fishies. She texted back and wished me a happy holiday and said we need to get together soon.

I was wrong. I guess I kind of blew things outta proportion. Kitten645, you're right. It's VERY difficult to read someone's text messages when something like this happens. I can't wait to see them. It's been a while and I miss him a lot.

04-09-2012, 09:42 AM
Oh, I'm so glad to read how nicely this has worked out! Isn't that wonderful not to have lost such good friends after all?!

Cat Daddy
04-11-2012, 01:27 PM
I think your friend was a little overwhelmed with everything and quite frustrated that she most likely misplaced her own jewelry. She was probably venting with misplaced anger. Sounds like she is getting used to her new routine now and adjusting accordingly so she's not so over whelmed now. Let it go and ask if she remembers packing her jewelry, if she hasn't already found it that is.