View Full Version : Laser pointer toy

04-06-2012, 11:48 AM
Have you ever tried one with your pet? If so, what was the outcome?

The only one of my animals that likes it is Jax. It seems to me that the other three could care less. Well, the dogs watch my hand hoping there is a treat there. They don't even look for the red dot. But my brothers RB dog, Boo, LOVED it. When he heard the keychain he immediately went into the play bow and was searching the ground for the dot. He would tear into the carpet to get to it! :D
I tried it with Paizly the other day and it was like she couldn't even see the red spot. Is that possible??

04-06-2012, 01:46 PM
I haven't used it on dogs, but many of my cats go CRAZY with the laser toy. I mean CRAZY! We get some amusement out of asking them silly questions, "Do you love mommy?" and having them shake their heads no, by making the laser go from side to side.

The laser toy CAN be dangerous, and we always have to remember not to shine it in anyone's eye- human, feline or dog.

04-06-2012, 01:47 PM
Kiri and Orion just love their laser mouse. The can chase the red dot forever. As both are very energetic kitties I use the toy to give them a good workout without using too much of my own energy ;)

04-06-2012, 02:02 PM
My three cats love it. Mine is on some sort of short chain which jingles. All I have to do is pick it up and they will appear from nowhere in the house.

Casey my Lab never paid any attention to it when she was around.

Zoey, my grandpuppy chases it and also her sister Sunshine as well. Sunshine will continue to look for it an hour after you put it away LOL!

04-06-2012, 07:46 PM
Jane recognizes the laser when I pick it up. She loves it and so does Sam. And Bob, too. Watching Sam slide across the floor and headlong into the fridge is hilarious. He needs the exercise. :D

Jane and Bob both do the wiggle-butt launch while preparing to attack. :D

I can get Bob going in circles.

04-06-2012, 08:05 PM
I can't use one because Callie tramples the cats trying to chase that red light. I can never get to use it without Callie being around because she is wherever I am. Where I am = several cats are. I feel like I have a furry and many tailed shadow. You should see me going down the steps... a cat of two in the lead, a dog next to me, and a cat or two behind us. The bathroom? the same :rolleyes:

So, to answer your question: Dog and cats LOVE it. We just don't play because a 50 pound dog leaping and jumping on 10-20 pound cats isn't exactly fun for the cats involved.

04-06-2012, 08:17 PM
Keva pounced on it once, realized it wasn't real, walked away and didn't care after that. I remember Killer when after it for a bit then lost interest. Skya and Nebo did not pay attention at all. Haven't tried it in a long time though.

04-06-2012, 08:26 PM
2 out of our 3 cats love it! Yoshi, who is a Flame-point Siamese with blue eyes, does not play with it nor does he see it (we think). He can look right at the red dot on the floor but it just doesn't register for him.

Majerle & Taz both love it and gives us endless hours of fun watching them jump, attack and just downright acting silly.

Does anyone else have a blue eyed baby that cannot see the laser??

04-06-2012, 08:32 PM
Keva pounced on it once, realized it wasn't real, walked away and didn't care after that. I remember Killer when after it for a bit then lost interest. Skya and Nebo did not pay attention at all. Haven't tried it in a long time though.

They like it for a few minutes then lose interest when they can't catch it. So I wait a while in between play sessions.

Keva sounds smart.

04-06-2012, 09:00 PM
Tallulah used to go nuts after them. She'd try to climb the walls, LOL. Lily was pretty interested too, she'd chase it through the house and bite at it. It was cute.

Haven't tried one since having Brennan, Domino, or Bella. I bet Dommie would LOVE it though.

04-06-2012, 09:16 PM
They like it for a few minutes then lose interest when they can't catch it. So I wait a while in between play sessions.

Keva sounds smart.

She is, she is definitely the smartest dog out of all of them, it's kind of scary how smart she is sometimes. You can just see the wheels turning in her head to figure things out (or figure out how to get away with things).

04-06-2012, 09:33 PM
She is, she is definitely the smartest dog out of all of them, it's kind of scary how smart she is sometimes. You can just see the wheels turning in her head to figure things out (or figure out how to get away with things).

She sounds like Mr. Spunky. He's the smartest of the brood and controls how he wants to play and love. :love: Sam is like a bull in a china shop while you can tell Spunky is sussing out the situation and determining a plan of action. The other 4 I can take at face value. Sweet kitties but no Einstein. :love:

Yes, it is scary. :D

04-07-2012, 07:18 AM
my guys went crazy for the little hand-held one the first day but pretty much lost interest after that. Every now and again I get it out, but it takes some convincing for them to chase it.

One of my co-workers gave me one of the mechanical ones that moves back and forth on the floor or wall, but it didn't really move fast enough to hold the kitties' interest.

04-07-2012, 10:54 AM
I was playing with the laser pointer again last night and the room was very dark. Paizly was on the dresser so I took the dot over by her. She did see it! That's the first time she's noticed it. She didn't attack it, but she watched it very intently.

04-07-2012, 12:55 PM
I've never had the laser toy but I'm sure Autumn would love it since when I turn on the flashlight, she goes nuts. She will follow that light all over the place and even tries to climp the walls. I really should buy her a laser toy, I will eventually.

04-07-2012, 04:11 PM
Snow use to go CRAZY over laser pointers! She would even try to jump up the walls to catch it. :D But that was when she was young and reckless. Now the laser pointer doesn't even faze her.

04-07-2012, 08:24 PM
Calvin used to play for a long time with it. Now he's a wise old guy and chases it a few seconds. He then turns and glares at me and looks at my hand as if to say "HEY! I'm wise to you!" LOL!