View Full Version : Ritzy wants Restitution!

11-16-2002, 08:23 AM

I hurrd that meowmie haz bin postin dem unflatturring pichures aggen! I maid hurr put summ of mie glammurrr shots up soz you guyz kno I'm still one of the purrrtiest pussycats in these partz!

11-16-2002, 08:23 AM

11-16-2002, 08:24 AM

11-16-2002, 08:25 AM

11-16-2002, 08:26 AM

11-16-2002, 08:33 AM
Ritzy you are still our own super model. We'll see you in the
"Victoria's Secret " show . You already have a sexy outfit and just need some angel wings. Heide Klum watch out!!!! You've got major competition.;)

11-16-2002, 09:05 AM

wow! I would say that your meowmie gave you restitution!
you are beautiful, and very eloquent looking! I especially love that second to last pic!
I hope that you will keep posing for more pics:cool:

11-16-2002, 09:47 AM
Oh. Ritzy,

You are getting Mr. Jones going again.
He's getting out his Barry White albums now!:eek:

He's on the phone! He's calling Georgia!

11-16-2002, 12:34 PM
Ritzy you sure know how to glam it up! You are always beautiful even when your mawmee posts pictures that aren't excatly flattering to your sense of style.:D

Miss Meow
11-16-2002, 05:38 PM
We know you're beautiful Ritzy, and we know you have a cheeky mommy who likes to take funny pictures of you sometimes. Nawtee mommy! :D

All Creatures Great And Small
11-16-2002, 05:44 PM
Oh, that first picture - what a beautiful portrait of a beautiful lady! I can see why Mr. Jones is getting steamed up again:D!
Hey, Ritzy, us hoomans had some "less than glamorous" shots posted on here too, so don't feel bad:p. You know you're a hottie no matter how you sit:D ;)!

11-16-2002, 06:49 PM
Wowie! What a glamor puss!

Ritzy, you are a STAR!!!

11-16-2002, 06:53 PM
Ritzeee heer aggain...just wanted all to know that I'm much tuffer than any ole sumo naked chubby guy in a diaper.....all dat flesh is just wayting for my carefully honed clawz!!

(See thread reference -"do your cats sit like this" if you haven't seen the sumo picture - it's funny)

11-16-2002, 06:59 PM
Originally posted by rosethecopycat
Oh. Ritzy,

You are getting Mr. Jones going again.
He's getting out his Barry White albums now!:eek:

He's on the phone! He's calling Georgia!

Oooh Mistah Jones, Mistah Jones...if you calll Georgia (the state) you gonna miss by a few hundred miles. Ritzy's a Hoosier kitty. :)

11-16-2002, 08:15 PM
Ms. Ritzy, you are such a beautiful cat..and you are so symmetrical in all the pictures! Tex just loves you. (more than Mr. Jones does, AND Tex is closer...).:D

11-16-2002, 08:55 PM
I don't think Mr. Jones can compete with that Tex, he's so good looking with that white moustache. But, Mr. Jones WAS trying to look up Georgia. Does she have any glamour shotz?

Please help him. Anything to get him from 'lovin' on my ankle three times a day.:p

11-16-2002, 09:21 PM
What a beauty you are, Ritzy!!! I love that fine black coat!!:D

11-16-2002, 10:49 PM
Ritzy you're one glamorous feline. :D I think that my Pepper has the hots for you too. :)
Pepper says "Look into my eyes Ritzy. You're one hot cat."

11-17-2002, 08:09 AM
Originally posted by tuxluvr

Ritzy, you sure are a pretty girl in these photos! I love the way you hold your paws together in this one. What is this pose called? It looks like you are ready to go diving off the deep end or fly away like superkitty!
It sure looks like all these handsome boy cats are beating a path to your door Ritzy, any that you don't want Samantha says you can send them her way. She has a thing for kitties in black.:) (She kind of has her eye on Tubby though since he is more mature than these other boys, she wouldn't want to rob the kitty cradle;) )

11-17-2002, 10:19 AM
Originally posted by Cataholic
Ms. Ritzy, you are such a beautiful cat..and you are so symmetrical in all the pictures! Tex just loves you. (more than Mr. Jones does, AND Tex is closer...).:D

Oooh, and I've always thought that Tex has that "Clark Gable" appeal....frankly Ritzy, I don't give a mouse!....hubba hubba! So many tuxy men, so little time (and no opposable paw pads to operate a motor vehicle!)

11-17-2002, 10:20 AM
Originally posted by Vermontcat

Ritzy, you sure are a pretty girl in these photos! I love the way you hold your paws together in this one. What is this pose called? It looks like you are ready to go diving off the deep end or fly away like superkitty!
It sure looks like all these handsome boy cats are beating a path to your door Ritzy, any that you don't want Samantha says you can send them her way. She has a thing for kitties in black.:) (She kind of has her eye on Tubby though since he is more mature than these other boys, she wouldn't want to rob the kitty cradle;) )

that is one of Ritzy's favorite poses - I haven't decided what to call it...the "super cat" thing is pretty close, but it also is referred to here as "sphinx kitty pose" and also, "what do you think of my new french manicure, mommy?"

What a ham!

All Creatures Great And Small
11-17-2002, 02:22 PM

11-17-2002, 03:14 PM
Originally posted by All Creatures Great And Small
about his one and only, Ritzy - check it out here:
mhtml:http://members.aol.com/myerssh61/RNMJT2.mht(It might take a while to load, because his dreams have a soundtrack!:p So make sure your speakers are on.....) I hope it works; it's kind of cute!

Now THAT was just special!!! you are just too creative....oooh, baby baby...those who haven't downloaded, it does take a bit, but it is well worth the wait. Nice job, All Creatures!!!

Mister Jones, you are the ladies' man!!! murrrowwwl murrooowwll!

11-17-2002, 08:23 PM
Dear All Creatures,

I'm Mr. Jones' daddy- I don't come here much but I'm trying to open your file for my wife. What program did you use to create this file (RNMJT2.mht)? I can't get any program I own to open it. I even tried .htm as the file extension, but I keep getting code in the browser window. Maybe I'm missing some plug-in or something. I can only get Netscape to open the full code- IE seems to return some error about "not able to access" some web page from a microsoft.redmond.com server! So strange! Any help?

Mr. Jones is very anxious to find out what's going on!


11-17-2002, 09:09 PM
All Creatures Great and Small,
I just viewed Mr Jones' little video and I thought it was great! :D

11-17-2002, 09:49 PM
that video is too cute :)

11-17-2002, 09:52 PM
Ritzy is awesomely beautiful!!!:)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
11-18-2002, 02:22 PM
Originally posted by Vermontcat
She has a thing for kitties in black.:) (She kind of has her eye on Tubby though since he is more mature than these other boys, she wouldn't want to rob the kitty cradle;) )

:eek: :eek: Tubby had no idea he had an admirer of the female persuasion. It's been so long for him I'm not sure he'll know how to act. ;) :D

And don't worry Ritzy, even though your mom posts those funny pictures of you, we all know you're a super model at heart. I'm just glad you needed restitution so we could see even more pictures of your pretty face. :)

Chris (rosethecopycat), all you need to do is click on the link that is there. It takes awhile though. I have DSL and I thought something was wrong too, but if you just leave it and have patience, you will be rewarded. :)

11-18-2002, 04:26 PM
I think Ms. Ritzy, when she does the symmetrical arm thingy, looks like she is practicing to be a triangle! That is what I see when I look at her, a triangle..maybe it is some Zen thing?

Georgia is very available to all tux kitties, but she wants only to be 'friends'.

And, Pepper, that gaze, those eyes, you could melt an iceburg in two seconds!

11-18-2002, 05:16 PM

I don't think this is a matter of patience. All I can get is a box saying:

This program does not support the protocol for accessing


Is this because we don't have the AOL?

Or is it because we use the Roadrunner cable modem?

Or because we use the Apple computer?

My husband knows A LOT about computers and he could not get it to happen last night.

OOOH.. I really want to see it now!:confused: :mad: :rolleyes:

11-18-2002, 06:32 PM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom

:eek: :eek: Tubby had no idea he had an admirer of the female persuasion. It's been so long for him I'm not sure he'll know how to act. ;) :D

Tubby reminds Samantha of her first love as a mere yearling when she was a condo cat, his name was Alex and he was all black.
He was the only cat that she allowed to enter her doorway, to share her food dish, her toys, etc. without putting up a fuss.
Alas, it was not meant to be, Alex moved away and Samantha did too.:(
Besides she heard that Peanut and he aren't really that involved so she may have a shot at him after all.:)

P.S. How could she resist those big golden eyes in your signature!:eek:

11-19-2002, 07:34 AM
So sorry to bore you all with our technical difficulties.

All creatures- I am unable to PM you.
User name invalid (it won't all fit)

At least coming to this thread I get to see the stunning RITZY! I just stare at that first photo. (my cat looks identical and can not take a photo like that)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
11-19-2002, 11:03 AM
Originally posted by Vermontcat
Besides she heard that Peanut and he aren't really that involved so she may have a shot at him after all.:)

True, sadly, so true. :( That's good new for Samantha though. :)

We had to go to dinner with a friend who was in town last night, so by the time we got home I forgot all about telling Tubby he has an admirer, so I wasn't able to see what his reaction was. Tonight for sure though, and I'll have my camera ready. ;)

P.S. How could she resist those big golden eyes in your signature!:eek:

Thanks! A couple people have asked about them. I finally had a little free time yesterday at work to browse some of the sites that had been mentioned here at PT for cat pics (gifs and such) and when I came across this one, I just had to have it in my sig. It just reminds me so much of Tubby. :)

All Creatures Great And Small
11-19-2002, 11:14 AM
All creatures- I am unable to PM you. User name invalid (it won't all fit) :p Yeah, I wish I had picked a shorter name when I signed up - I've gotten PM's before though, so I don't know why it won't work for you:confused:. I'd like to try e-mailing you the attachment, but - my Microsoft program sends it as a .exe file, and a lot of virus softwares will block it, and I don't have your e-mail address, which of course you can't post here. You could change your profile to accept e-mail messages, I could try sending it, and then you could change your profile back to not accepting e-mails. Let me know if you want to try this:) .

11-19-2002, 12:53 PM
Oh Tubby, you hunka chunka burnin love! Forget the Barry White tunes you are an Elvis kind of cat aren't you?:cool:
Samantha says there are a few new photos of her in General that he should take a look at. ;) (under Yay -500 posts)I think he will like her last photo.:)

11-20-2002, 07:01 AM
Originally posted by rosethecopycat
So sorry to bore you all with our technical difficulties.

All creatures- I am unable to PM you.
User name invalid (it won't all fit)

At least coming to this thread I get to see the stunning RITZY! I just stare at that first photo. (my cat looks identical and can not take a photo like that)

Ritzy takes a bow to all who said such nice things! Rose - I don't know enough about Apple to know if it would matter. I can only say that I have RealPlayer - I don't have AOL so I don't think it has anything to do with it...I would start with asking whether you have some type of multimedia player on your computer...perhaps it is a type/version that can't read this type of file..

Frustrating, but I can explain what we all saw/heard

It was a beautiful sunset sky, and pictures of Ritzy and Charles alternated fading in and out....(mostly suggestive poses, I might add, a nice selection - All Creatures found that one of Ritz "working the room" lying on the floor with the paws all curledup and Charles in that "sitting come hither" pose).....and Barry White singing his famous "Baby, Iiiii, can't get enough of your love baaaabe"......it was just too too cute!;)

11-20-2002, 09:48 AM

I finally saw the video that All Creatures made. It was wonderful.:D :eek:

AND as I ws starting to read Tuxluvr's description of it, I glanced away bacause I knew my husband solved the problem late last night.
How did he do it?
He disguised our Mac machine as a PC. So, ultimately it was a problem with being an Apple.

Now we know!

Thank you so much All Creatures and Tuxluvr.

P.S. Who is Charles? :confused: :) Might that be Jones' first name? I always thought his name was Mr. Velvet Jones.

11-20-2002, 10:05 AM
Originally posted by rosethecopycat

P.S. Who is Charles? :confused: :) Might that be Jones' first name? I always thought his name was Mr. Velvet Jones.

duuhh...I had momentary brain flatulence...I meant Mr Jones - I was thinking for some reason of that other cat "Big Charles""...orr...something.......my aging grey matter is failing me today :):rolleyes:

All Creatures Great And Small
11-20-2002, 11:59 AM