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View Full Version : Does anyone know anything about Melanoma in dogs?

04-04-2012, 11:46 AM
Does anyone know anything about Melanoma in dogs? In particular in the eye?

Long story short. I noticed a spot in Beenie's eye about a month a go but didn't think anything of it. Her annual vet check was a few days ago so I thought I'd ask about it then. As soon as the vet (new vet that has never seen her before) sees Beenie he takes her head in his hands and looks in her eye before I have a chance to mention it and tells me I need to get it checked out by a doggie eye doctor because it could be Melanoma. I didn't react. I just took the pamphlet, we finished the visit (she needs teeth cleaning with 2 extractions) and left. I've done a few searches but cannot find much of anything. It's a type of cancer and is actually common in Boston Terriers (which I did not know). There is a picture on the internet of a dog with a spot similar to Beenies but not the same. I am just numb right now I guess... I have the specialists phone number and need to schedule the visit. I just am having a hard time doing that. I almost don't want to know if it's bad news. She will be 9 in November. Gosh I just realized I've been on this board since we got her. I guess I should just call and get the appointment. I might be getting worked up for nothing. I'm wondering if they need to do a biopsy if they could do it while she is down for her teeth cleaning so they won't have to knock her out twice... just babbling here.

04-04-2012, 12:02 PM
I can certainly understand why you are numb right now - I would be too. I don't know anything about a melanoma of the eye, but years ago one of my RB Lhasas had an ulcer on her eye. The vet put a medicated contact lens (self absorbing) on it, and it cleared it up. Hopefully Beenie has something like this that can be treated without issues.

I doubt that the vet doing the dental would be able to do anything to her eye tho, since the doggie eye doctor is very specialized in that field, whereas the other vet is more like a general practitioner.

Prayers going out to Beenie for a good diagnosis/prognosis! :love: Hang in there...........

04-04-2012, 12:49 PM
The good news is that it is ne of the more common cancers in "bulgy-eyed" dogs like Bostons and bulldogs, so there has been a lot of research, and so more treatment options are available, and we'll hope this was caught early enough to be curable without too much trauma for everyone involved.

Here's a good web page, and it includes photo of a dog who was successfully treated, and lots of pertinent information:

04-04-2012, 05:07 PM
You know you need to make that appointment. With any ailment, the sooner it is addressed the easier it is to cope with.

The primary vet won't be able to do the eye work, that is why you got the referral. The specialist, if Beenie has to have anesthesia for some reason, may be able to do the dental at that time. I've had specialists do the "regular" stuff. Yes, it will cost more. But everyone is working to limit the number of times the pet has anesthesia.

I would say, for now get to the specialist, and hold off on the dental until you know what is up with the eye.

04-04-2012, 07:19 PM
I don't know anything about that type of cancer in dogs Carmen. I will keep Beenie in my prayers that maybe it isn't cancer and if it is she will be ok. {hugs}

04-05-2012, 01:22 PM
Thank you for your thoughts and advice. Yes, I'll get the eye appointment for her today.

04-05-2012, 02:30 PM
She scheduled to see the specialist the Monday after Easter at 10.30. Wish us luck. Consult is $150 and does not include any procedure, biopsy or anything else they decide to do. It's a lot but worth it to have piece of mind that she is fine. I hope. :)

04-05-2012, 06:13 PM
Willk definitely keep Beenie in my prayers. It's great that you are getting in so quickly. Keep us posted.

04-05-2012, 10:12 PM
Yes, please keep us posted!

04-09-2012, 12:32 PM
Just got back from the dog eye doctor and Beenie is fine. She has a uveal cyst which isn't bothering her vision.
He said unless she starts pawing at her eye, she's perfectly fine. It might reabsorb on it's own, get bigger or more may form as time goes on.
I was so relieved I cried when he said it's not a tumor. Thanks to those who replied and were thinking about us.

04-09-2012, 12:42 PM
Yay, good news! Now leave that eye alone, Beenie!

04-09-2012, 06:14 PM
That's great news! :)

04-10-2012, 08:28 AM
It's great to hear good news! :)

04-11-2012, 05:11 AM
Such great news!!