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View Full Version : Cardiac Stress test - An Awesome Wednesday

04-03-2012, 07:18 PM
Tomorrow morning early I have a cardiac stress test followed by an echo cardiogram. Good wishes needed. I wouldn't be worried except that they ask such questions as "who's your emergency contact?" and "do you have a living will?"

I'll update you tomorrow. I have to sign off for tonight as I have to be up at Oh Dark Thirty tomorrow morning.

04-03-2012, 08:29 PM
They ask those questions for nearly anything these days, don't let that add any extra stress, okay? We'll be thinking of you!

04-04-2012, 12:57 AM
I hope that everything will go well. Good luck.:)

04-04-2012, 05:42 AM
Good wishes for you that all goes well for you with the stress test.

Queen of Poop
04-04-2012, 07:11 AM
Don't be stressed over those questions, even my GI doctor asks those questions, when I'm just going for a "chat" about how things are going. Seems to be "standard" practice. Hope all goes well with the testing.

04-04-2012, 10:39 AM
Hope everything is going/went well. Best wishes and good thoughts sent your way!

04-04-2012, 11:47 AM
Hope everything went well!

04-04-2012, 01:08 PM
Anne, I hope the test will turn out well! Get a good nights sleep and try not to worry, I'm sure you'll be fine. :)

My best wishes - and calming purrs from Fister. :love:

04-04-2012, 07:20 PM
Stress test and echo cardiogram finished. I have to go back tomorrow for the follow-up scan and then get a halter monitor. I think it's overkill. :D But I do understand that my doc felt it necessary and I am curious about some things.

It's been an awesome Wednesday! :love: Tell you more later.

Later Edit:

Okay, the chemical stress test is weird. :eek: I got there at 7:15 AM. I was ready for the doctor at 8:05 with the IV in place, but he was 1 hour late because he forgot to check his schedule. So I'm hungry because I wasn't allowed to eat until after the medication was administered. However, as a diabetic I do have to eat or I get sick. So they let me eat. It turns out the medicine that opens the arteries can make you nauseous. The medicine did make me feel weird for a few hours. They don't do the scan for another hour so I had an echo cardiogram in the meantime.

I asked if she could tell me the results. Legally she can't but she said that if there were something really serious, they wouldn't let me leave without talking to me. :D

After I was done I decided to get some Chinese at a buffet since I can pick and choose what I can eat. The Toyota dealership is across the street so first I checked to see if I could get my car serviced and yes I was in luck. Walked across the BUSY street to get lunch and back to pick up the car. It cost extra :p because two air filters needed replacing. One was for the A/C-Heater.

Drove to the other side of Greenville to Animal Care to get some more Upstate Critter magazines to distribute in my area. Back in home area again to make an appt for a hair cut and she had time to color and highlight it. I told her that I had gotten several compliments lately about my hair and had given her shop number out. (She actually mixes her preparations instead of just using a bottle. :love: ) Visited my friends at the store and made a cat food purchase. There is a shortage of the two types of cat food that I like so that was the only negative for today.

Then I went to the gym for a short workout. Got to get my elliptical stats back up. Pick up some stuff at the local Bi-Lo and then home. And then I remember about the puzzle. :eek:


I hope that tomorrow goes as well. :D

PS Spunky's and Emily's blood work came back today. Results were within bounds. Spunky's creatinine was still a little high but not as high as before so nothing to stress about. :D