View Full Version : Taggart was almost attacked.

04-01-2012, 09:38 PM
Our regular dog park is closed for turf restoration so I took Taggart to another park that we've never been to. Well, of course, it was closed. :mad: So I just decided to walk around the park with him. There is a HUGE pond in the middle with a walkway around it. We had just got on the sidewalk by the pond and there is no barrier from the sidewalk to the water. If you get to close you could slip and be in the water. Around the pond are benches spread out every once in a while. I watch for other dogs and do not pay much attention to the people. I saw, what I thought was, an older man sitting on a bench. This person was sitting perfectly up straight and hardly moved. As we got closer I noticed a black dog in the shadows next to the bench. His leash was attached to a tree truck or something. I never judge a dog by looks or breed. This dog was a Pit had its ears cropped to make it look meaner. But I approached it as I do any dog.....I keep the leash tight so I can keep control at all times. Sure enough we don't even get very close and this dog goes after Taggart growling and snapping. I had to be quick and careful to pull Taggart away from the dog and not have both of us end up in the nasty pond. Then I look at the person on the bench and it is a young guy. He sits and does not move a muscle. I look him directly in the face and say to him (in a very rude tone) THANK YOU. He mumbles I'm sorry. As I'm walking away trying not to cry (I cry when I'm angry, scared or anything), I turn back to him and say "You could have warned me. It's not the dogs fault."
It is people like him that give Pits a bad name. I was so angry I was shaking as we continued our walk. He didn't move a muscle to reach for his dog. I am not even sure if he even turned his head. He wasn't holding the leash, it was wrapped around a tree stump or something and luckily wasn't too long.
As we got around the pond we came to a man with an older Golden and a young boy trying to ride his bicycle. I asked him if he was going all the way around and he said yes. I warned him to watch out for the black dog. He thanked me. I could imagine this guy trying to help his son on the bike and this dog attacks his Golden.

Please know I have nothing against Pit Bulls.........NOTHING at all!! I would be posting this and feeling the same way had this been a lab or a chihuahua. We encountered several other dogs on the rest of our walk and luckily Taggart wasn't phased by the dog he first met. It took me a long time to calm down. I made sure to find another way back to my car so I wouldn't have to see them again.
We've come across other dogs that weren't so friendly, but the owners had control of them. That is why this upsets me so much. Like I said.......it wasn't the dogs fault. Its not his fault his owner is a complete IDIOT!!!:mad: He was actually a beautiful dog (with the exception of the cropped ears).

Ok, I feel even better after getting this off my chest to people I know will totally understand me. :)

04-02-2012, 12:32 AM
Sorry that happened to you guys. I'm guessing you're talking about the pond at Heather Farms and if that's the case then I really have to wonder why that kid would bring a dog-aggressive dog to such an area, since you are pretty much guaranteed to run into several other people walking their dogs around there. At least if he does take his dog there should have the leash in his hand and be prepared, and willing, to control the dog when necessary! :/

04-02-2012, 05:14 AM
That must have been awful! Yes, you're right, not the dogs fault. Unfortunately for Pitbulls, they often end up with that type of owner.:(

[I turn back to him and say "You could have warned me. It's not the dogs fault.]

What you said to the guy was great. Very good for quick thinking when you were upset.

04-02-2012, 06:36 AM
I wish there was a pound for idiots instead of dogs.. Sorry that happened to you! I can see why you were so upset :( hope you feel better soon.

04-02-2012, 07:58 AM
Glad both of you are ok.

Yup, I understand, you aren't upset too much about what the dog did - hey, some dogs are like that. But the total indifference of the owner is beyond annoying, frustrating and just about incomprehensible! Even if he isn't holding the leash, you'd expect him to MOVE when the dog reacts!

04-02-2012, 08:54 AM
I'm glad both of you are okay as well. It's stupid people like this that give Pit Bulls a bad name. If the owner had been watching his dog, the situation could have been handled much better, but apparently some people are just really stupid.

04-02-2012, 09:36 AM
Thanks everyone. My anger was not toward the dog AT ALL. It was only toward the owner.

Yes, it was at Heather Farms. And I thought the same thing....why have an aggressive dog here in the first place and then not even control it or warn people. We've encountered other dogs on walks and the owner will let me know there dog is not dog friendly. Not that difficult!

I was surprised with myself for what I said to him. I usually always think of these things after the fact. Of course after this I thought of a LOT more things I would have liked to said to him.