View Full Version : bathe and carry

11-16-2002, 01:08 AM
have any of you seen or used one of these? I bought it today, can't wait to see how it will work out...

and here is their xmas present, I got 2 of these and one connector(ebay)
think they will like them? thats ALL their getting, thats enough!! for them all to share.

the pic of the bathe and carrier is what I got them today, the link is of their xmas present, in case I wasn't clear. I can't wait to give it to them, i will have it all set up in the living room xmas morning, of course from Santa! they have all been so good with all the meds and vet visits..and of course the few toys I bought them today will go into their stockings, except the one I gave them today. its a pkg of plastic curly things, that they love to chase!
Im sounding crazy just a bit LOL. I can't go into petsmart often, it costs too much, but hey a cats GOT to have some new toys now and then right?:eek: :D

Sara luvs her Tinky
11-16-2002, 01:26 AM
I've seen the bathe and carry... sounds safe... for the hoomans...;)
I want to do a Santa thing for my kitties... Drfostersmith.com has some paw stockings that I am ordering for them... you know instead of a sock shape it is paw shape with green paw pads... SOOOO CUTE.. since we don't have any kids.. they are my babies and I wanna do Santa for them!!!:)

11-16-2002, 09:22 AM
since we don't have any kids.. they are my babies and I wanna do Santa for them!!!

yep me too, they are my kids LOL.
last year I didn't do much or the year before, because I only had one then 2 cats, and they really don't care, but I did put up stockings for them. I feel bad that I am doing this, this year and didnt for Muffin when it was just her. (cookie too)
thats silly I know...

11-16-2002, 12:00 PM
Put the cat in that, that in the bath tub, (head above water, of course) then clean the cat through the bars??:eek:

11-16-2002, 12:33 PM
yep thats about it... in the tub or sink...it does say on there to let them get aquainted with it first, so I have it sitting out where they can see and sniff it, then in a day or 2 I will tie a toy on there, so they arent scared of it... either way as soon as they are in it they will NOT like it! but it's necessary if I am ever going to be able to groom them without being shredded! and its not like I will use it often, just when they need claws done or baths.

11-16-2002, 01:38 PM
I imagine Snowy blowing the cage to bits in his efforts to escape!
I don't know if he'd ever forgive me.
I'll just have to put up with dirty, nawteekats.

11-16-2002, 08:20 PM
I shudder to think of using such a device on my cats. I think it would traumatize them soooo much, and I would worry about them having a heart attack, seriously. I imagine being put in a cage, then submerged into water...and I have the ability to rationally think "I know they aren't going to drown/kill me". I don't think that device is supposed to be used in the tub. There are other ways to bathe a cat. I just don't think it is going to be the right thing to do.:(

11-17-2002, 12:07 AM

well to tell you the truth, I had seen it at petsmart before and passed it up. I decided to go ahead and buy it now because grooming Charlie, and really all of them, is SOOOO didfficult. I really do have to be able to handle them, and that seems like a way that I may be able to. but you are right, they will be frightened. I have been thinking of what their reactions will be when I put them in it for the first time.:eek:
I love my cats, love them very much, I would never do anything to hurt them. I might try it once and see what happens, if it is too tramatic I will not do it. and it would be in the sink, not the tub, and I would just have the water on lightly.
I also am going to check on some of petsmarts other grooming prices.

BUT, honestly, what do you think is worse, to scare them a little with someone they are used to in their own home, or to scare them more and bring them to a strange place and people they don't know? I would like everyones opinions...when I brought Charlie there and and she grabbed the back of his neck and pulled, I wanted to slap her! (overprotective mother?) then she still couldn't get him out, I had to. I had to hand him to a stranger then I left him. I wanted to cry.

from the posts already posted it sounds like everyone feels its wrong. was I a creep to consider it? I think I will still try it and see what happens.
how do all of you wash your cats?

11-17-2002, 01:06 AM
I just looked at the thing again, it is too big for a sink. so it will have to be the tub, but for heavens sake, I'm not going to dunk them under water, just fill the tub an inch or two. well, will see what happens.

11-17-2002, 01:22 PM
Please don't be upset. I didn't mean to insinuate that you were mean, or thoughtless. I know you wouldn't drown your cats. I was just telling you what I thought when I saw it. I don't think it is a good idea. I am JUST one person. That doesn't mean what you are doing is wrong. I think it would be more traumatic to put the kitty in the cage and put the cage in standing water. I really have a difficult time with the concept. While I don't condone the way the groomer handled your cat, I think it is still different then putting the cat in a cage, near water. It would totally traumatize me- and I don't have a fear of water. If you must groom your cats, then you have to do what you have to do. I have had cats for many years. I have three long haired kitties currently. I have bathed them all only one time in two years. I will admit is was horriblely wet and physically difficult, but we got through it with minor scratches- no bites. BUT, that is only me.

11-17-2002, 02:36 PM
I know it was not meant as an insult, that it was your opinion, and I respect that, thats why I had to think about it. and still have to think about it. I guess I will have to see how it goes, if I see it is too much for them I will toss the thing out. I don't know yet. as it is, we are holding them down for the eye drops, they HATE that but seem to be ok afterwards. these cats have been thru so much this year, Santa will be good to them!

thanks for the concern. I think I will try the cage out tomorrow, and see how they do in it before thereis any water involved.
will let you know.:)

11-26-2002, 04:41 PM
you were right about that thing... I am going to return it, I can't do that to them. well I thought it was worth the try.:eek:

11-26-2002, 05:02 PM
I'm sitting here thanking my lucky stars that my boys don't need to be bathed! Don't know what I'd do:confused: On one hand they DREAD leaving the house. On the other hand, they've inflicted pretty severe injuries to me not meaning to when they get startled. I can only imagine if they were TRYING to kill me! :rolleyes:

11-26-2002, 05:49 PM
I think the concept is a good idea, but I have to admit that when I saw it at PetSmart it worried me. I know my cats would hate being put in there...but they HATE being put anywhere, especially a cage.

Don't let us make you return it. If you think your cats would be OK, keep it. I just know how ours are and they wouldn't like it...not that they LIKE baths or their port-a-prisions... :)

11-26-2002, 06:06 PM
I don't think it's that bad. If I were going to have to bathe Corkscrew I think I would use one of those. My tub has one of those shower head that is on a hose you can take it down and move it around. Because I know if I had to bathe Corkscrew he would attack me, I've bathed Tibby because and she's no problem. And I wouldn't want to take Corkscrew to a groomer because he would attack the poor groomer. My friend works for a grooming place and she said that's she's seen groomers go to the ER because cats have torn them up so bad. And I know that Corkscrew would be one of those cats that would send someone to an ER. I think as long as the cat isn't being dumped into the water then it's not that bad.

11-26-2002, 07:15 PM
My cats have 2 of those tunnels. They love to sleep and hide in them.