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View Full Version : Watching Sissy-pics, video

03-26-2012, 01:55 PM
Hi Peeps,
I plan to post photos and videos of Sissy here for some time to come. I have 3 videos below which include all 3 dogs--LilGirl, Sissy, Annie--done Mar 25 2012. From time to time I'll come back and post new pics & possibly videos.

I am making progress with Sissy's bathroom habits. After 1 week she can just about pee on command on her pad and bm too. She LOVES food and I am rewarding her with tiny tiny crumbs of animal crackers every time she does what she should. Several times she has gone to the pad without my taking her there; I am so proud. She drinks a lot of water so she goes a lot. Also she does bathroom outside if we happen to be outside with her. She is one smart little Pom puppy. No, I havent forgotten LilGirl (smile) but LilGirl wishes I had never brought puppy home but we will adjust.

http://youtu.be/5i3vc1T742Y video 1

http://youtu.be/nWjLFl4hhV4 video 2

http://youtu.be/C4RLzg4AocU video 3

03-26-2012, 03:38 PM
Here some photos of precious Sissy. I love it when she sleeps on her back and looks so sweet. In the pics below, look for her little 4 feet up in the air or at least her 2 back feet... so sweet.
........more pics to come

03-26-2012, 03:44 PM
pics sissy

03-26-2012, 03:52 PM
Sissy pics

03-26-2012, 05:46 PM
Goodness, she gets cuter every time you post pictures! I'm glad you're having good potty progress :D. Lily sleeps like that too :love:

03-26-2012, 07:17 PM
Sissy is so adorable!:love: Nice pics and videos of all three of your adorable pups! Hopefully LilGirl will soon realize how much fun she can have with Sissy!:D

03-28-2012, 10:14 AM
Great videos of the girls.:) LilGirl is sure not used to a little live wire like Sissy.:)
Maybe you'll should go back and get Sissy's sibling for her to rough house with.:D
Anne seems like a real sweetheart with both of them.:)

03-28-2012, 10:30 AM
I agree with Bri. She gets cuter and cuter!

This pic cracked me up and needs a caption.


04-12-2012, 08:44 AM
Thur, Apr 12 2012
Hi Folks, I know you've been waiting to see my babies again LOL.
Here's 2 videos and some pics taken yesterday. Kay

Sissy was born 2.1.12 and is growing. She's quite the PUPPY... curious, not afraid of anything, persistent, sweet, adorable and doing good with her paper training and going outside when we're out. I think she's very smart. LilGirl continues to not like her or be afraid... not sure which.. prob some of both. Luke cat is ok most of the time but Sissy just hasnt learned yet when to leave him alone. Annie continues to be the best dog ever with both Sissy & LilGirl--what a patient dog she is.

This Sat I will have had Sissy for 4 weeks. Those first 2 wks were the hardest but now I can see that she is a smart little dog, unlike any little dog I've had before, & I can pretty much tell when she has to do bathroom & most of the time she uses a pad (I have several throughout the house). I've put in alot of time training her with pads & the persistence has paid off. Also when we're outside, she does her business outside. Also when she gets ready for bed, she just gets up and goes to her little bed all on her own. I've had a mini doxie, a rat terrier, then LilGirl a chi-rat mix, & now Sissy. I think Sissy learns quicker than my previous little dogs or maybe it's me. Anyway here they are. Kay in NC

http://youtu.be/8Nd3meWPHiA Sissy & remote car (done 4.11.12)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFwCBVyqDfA Sissy & Luke cat

04-12-2012, 09:18 AM
I am fascinated by the way Sissy runs fast. Both her hind legs go at the same time; it reminds me of the way a bunny hops.
Pom People: Do all Poms run fast with both rear legs going at the same time?

Taken 3.29.12

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEp19KyDf88 (Sissy doing bunny hop)

04-12-2012, 10:09 AM
Sissy absolutely gets cuter every time I see her! And yes - Poms are smart. I've had a terrier mix, a couple of other mutts, Lhasa Apsos, a Shih Tzu - and Myndi is without a doubt the smartest pooch I ever had. And stubborn!!!!! And yes - she hops too when she runs - tho with her bad legs and old age, her run is more of a trot now! :)

Loved the video with the remote car. And I hope that rug she was chewing on had no real value. :eek::D