View Full Version : I'm SOOO angry right now. What part of INDOOR ONLY do they not understand????

03-21-2012, 08:02 AM

I received this message on FB from my friend Mike Kodas, who adopted a cat fka Tucker.

"So Otto convinced to let him out when we went to see a friend's son play some jazz in Boulder Friday night. Coming home on our bikes, we saw a dog running up a side street with what I thought was a black purse in his mouth. I rode up on the dog to investigate, and saw that it was a coyote with someone's pet. I bore down on the yote as fast as I could, screaming, and it dropped the animal so it could run faster and get away from the crazy animal on the Schwinn. When I was far away I didn't think it was Otto, cause the animal looked so black in the dark, but as I got close I saw it was the gray dude. I dove off my bike to him, to make sure the coyote didn't come back for him, and started crying. I was sure he was dead. He wasn't moving and was all contorted. But when I petted him, he was still warm and I could feel him breath a little. I picked him up and screamed for Carolyn to call an all-night vet, we got him in the back seat of the car and raced him to the vet. I could hear him breath a little louder, but very labored, and on our way to the vet, he picked his head up. "No broken neck," I thought. His neck was totally soaked though, and I was yelling at Carolyn to find the wound so she could cover it with her hand. When we went into the Vet's office, into the light, we saw that Otto's left front leg was badly broken - both the ulna and radius sticking out of the skin of his leg. They took him and we waited for about 90 minutes. They did x-rays and it turns out that, aside from the broken leg, he had lost a canine tooth, had some air in his chest cavity that had escaped his lungs in the fight, which they thought would clear up fast, and was otherwise ok. Luckiest cat in the world. Everything with his care has gone fabulously (expensively, but fabulous). He had surgery yesterday and they have an external metal rig holding his leg while the bones heal. They said the bones and bed were in excellent shape for putting back together and he should heal up fine. He'd lost a tooth a week ago fighting a neighbor's cat, so he's got a hockey players grin now, but he's still with us and mostly whole. Our greatest challenge will be explaining to him that his outside days are pretty much over, unless it's during the day, in our fenced yard with one of us out there with him. We don't want to use up any more of his lives. The surgeon at the emergency vet said in his 13 years there, he'd never seen another cat survive a coyote or mountain lion attack. Otto's a bit of a celebrity there, due to surviving the attack and his generally fun personality. Saturday night, before his surgery, he managed to escape through a vent in the oxygen cage they had him in, even with all the IV tubes and his busted leg. They're still laughing about that. I'll write a blog and put up some more pictures of his recovery. Hope you're well. I knew that you would want to know about OttoTucker's big adventure. He's a survivor!!!!"

My response a 39 minutes ago

PRETTY MUCH out of the question??? Take another GOOD look at the picture. I thank God he's okay. Give him kisses for me, please.

I'm BEYOND pissed off right now. Otto is a cat he adopted from me with specific instructions for indoor only (all my cats that get adopted are supposed to be I.O.

03-21-2012, 08:25 AM
Otto is one VERY lucky cat, to survive that attack so well. :love:

Donna, do you use a written contract? If you did, with the proper clause in it, you would now be able to "confiscate" Otto and rehome him. Just one thought.

Most of my other thoughts are not printable. :mad:

03-21-2012, 08:43 AM
This story is heart-rending. So many people tell me that my Dorry must get "bored" being an indoors only kitty. Perhaps a bit too much anthropomorphization? I'm sure that I don't need to tell you all that indoor kitties are content with good nutrition, some toys and love. I respond to these stupid comments with the accepted stats of longevity for indoor vs. outdoor cats. That generally shuts these "concerned" individuals up. There are way too many "Lost Cat" pics posted in my neighbourhood. Of course, I do understand that sometimes a kitty escapes. Just yesterday a woman came up to me with an empty carrier, searching for her kitty who had done so. She was absolutely wretched, the cat's never been outdoors. Told her I'd call if I saw the kitty, about all I could do, but what are the chances of this cat making it home safe. It would have been cruel to tell her that I am always aware of where Dorry is before I leave my place. I only wish her and the lost kitties luck.

03-21-2012, 08:43 AM
Oh, what a frightful experience for poor Otto. :( I hope he heals up soon! If the new owner can't see that Otto needs to stay inside, then he should go to a home who cares enough about his safety!

03-21-2012, 09:06 AM
Once you have calmed down, and no doubt I would be beyond furious, I would write a letter to them, explaining your thoughts and feelings, and why you know indoor is better, that this sort of thing keeps you up at night, that you could never forgive yourself, and you will work to find him a new home, etc.

I wouldn't rely on any written contract. That just sets the two of you at odds, I would work to appeal to this person's emotional side, not the legal side.

Thank GOD this kitty is ok, relatively speaking.

03-21-2012, 09:24 AM
We are so glad that Otto will survive his ordeal:love::love:
Sometimes even when we mean to keep our Cats indoor, they slip out.:eek::eek:
Josephine is a little Houidini and I am old , thank God I have the Moose:love: Memorial Porch so she cannot get outside.:D;)
We are praying that Otto will recover fully:love::love:

03-21-2012, 09:30 AM
Yup, this would be reason # 28,535 that my cats are indoor only. I don't even want to take Jax out on a harness and leash because I don't want him to become a door darter.
My opinion is they are happy as long as they are ALIVE! Growing up with outdoor only cats I couldn't handle losing another kitty to being run over by a car. I'm actually surprised we didn't lose more to coyotes. Although those might be the ones that "ran away" never to return.

I hope they really do keep Otto indoors now. I'm afraid once he heals up (and begs them) they might go back to their old ways. :(

03-21-2012, 10:17 AM
Donna I am so sorry too hear this. Thank god that Otto is doing well.
ALL mine (26) are indoor only.
When 1 is adopted I tell them that if I even think that they are letting them out I WILL reposes that cat and find a new home that is more responible.
I have several that I was told that they DO NOT do well if kept inside.
I am here to say that it is wrong. One renamed Henry I was told that he will try and get out no matter what.
He new station is on top of the fridge or the upstairs front window and has not made any attempt to GET OUT. I have 5 ferals in house. Again no problem, they seem very happy.

03-21-2012, 02:57 PM
Otto was one of my cats. I rescued him from the NYCACC from an adopt-a-thon. He didn't get along with my male cat, RB Casey so I put a notice up on the bulletin board at work. Mike and Carolyn Kodas adopted him. When they lived in CT, the allowed him outdoors when they were home and only during the day. While I didn't like it, there wasn't much I could do. They do adore him.

He had gotten into fights with neighborhood cats and they patched him up. I tried to ask them to keep him in, but they claim he gets antsy if they don't let him out. I've cared for him while they've been gone and he was never like that for me. But this last episode almost killed him! He's now 10 years old. I feel really bad for him.

I'm trying to remain very calm. I just get angry at how jovial he sounds about "Otto's Adventures". UGH!!!:mad::mad::mad:

03-21-2012, 03:40 PM
I'm trying to remain very calm. I just get angry at how jovial he sounds about "Otto's Adventures". UGH!!!:mad::mad::mad:

I was thinking the same thing. Getting attacked and nearly killed shouldn't really be considered an "adventure." I'm just glad to hear Otto is doing good now. That most of been such a frightful experience. :( Perfect reason why Snow isn't allowed outdoors either.

03-21-2012, 08:22 PM
I recall these people are friends of yours. Can you repo Otto? If he has toys and a good cat tree, I am sure he will enjoy being indoors.

Yikes...some people are just STOOPID, even if they are intelligent. They are playing games with Otto's life!

03-21-2012, 08:46 PM
No, I can't repo him. They live way out in Boulder, CO now. I feel so helpless being so far away and not being able to do anything for him. :(

03-21-2012, 09:08 PM
I hope Otto heals quickly and they keep him inside! I could never have an outside cat. I'd be worried sick about it being out there! I don't leave my dogs outside. I don't understand why people think it's ok for cats???

03-21-2012, 09:56 PM
I think you need to get better "friends". The whole post sounds so flip and "oh isn't that funny" sort of thing that it makes me want to slap them with a trout! I hope Otto has been scared enough to stay inside. I cannot begin to imagine the terror of being picked off by a coyote! Best wishes being sent to Otto and to you. There's just no understanding humans. Oi!

03-22-2012, 06:52 AM

The more I know humans, the more I adore my cats!!! A mutual friend posted on FB that Otto has lived an ideal life with Mike and Carolyn and I shouldn't be livid or point blame. I SO disagree!!

I trusted these people to keep Otto safe. They've broken that trust.

03-22-2012, 09:54 AM
Absolutely! I have a sign that I got for my bday that says the same. An accident is one thing...goodness knows I had a kitty fall from a third floor window while horseplaying with his brother..right thru the screen! He was fine but THAT was an accident. The attitude is what bothers me most. Granted Otto probably has a better life than most kits but they owe it to Otto and to you to do what they need to do to keep him safe. I completely understand and share your feelings. Let's hope it's a lesson learned for these people.

03-22-2012, 12:34 PM
My babies are all kept indoors. I live where there are coyotes, racoons, and skunks wandering around and it's just too darn dangerous for them to be outside! My Mac was an outdoor cat when he was poofed and given to me. At first he was a doo darter, but it's been years since he has wanted outside. He is a grand old gentleman in his teens now, and he loves being indoors where it's warm in the winter and cool in the summer. You could leave the door wide open and he would just look outside and stay put. Ming has always been an indoor cat, I adopted him when he was a kitten. He's scared of the outdoors and I keep it that way. Kimba was an outdoor cat who adjusted to being indoor-only within a month of being with me. He was about 7 months old when I took him in, 2 of his previous owners had moved and abandoned him, poor little guy. I do not know why they did that. He is mostly a good boy who loves to play and snuggle on your lap. You're right, Donna. The more I know people, the better I like cats. Not the people on here, though. You guys are great!:)

03-31-2012, 03:22 PM
Mike posted in FB that Otto is fighting a bad infection and could LOSE his leg!!! I'm so upset right now I'm sobbing. Look at this picture!! I just want to shake those a-holes and tell them to wake up.


My biggest fear now is that they'll allow him outside with three legs. Then he'll NEVER have a chance!!!:(:(:(

03-31-2012, 11:53 PM
Donna - could you just ask them if Otto is going to be an indoors-only cat from now on?

04-01-2012, 01:38 AM
Wow! From looking at the last picture that you posted, these people seem to be against cats being indoor only.:(:mad: I sure hope that Otto will make a complete recovery and learn to hate the outdoors. All of my cats are also indoor only and even if I wanted to let them out I couldn't. It's against the rules in my condo complex and they also regularly set out cat traps for strays. Sky used to be a door darter and he was an outdoor cat before I adopted him but he learned in time to love being an indoor only cat.

04-01-2012, 10:28 AM

I'd have a better chance of getting a date with Paul Newman!!! The sad part about it is he got into a fight with a neighborhood cat and lost a tooth a month before he was carried off by the coyote.

Otto came from the streets of NYC!! I adopted him from the CACC at an adopt-a-thon in Madison Square Garden. He's approximately 12 years old. It was love at first sight. Only problem was he needed to be an only cat. It was (what I THOUGHT) was the perfect home with Mike and Carolyn. :(

04-01-2012, 10:51 AM

What pi$$es me off about this pic, is that the "person" seems to be amused/entertained by this cat's poor luck. I find that pretty darn sick, considering it was the human's fault that it happened in the first place. :mad:

04-01-2012, 12:53 PM
Did they sign a legal agreement with you? I know Colorado is far away, but perhaps they'll agree to re-home him? Contact the Local Shelter and see if they can help?

Just floating some ideas.

04-01-2012, 01:21 PM
Actually, that looks like an expression of affection on the person's face.

I hope they do keep him in after this - maybe contact the vet, explain who you are, and ask them to insist that Otto be kept indoors only.

04-01-2012, 05:23 PM
How DARE they take that poor kitty outside with the cast on :mad: :mad: Some fools never learn!