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View Full Version : New addition to the household

03-20-2012, 02:18 PM
So I have a new addition to my furry paw gang,a Lynx Point Siamese. I picked him up on Sunday but he still doesn't have a name yet but he is very very friendly. He seems to be about 18 months, but I think he was in an accident or abused before the rescue got him. His back end doesn't work so well, so at first I thought it might be CH like my other guys. But it turns out that he has some incontinance issues :eek: especially when he gets excited.

He has an appointment at the groomer's tomorrow because he has a difficult time cleaning himself and needs to be shaved down because he is dirty. Then we are going to the white coats to see if there is anything that can be done about the incontinance. But in the mean time any advice on cat diapers would be greatly appreciated!

03-20-2012, 02:20 PM
Congrats on the new addition, it will be interesting to see what the vet says!

03-20-2012, 03:57 PM
How wonderful that you have taken in this special needs cat. I hope his visit to the vet goes well.

I have a diaper cat called Zazesh. Also abused, though in his case through severe neglect (his back legs were fused together through years worth of matting and he had to drag his bag end around leading to muscle atrophy in his rear legs) he has gone on to develop a neuromuscular disorder which leaves him generally unaware of when he eliminates (there may have been some brain damage; he operates on a fairly basic level). He isn't paralyzed and he isn't incontinent, though, because I believe that means a cat needs to be expressed in order to empty the bladder fully. I was considering taking in two more diaper cats from the shelter, but in their case there is true incontinence and they have to be expressed for poop and pee. That takes time, which I would have in the evening but not in the mornings. Visit the handicapped pets website (unless you have found it already) and you will find lots of advice from extremely experienced people:


After much trial and error, and lots of difficulty in dealing with a very cranky cat who will bite, I came up with the following method of diapering. Zazesh is thin so I use Pampers for newborns. I cut a + just below the printed band on the back end, in fact the top of the + goes into the print. His tail is shaved and he has a sani shave at his hind end (he's a Himalayan mix so medium long-hair). After I rinse him in slowly running lukewarm water under the sink tap, I dry him off and step into the bathtub with him. I place him facing my rear so I'm looking down on his rear and hold him at his middle with my legs. I slide his tail through the + of the diaper, wrap each end round and seal. Then I run my fingers under on both sides to make sure it isn't too tight and is comfortable. Males are far less likely to develop urinary tract infections than females when they are diapered all the time. I've sometimes put Zazesh in a room with a washable floor to give his hind end time to "breathe" but he ends up falling into his mess repeatedly, which means a full bucket bath and far more stress.

Photos, please, and an update as soon as he's seen the vet.

When you rinse him off, be prepared for him to poop also because this is a method some use to express the colon.

03-21-2012, 08:11 AM
Right now he is at the groomer's. The rescue group was overwhelmed with his care, so he is really matted. I figured that I would get him cleaned up first and then we go to the vet this evening. But I will keep you posted

03-21-2012, 09:27 AM
We can hardly wait to see your new addition , we bet that he is quite a Handsome fellow;)
God bless you for taking a Cat who noone else wants, and that you have such a big heart.:love::love:

03-21-2012, 09:40 AM
He is a Siamese with big blue eyes. So he is home from the groomer right now and looks (and smells) a lot better. We have a vet appointment today, and we will just go from there.

But thank you for the advice and wishes, I appreciate it :)

03-21-2012, 11:11 AM
I'm sure he's feeling better now that he is clean, but he may not like a vet visit. Hope it goes well! :)

03-21-2012, 06:34 PM
We can hardly wait to see your new addition, we bet that he is quite a Handsome fellow;)
God bless you for taking a Cat who no one else wants, and that you have such a big heart.:love::love:

Agree, agree, agree!

03-21-2012, 07:36 PM
Agree, agree, agree!

Me too, me too, me too!!!

God bless you and the kitty. Here's hoping the vet appointment goes well.


03-21-2012, 07:48 PM
Well we just got back from the vet and fed everyone. They are not sure what the problem is but it looks like he might be missing one of his vertebra. They gave me the names of a couple of neurologists in the area. But in the mean time, it looks like I will be using some type of diaper. Please keep this little guy in your prayers, he has lost almost 4 lbs (he only weighed 8.8 lbs last time he was in the vet).

03-21-2012, 08:33 PM
Awww, poor baby! Glad he is with YOU now, where he'll get love and all the care - even diapers - he needs.

03-21-2012, 10:04 PM
A million blessings to you for taking on this poor baby. I hope it all works out. You are a brave soul!

03-21-2012, 10:19 PM
Well we just got back from the vet and fed everyone. They are not sure what the problem is but it looks like he might be missing one of his vertebra. They gave me the names of a couple of neurologists in the area. But in the mean time, it looks like I will be using some type of diaper. Please keep this little guy in your prayers, he has lost almost 4 lbs (he only weighed 8.8 lbs last time he was in the vet).

Big, big prayers for the lynx kitty! Fingers and paws crossed!

03-22-2012, 12:39 PM
I am sending good thoughts and prayers up for a very special kitty and his very special new family!:love:

03-22-2012, 04:11 PM
Prayers and loving good wishes are being sent your way. More blessings to kitty and you.


03-22-2012, 04:30 PM
I know your vet's diagnosis isn't what you wanted to hear, and I know how worrying his weight loss must be, but this could signal a turning point when he is getting the professional and home care he's needed. I recently found that I needed to move Zazesh from the special diet he'd been on for gastro problems to a regular diet along with meds. He'd dropped 2 pounds and weighed only 4.5. In fact, I gave him Fancy Feast because it looked like we were losing him and I just wanted to give him something he loved. Over the past month, with fluids therapy, Metronidazole (Flagyl), Pred. and pumpkin in his FF, he's bounced right back and has gained both weight, appetite and strength. Does your boy have a good appetite? Is he on any meds? Does he have any other medical problems? Did the family who gave him up say anything about his incontinence?

Please name him.

03-22-2012, 07:29 PM
I think that he might have Manx syndrome. The good thing is that if that is what he has, then he might be able to life a nice long life. Right now I just have to get over the diarrhea and get him out with the rest of the guys. The only meds he are on is Albon (for the diarrhea), but he just looks so miserable right now. I have done 3 loads of laundry already today :rolleyes:

I have been trying anything I can to get him to eat, but at least he will eat treats and some dry food so that is a start!

I got him from a young woman who was doing rescue on her own, so she was doing what she could afford to do and she told me what she could.

Right now he is named "lynx" by the woman who rescued him, but I think he needs a special name. I was thinking of Francis (as in St. Francis of Assissi). He is a gentle and loving soul that is doing the best he can.