View Full Version : LilGirl has a sister-pics

03-17-2012, 07:35 PM
Hello, For some time I've been thinking about getting LilGirl a little sister. Well, today I got a wonderful little puppy, a Pom--unbelievably cute imo. CUTENESS WARNING!!

It was hard to choose the best pics so here are 5 and then 5 more. LilGirl has not adjusted yet (just got baby today). She is more afraid than jealous imo so it will take a bit of time. I knew Luke cat would not like new puppy & that's a fact.
Anyway here is my new baby. Her name is Sissy because I got her to be LilGirl's sister. I sure hope they learn to like & love each other.

03-17-2012, 07:43 PM
5 more pics... and I need to change my sig to include Sissy

03-17-2012, 07:59 PM
Oh my goodness, a Pommie!!! My heart :love: She is absolutely adorable! Please take lots and lots and lots more pictures :D!

03-17-2012, 08:18 PM
Adorable! I agree, more pictures:D

03-17-2012, 08:32 PM
Wow! What a surprise! Sissy is so adorable!!!:love: I'm sure Lil Girl will love having her around! More pictures welcome anytime!;)

03-17-2012, 09:09 PM
One thing about doing rescue - I never had a PUPPEEEEEEE! ;)

Now you have PUPPY BREATH! What a cutie, oh that fur, just want to run my fingers through it!

LilGirl, it's alright, she is not taking your place, she has your back! LOL

03-17-2012, 09:48 PM
Wait until Pomtzu sees you!

Welcome to Pet Talk, Sissy!

03-18-2012, 06:53 AM
OMG!!!! Where was the cuteness OVERLOAD warning? Sissy is just adorable. I never had a tiny Pom, since Myndi was 10 months old when she came to live with me. I could just take little Sissy and put her in my pocket and carry her around all day. :love:
Congratulations - and may you have as many wonderful years with Sissy, as I have had with Myndi (16 and counting!). :)

03-18-2012, 08:57 AM
Hi Folks, Thanks for all the lovely comments and warm wlecome to Sissy.
It's me again to talk about Sissy... and LilGirl. Mercy, I know I just got Sissy yesterday but LilGirl is very cool toward her, actually growled a little bit. Again I think it's because LilGirl is 3.5yrs old & has never been around any dogs to speak of, except Annie. Every time Sissy wants to get close to LilGirl(LG), LG runs away or lets her know she doesnt want to be close.

Peeps, How long do you think it will be before LilGirl accepts her? such as, letting Sissy actually lay next to her.

This little Pommie doesnt have too much of a clue about bathroom in house... but she did pee & tiny poop on puddle pad this morning. First I put pad on top of newspapers where LG pees in morning and LG peed on the pad. Then I got Sissy out of crate & sat her down first thing & that cute little bundle of roundness did a little bm ANd a little pee-pee. I was so proud Laugh.

I know everybody thinks "my puppy is the cutest" but honestly I dont think I have ever seen a cuter puppy than this little Pom. I am laughing. It was such a difficult choice to choose between a beige with dark face, and two tri-colors. I took the one that had the most white & was a bit smaller.

I was supposed to go to a baby shower yesterday afternoon but of course getting my Sissy was more important. Then I thought... why not do both? So, I picked up Sissy a mile from me, came home, picked up gift, went to church, walked in with gift bag & Sissy in my arms. Some people actually thought Sissy was a stuffed dog for a gift.... until I put her on the floor & let her walk a few steps. Then the oohs & ahs started- LAUGH. I didnt stay long and later I heard that we were the hit of the shower.

ok, that's it for now. Sorry it's long but just wanted to "talk". Gotta go, Sissy is crying... AND I want to pet LilGirl too.

03-18-2012, 09:26 AM
It may take a while before LilGirl accepts Sissy. Our animals semi-tolerate Brennan now and he's been here 5 months now, but Lily will still growl at him on occasion.

Just give them some time to get used to each other and hopefully they will adjust. :)

How big is Sissy? Do you know how big she is going to get?

03-18-2012, 09:28 AM
OMG, what a cute little ball of fluff.:love: Sissy is adorable. I've checked out her pictures twice
already.:D I love the pic of all the girls. (Anne,LilGirl & Sissy together) & the pic of her sleeping.
I really like her pretty coloring. She's a doll.:)

I'll bet if you don't rush it, she & LilGirl will get along fine & so will Anne.:)

03-18-2012, 05:23 PM
She is adorable! My 4 year old saw the pictures and promptly said, "Dat puppy is soooo cute!" I think she's right.:)

03-18-2012, 07:08 PM
Hi... WHEW! Another day or I should say "full day" of managing LilGirl, Luke, and powder puff known as Sissy. oh my, maybe 5 months before friendly? I hope LG & Sissy are friends before then but however long, Sissy is here to stay. Numerous people have said they'll take her if it doesnt work out--no way!

I think she will be small, probably 5 lbs or so. Her mother weighs 5 lbs and her father weighs 6 lbs. I dont know how much Sissy weighs now but she is light. To me, she feels about as light (or lighter) than LilGirl did at that age and she weighs a tad under 5 lbs & will probably lose a little weight when she starts walking 3x a day. During cold weather we carried LG alot. It sure isnt cold anymore!

Speaking of warm weather, I have 4 bluebird houses and nests have been started in all 4--love bluebirds!

03-18-2012, 07:41 PM
Oh she is just the cutest!! :D

With a name like Sissy she will probably soon take over the house...look out LilGirl and Annie (My girl sAssy did)! Seriously, she is ADORABLE!! Congratulation on the new baby.

03-19-2012, 12:12 AM
Congrats on your new addition!!!:D She's soooooo adorable.:) I don't know much about dogs but from what I've seen on Animal Planet, I know that you need to give LG a lot of attention and also always feed her first. Hopefully they'll both get along soon and even start cuddling together. I bet Sissy will keep LG very warm. Good luck.:)

03-19-2012, 10:04 AM
Thought I'd check to see if there were any new pics. Hint-hint-hint. I for one, never get tired of Pommy pics. :)

It sounds like she will be a little one, considering her parent's weight. Myndi is on the bigger side - goes between 10.5 and 11 lbs, but I know nothing about her parents. Originally, Poms weighed around 35 lbs, but have been bred down to their little size over the years, and now breed standard for showing is 3-7 lbs. I can't imagine having a full grown one at 3 lbs. I definitely would be carrying that one around all the time. :D

03-19-2012, 02:38 PM
pomtsu, I will try to post more pics soon. Between Luke and LilGirl not really liking new Sissy and Sissy having no clue re bathroom, I am busy but it's a good busy. I've never had a pom before so I am amazed at how she keeps toppling over when she walks/runs LOL. I took her out in the yard & she is so curious about everything. When she runs it looks as if a ball is rolling LOL. She is precious when she lays flat out on her tummy... or... when she lays on her back & I rub her little white tummy--just precious.
I'd better stop or those without poms will get mad at me LOL.

03-19-2012, 03:15 PM
I vote for more Pommie pictures too!!! Lily's parents were around the same size as Sissy's, but Lily is kind of pudgy right now at 11 pounds LOL. She could probably lose a few, but she gained after she got spayed.

03-19-2012, 03:20 PM
Oh my goodness....what a sweet little fluff ball of a baby puppy!!!!!! I love the pic taken of her from the rear and that little fuzzy tail. :love: :love: :love:

LG will warm up to her.

I remember years ago when we had a male black Lab Jasper and we got Maggie, a Chocolate Lab Pup. Jasper was very jealous. When Maggie would walk into the room, he would leave. It only took a couple days and we caught them playing and Jasper was all like..."who me...I wasn't playing with that puppy". Soon they were best buddies, playing and sleeping together.

03-20-2012, 09:00 AM
Awww, how adorable! Lil fuzz ball Congratulations.

03-20-2012, 08:18 PM
OMG!!!! Where was the cuteness OVERLOAD warning? Sissy is just adorable. I never had a tiny Pom, since Myndi was 10 months old when she came to live with me. I could just take little Sissy and put her in my pocket and carry her around all day. :love:
Congratulations - and may you have as many wonderful years with Sissy, as I have had with Myndi (16 and counting!). :)

Oh good, I am so glad Pomtzu checked in! Wee Sissy, how adorable you are! SOOOO CUTE! I love the photo of Annie, Lil Girl and Sissy. And Luke kitty-- you have three sisfurs now! :) Welcome, cute sweet adorable Sissy!

03-21-2012, 07:32 PM
I hope this shows up properly. I uploaded a 2" video to YouTube... nothing exciting... just Sissy walking around looking cute. If you listen carefully, you'll hear birds chirping and some hammering at the neighbor's place... and me. I should have stayed quiet LOL.

Here's the site:


03-21-2012, 08:23 PM
Oh my goodness, I love when baby Poms walk! :love: She is precious.

Oh, and Kay, you are definitely from the Southeast, aren't you? LOL I love your North Carolina accent.

03-21-2012, 09:26 PM
Oh my goodness, I love when baby Poms walk! :love: She is precious.

Oh, and Kay, you are definitely from the Southeast, aren't you? LOL I love your North Carolina accent.

You mean I have an accent?!! LOL Yes, I've lived in NC all my life. At least you said "southeast". Most people say South. I see you're in Tenn; dont you have an accent or maybe you came to Tenn from elsewhere? Now I see "KnoxVegas"... are you from Nev? I'm glad you enjoyed the video but really I should have just kept quiet but with little Sissy being so cute, I had to talk LOL.

03-21-2012, 09:52 PM
You mean I have an accent?!! LOL Yes, I've lived in NC all my life. At least you said "southeast". Most people say South. I see you're in Tenn; dont you have an accent or maybe you came to Tenn from elsewhere? Now I see "KnoxVegas"... are you from Nev? I'm glad you enjoyed the video but really I should have just kept quiet but with little Sissy being so cute, I had to talk LOL.
Oh, I sure do have an accent, hahaha. You can't live in East Tennessee without sounding a little bit country. I love hearing other people's accents though. The Southern accent is by far my favorite. Nope, I was born and raised in East Tennessee! Knoxvegas is for Knoxville :). Ever been there? :D And I don't blame you for talking, I narrate my videos of my animals too, especially when they're being cute!

03-25-2012, 06:04 PM
She sure is adorable.:) It's nice to hear your southern accent.:) Although I was born in PA, I lived and grew up in Greenville,S.C. so even though I've been living in CA for over 20 something years, some people still think that I have southern accent.;)

Scooter's Mom
03-25-2012, 06:48 PM
Sissy is so cute! And it was so nice to hear you talking.
Sissy is a doll.

03-26-2012, 10:29 AM
Oh, thanks for the Sissy video.:) She is just precious.:love: I probably wouldn't get much
done with having her around to "play" with. LOL I like your accent too.:)

03-26-2012, 11:02 AM
I just now saw her video. Such a cutie pie puffy Pommy. :love: More pics and vids please!

Funny, but I didn't hear any accent. Guess it's because we here in DE, sound like you there in NC! :D I didn't always sound like this - I grew up in New England, so you know how those Yankees up there sound. :p One of my brothers never lost that accent tho, even after living in FL for about 30 years. He always sounded like a Kennedy!