View Full Version : New Jersey Humane Lobby Day

03-17-2012, 02:44 PM
Hi PT Friends,
On Thursday I attended the ASPCA's Humane Lobby Day here in Trenton. The focus was on legislation to protect animals. It was interesting and very informative. It was also a great opportunity to connect with others who care about and are involved with animal welfare issues. About 70 people from around NJ attended.

The first speaker is from the Shark Research Institute and told us about "shark finning". Approximately 100 million sharks are killed each year for their fins, since 2010 the shark population has decreased by 90% due to this practice. The fins are then sold to make shark fin soup, an Asian delicacy. A bill has been introduced in Hawaii to ban the sale of shark fins but it's meeting some resistance. The speaker said shark meat is not edible and the consumption of Mako is being questioned. He also said sharks aren't the dangerous killers they're made out to be. Last year 115 people were killed by sharks while 1,500 died of heart attacks in bowling alleys! The Institue did a survey of Asian restaurants and found they are overwhelmingly in favor of the ban. When asked why they make the soup, the owners said they do it to be competitive with other eateries. New Jersey's Senator Bateman has introduced a bill to ban the sale of shark fins.

The second speaker is from the Farm Animal Protection Campaign and spoke about the inhumane treatment of farm animals. He discussed the use of "gestation crates" with pigs, the slides were hard to look at. He also discussed the egg industry and how chickens are caged and unable to move or even spread their wings. Conditions are deplorable, levels of amonia are extremely high causing reactions to humans and chickens in these places. Legislation is about to be introduced that would require all egg cartons to include a statement about the source of the eggs, if they're from caged chickens or free range, or chickens free to be outside moving around and living in safe and open conditions with plenty of fresh air and a clean environment.

From there we went to the State House to meet with legislators from our respective districts. The Senator from my district "declined" to meet with the 6 of us and our assemblywoman didn't respond to the ASPCA's request. We all agreed to remember this come reelection time. Our assemblyman, Reed Gusciora, was tied up in court so his Chief of Staff came to meet with us. Ms. Osmond was very interested and supportive of our concerns about shark finning and the treatment of farm animals, especially about the posting on egg cartons.

When we were done, I had the chance to talk with her one on one about an idea I have for a "Do Not Adopt" website list of people who are known to have abused, hoarded or mistreated animals as well as those found to be criminally or civily liable by the court and banned from owning, harboring, or keeping an animal. My idea is for veterinarians as well as rescues and shelters to have the authority to make entries to the list since they're on the front line; require rescues, shelters, and anyone involved with adoption to check the list prior to approving an adoption and note it on their business records. In addition, if a person on the list tries to adopt it be noted on the list with the date, adoption site, and their location. She loves the idea and asked me to send her a detailed e-mail about it. Yesterday she sent a response saying she agrees with my ideas and included a piece if legislation waiting to be introduced asking for my take on it. The response from others I mentioned it to was overwhelmingly positive so hopefully something can be done.

One of the things discussed was how to effectively communicate with legislators. Rather than an e-mail send a handwritten letter about your concerns. Taking the time to do this says you're serious about the issue because you took the time to write and this will get their attention. Beware of the "Divide & Conquer" technique since not all of them are concerned about animal welfare issues. This means they'll say yes to one thing but by doing so will refuse to support another.

A lot was covered and our direct involvement is the only way to make a positive difference. I strongly encourage everyone to attend a Humane Lobby Day event in your area. You can go to humanesociety.org and click on events to see if there's something in your area.

Here are other websites you can go to for more information on animal welfare issues:

Farm Animal Protection Campaign http://www.humanesociety.org
Shark Research Institute http://sharks.org/about-sri/history.html
Animal Protection League of New Jersey http://www.apinj.org/
Animal Welfare Institute www.awionline.org

03-17-2012, 03:56 PM
Thank you for your detailed report, and for the links, too. I am glad the legislator thought your idea was a good one, maybe it will pass, and become a model for other states! :)

03-17-2012, 04:50 PM
Way to go Eileen. Keep up the great work.

The practice of shark finning disgusts me. It is without a doubt, one of the cruelest acts I have ever witnessed. To cut the fins off and throw them back to sink to the ocean floor and die~~~~~it doesn't get much crueler than that! :mad: And since when isn't shark meat edible???? - that's not what I've read. If the finning must continue, then at least keep the shark for it's meat - I'm certain there's a whole lot of hungry people in this world that would love it. And if not, then why not sell it as bait, or grind it up for fertilizer? The waste and cruelty is so senseless!

03-17-2012, 07:14 PM
This is fabulous, Eileen! Good on you, and good on everyone who took part in this. I especially love the Do Not Adopt registry and am so glad that idea was received so positively by your assemblyman's Chief of Staff.. that she responded with her agreement and included a copy of a potential piece of legislation on this topic. WAY ... TO.... GO!!!.. ALL!!!!!!!!!!

Michigan is having its own ASPCA "Lobby for Animals" day in Lansing (state capital) on April 17! I wasn't sure about going, not being the gregarious, outgoing type nor having any particular legal or political skills to contribute..

But then.... WAIT TILL YOU READ THIS!!!!! ........

on TONIGHT'S local TV Channel 4's Evening News, there was the following announcement (see http://www.clickondetroit.com/news/New-registry-could-offer-more-protection-for-animals/-/1719418/9440370/-/56o9k5z/-/index.html):

Some changes are in the works that could offer more protection for animals.

There is a new law being proposed that would require people who abuse animals to register with the state just like sex offenders do. Under the proposal, those convicted of animal abuse would have to register, pay a $50 fee and notify police if their address changes. In addition, photos and other information would be open for inspection at police stations and online.

The Michigan State Police would be in charge of the registry.

This would be a first of its kind, since no other state has approved such a registry.

WOW!!!! Looks like THERE ARE GOING TO BE VERY GOOD REASONS TO GO TO THIS EVENT NOW!!!!! And first to find out just where this proposed legislation is at and who is behind it, and to start getting very well acquainted with my state legislators..

OOOOOHHH, just think, maybe this kind of thing will start catching on in states, provinces, territories, what-have-you, not just in this country but all over the world!!!!!

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, GOD!!!!! :love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love:

03-18-2012, 04:03 PM
Hi Ellie, As for shark meat being edible I only reported what we were told by the gentleman from the Shark Research Institute. He also told us at times the shark meat is processed for pet food. I have an appointment with my nutritionist this week, I'll ask her about it.

Hi Pat, If it's at all possible I encourage you to go. I learned a lot about areas of animal welfare I'm really not familiar with. I know your love and concern for animals, that's really all you need for this event. Thank you for the news link! This is my first real involvement with actual legislation but I do know this endeavor will take a lot of work.

Karen, Ellie, and Pat; I thank each of you very much for your support and encouragement with getting some protection for animals in need of a safe, caring, loving home. I intend to give this my very best shot.