View Full Version : Cranky man *vent*

03-16-2012, 08:13 PM
It's not really a big deal or anything but I felt the guy was being a little rude.

I was taking Clover for her evening walk, and I wanted to take her long leash and some other things so I could let her run at the park. I figured I'd try the doggy backpack I got a while ago. I strapped it on her and went down the road. She seemed uncomfortable so I thought I'd take it off and carry it myself.

I stopped on the side of the road, and started to unstrap it. It's still cold so I had to take my mits off. As I was doing all this a man came out of his house with a small dog. He stopped at the end of his driveway, (close to where I was) his dog barking non stop. Clover also got excited, and since I'm training her to listen to me under all situations I figured I'd use this as a training opportunity. So I'm kneeling on the ground focused on Clover, when the man (who is still standing in his driveway) says "Well...Are you just going to stay there?" I was a little surprised he didn't just go to the other side of the street and go around me. I said "Go ahead" (all my stuff was still on the ground) He muttered something. Then said "Urg. Nevermind......well are you going this way or back that way? I want to go that way" (past me) I'm pretty annoyed at this point and have to grab all my stuff, while trying to keep Clover focused, and walk around him. I really don't get why he couldn't have done that himself? I was obviously doing something. He went around the corner and I heard him yell something. I didn't catch it. Something something "your dog". Seriously, say it to my face.

Anyone else have cranky neighbors?

03-16-2012, 09:42 PM
I guess I have ben lucky, no rude neighbors, but then again, all my family's dogs were well known in the neighborhood, and of course Miss Hoppy charmed everyone she ever met.

I'd not let it bother you - he may have been having a rotten day by the time he came across you guys, and just needed to vent about something!

03-17-2012, 11:15 AM
I'm sorry you had that experience. That's why I much prefer hiking with mine, not as many people and normally on trails people are so friendly. Maybe he was just having a bad day or something? :confused: Though he shouldn't have taken it out on you.

I have a nasty women who walks her ancient Bichon Frise and she thinks she's hot crap. She's so nasty! If you say hello to her she doesn't answer so I just stopped saying hi to her. I am training Mikey to not bark at other dogs and she always always always gives him a dirty glance when he barks at her dog...so far he's doing well though. This lady also can't be bothered to clean up her dogs crap but if a dog craps on her lawn it's the end of the world! :mad::mad::mad:

03-17-2012, 11:21 AM
Wow, he sure was cranky. I would have answered his first question with a frustrated YES!!

Our neighbors behind us have a standard poodle and their adult child sometimes brings over their adorable golden. One day a few weeks ago my brother was visiting and brought all three of his dogs. They only stayed one night (less than 24 hours). While they were loading up the van to go home I took the dogs out in the backyard. Well I guess the poodle was out there and the dogs were going crazy!!! The lady came out and commented on "so many dogs". I told her they were my brothers dogs. She asked if they were permanent. My response was a firm NO. I didn't even go into explanation that they were getting ready to leave.

A few days later I was taking Taggart for a walk and met up with the man and the poodle (I think the dogs name is Bono). I mentioned that they see each other through the fence. Then he says....oh, you're the one that had (or has) 5 dogs? I said...no, actually it was only 4. My brother was visiting with his three dogs.
Geez, really!?!?! His wife must have gone back in the house and complained about the dogs. Anyway, he at least acknowledged and said "I thought you had two Australians". I explained that Zoee was at my moms.

We have new neighbors right beside us that have already complained twice about the music being too loud. Zoee was only here for a month or so after they moved in. So I can't wait for Zoee to come home and bark her crazy head off like she does. Especially during the summer months (if she comes home that soon). Not that I'm trying to make them mad..........:)

03-17-2012, 03:07 PM
I have great neighbors. Prue, my dog, barks most of the time when she sees someone she doesn't know or if there is another dog. I can get her to stop and of course, do make her stop. If I can prevent the event altogether, I will. If I spy the upcoming upset, I start prompting Prue with a "no barks" demand and then keep it up, so she knows to shut the heck up!

I have one neighbor with two dogs - a boxer and a schnauzer... both bark like crazy, sometimes. We all try to keep our dogs quiet.

If I am walking Prue and run into a neighbor with a dog, we head off in the other direction. No questions asked, it's just common sense. Sometimes we are out at 3 or 4 in the morning, so dog barking is not what we want for anyone trying to sleep.

Sounds like your neighbor needs more fun in his life. Ignore him. Sounds like he may never change.

You can come and live on my road.:):):):D:D:D

03-20-2012, 09:05 AM
I have a few cranky neighbors, in particular the ones across the street from me. I used to call them to say hi but after the last awkward exchange I haven't called since. These people don't even wave when they see me. bla