View Full Version : What will you be getting your dogs for Christmas??

11-15-2002, 04:03 PM
I know Christmas is not for a while, but Iwas wondering what you are getting all your dogs for Christmas!!! I'm getting Sadie these rawhide candy cane bone, and toys and stuff! Thanks!:) ;)

11-15-2002, 04:06 PM
TOO MUCH!!! I always do :)

Last weekend I bought them each a stuffed toy with a tennis ball belly that I am saving for Chritmas. I'm not sure what else I may get yet...they have so much, it is hard to come up with new ideas!! Maybe it is time to get ome new Kongs. i have also thought about the IQ toys...one is a cube that you put stuffed balls in and they have to get them out...the other is a bone with rings that fit over it. Looks like something a little different...

11-15-2002, 10:07 PM
I usually get Ladt a bag of Beggin Strips and one of those bags of bones that you can make your own at Petco and also some kind of sqeaky toy or one of those soft bones with the frilly strings on the end;). She adores it. Sally, I usually get her an assortment of different color toy mice to play with and a variety pack of Pounce Treats. Floppsy I have never been able to find a present for. There is not much you can give a rabiit(in my opinion) for Christmas!:eek: But all in all they all enjoy it and so do I:p

Aspen and Misty
11-15-2002, 10:41 PM
Chewy is getting a Muzzel (lucky him) dog treats, dog boens, toys, canned dog food, a stocking LOL.


11-15-2002, 10:55 PM
If Honey keeps escaping, it will be a new fence, I'm afraid. :o

11-16-2002, 09:49 AM
Smokey will be getting a new KONG, treats and from grandma, I mean Santa, a new leather leash. Gotta have him paw a letter to Santa soon!

11-16-2002, 10:02 AM
Oh this is so fun!!
I will try to spoil, I mean treat, both of them equally. Abby's been sleeping on a blanket on the floor at night, and she and Kito switch about halfway through the night, so I think a doggie bed is definitely in order for them to share, as well as some new tennis balls, and a new kong, and new bones probably. I'm sure I'll get them each some doggie cookies or something too, and Abby needs a more feminine collar too.

11-16-2002, 11:45 AM
Deer, Santa,
I was reely gud dis yeer! Thissss iz wat I wantz:

A new toy
And maybee another toy

Sadie May

(*Move over Sadie!*)

My dad and I are going to Petco today, I can't wait!:) ;)

11-16-2002, 12:25 PM
Graham is getting a new nest bed to sleep on at night. He will get more little things if I see anything cute while shopping for a new bed. Kersey is going to get another obedience class. She has taken a couple of months off and so this Christmas I am going to see if we can get her into another obedience class. I am sure I will find other little things for her as well while I am shopping for Graham's bed and Minion's Christmas present.

Minion is getting a drinkwell (sp?) fountain. I think he would really enjoy it. I will also probablly get him some little toys and a big tub of catnip.

11-16-2002, 12:32 PM
Originally posted by *LabLoverKEB*
Deer, Santa,
I was reely gud dis yeer! Thissss iz wat I wantz:

A new toy
And maybee another toy

Sadie May

hee hee, cute :)

11-16-2002, 09:50 PM
I going to get my dogs:

special treats
new stuffed dog toys(they ripped all of them apart)
New rope toy
Maybe new leashes

11-17-2002, 01:45 PM
We ususally get all the animals a dog/cat stocking with all kinds of rawhide and squeeky toys in the dog's and cat toys in the cat's.

We have to wrap them up in wrapping paper to kinda hide them but they usually figure out what it is by sniffing them under the tree.

11-17-2002, 02:23 PM
Before you think I have no life, just remember I live alone and my dogs and cat are my children and my life so I spoil them rotten. I never spend money on myself so I'll have extra to spend on them.

I already have their stockings hanging up but I can't fit even a portion of their presents in them. I buy way tooo much for them. Petsmart at Christmas time is so dangerous for me. I have started to leave my purse at home and only take a specific amount of money with me when I go now because I can't resist. I am buying the light blue collar and leash with glittery snowflakes on it for Reece. I'm gonna buy the collar with flashing Christmas lights on it for Lolly. I've already got them both these really pretty sparky collars and leashes for special occasions that they are going to wear on Christmas day. I bought a couple new sweaters already too. They alreaady got a new bed for my birthday last week. I'm going to make some extra homemade treats for them when I'm making the ones to donate to the shelter. I also have a grocery bag fiiiilled with kitty toys for Shiloh and for my boyfriend's cat :) My parents always give me a gift certificate to Petsmart so they keep getting presents after Christmas too. I'm sure I'm going to be getting them a lot more in this next month. Its my weakness!!

11-17-2002, 04:17 PM
LOL Aly I'm just about as bad. Nebo is my "child." lol. He's going to be spoiled rotten for christmas.

I've already bought him a blue collar with silver christmas bells on it, reindeer antlers, and like 5 stuffed toys, lol. I'm sure he'll be getting plenty of new toys, some treats, and this really cute jacket I'm ordering from a catalog. Reggie and Smokey will also get some toys and treats. :)

11-17-2002, 09:57 PM
Wow! Lots of spoiled pups! :) ;)

Amy, what catalog is it?? I love looking at pet catalogs!:) ;)

11-17-2002, 11:20 PM
The catalog with the cool jacket is called Pet Edge. I believe the website is www.petedge.com I have TONS of pet catalogs, I'll have to go look and see what some of the others are called.

11-18-2002, 01:47 AM
Great! Thanks Amy!!!:) ;)

11-18-2002, 08:02 AM
Well, for sure Angus will be getting a new heated bed!
And of course they will all get the usual ton of treats & toys;)
And maybe if they are all good, new collars...we'll just have to see what santa says!

Dakota's Mommy
11-18-2002, 09:11 AM
I'm not sure what we're getting the girls this year, but I'm sure it will be more than we plan on. I want to get them some new toys though because we've just been buying rawhide lately, which they go through so quickly, but they're also tearing up so many of their other toys. So, it's probably going to be a year of replacing the broken toys that I've been having to throw away! As my sister said, though, probably too much!

11-18-2002, 01:57 PM
My fiance is making both our dogs beds. They have been using a floor cushion a friend made for me as a bed so we thought they might like their own. I also get them stockings with a variety of stuffies and squeakies.