View Full Version : Re-entering the wonderful word of idiot dog owners?

03-14-2012, 07:53 AM
It's been a while since I have had to deal with 'routinely' walking a dog in an area where there are so many dog owners.....

Let me start this by saying that all the dogs I have owned and lived with have had yards to roam in and it wasn't until recently -after many years of NOT HAVING to worry about caring for a dog - that I have been re-introduced to the world of idiot dog owners.


Tucker -GoldenDoodle 6 - is a fairly good dog - The one thing that I am totally paranoid about is his reaction to other dogs when we go for a walk.

Because my roomie and I are temp living in an apt., we take the Tuckster for walks so he can do his business.


I am totally paranoid about him being around other dogs that are NOT ON A LEASH.

I do not want him to get into any kind of problem. Either biting or getting bitten - LOL I do think he knows this and sometimes uses this as a way to tweak me.

Anyway, I posted a thread about people who let their dogs crap all over the complex and my peeve regarding this fact.

There is a small area to the side of the parking lot where I have seen some poops that people have left near the walkways.

I noticed that there are some 'cow sized' logs in the area and thought, "Only an AH would let a huge dog leave a dump like that near an well traveled pathway."


The other night, I took Tuck for his early evening stroll and walked out to the parking lot, I heard a woman on her patio, which opens out to the parking lot talking to someone while she was smoking a ciggie.

Tuck turned to see who was talking,m hesitated than began to growl.

I noticed a large Doberman, loose, that began to run over to where we were.

I thought, "OH F***, this dog is loose and is coming over to attack us."

Now, this is my worse nightmare.

I swung Tuck be the leash and pulled him off the ground until he slipped his harness and in the process I feel on my knees right there on the concrete.

I then grabbed the dog and hunched over him to keep him from going after the other dog....


I have to admit that I did over react, but I really didn't know what the other dog was going to do.

So, rather than find out, I guess I wanted to make sure that no one was bitten or got into a fight.


The woman came over and said, "Oh, the dog just wanted to play......Are you all right?"

I was pi$$Ed off and embarrassed.

I wanted to tell her, "Your effing dog is off leash and I DON'T know what your dog is going to do......", But I just held on to the dog and tried to get the harness back on him before anything happened.

As it was, the way Tuck growled -I think he was just as surprised as I was - I thought all hell was going to break loose.


I skinned one knee and bumped both of them - I was fuming for the last three days. Doris wanted to go confront her, but I told her not to say anything until we leave. Our car is parked right outside her unit and I don't want to walk out one day and find the car vandalized.


Maybe, but if a person lets their dogs walk off leash in the area right outside their apartment?

Then they probably are the same owners that let the dogs wander off and crap in the areas just off the walkways.

Not the sharpest knives in the drawers.


In the days since the incident, I haven't seen her or her two dogs outside....but I make sure that I check the area before I walk the dog outside....

03-14-2012, 09:58 AM
Oh Richard, I don't know whether to laugh or cringe!

First, yeah she is an idiot, and with a Dobbie of all things!

Next, Tucker's harness has to fit so he can NOT escape from it. If it can't be adjusted to fit his body type, buy another one.

Finally, what the heck were you doing down and covering Tucker? Do you realize what a great "target" you presented to an aggressive dog? ;)

03-14-2012, 10:00 AM
The bad thing about the other owner (and I have done this myself:o) is, sure their dog just wanted to play, but they do not know how the other dog is going to react to their dog running up on them when they are on a leash.
One time I took both dogs to the dog park. When I was getting them out of the car Zoee slipped past me and started running full speed toward a pit bull mix that was walking across the parking lot on a leash. I yelled "she's okay, she won't hurt you". Later I thought.....right, I knew Zoee wouldn't hurt anyone but I had no clue if that pitty would lash out with my crazy dog running toward him with her hair raised up on her back.
NOTE: Nothing against pit bulls..........I love them! This story would be the same had the other dog been a chihuahua.

I am glad nothing more than a couple skinned/bruised knees came of this event. Oh, and a bruised ego. :p
Maybe you should let Tucker and the other dog(s) meet so you won't have to worry about them so much. :confused:

03-14-2012, 10:33 AM
Tuck's harness does fit him correctly.

I yanked him off his feet with one arm :eek: I had 'super mommy strength' and his weight pulled him out of it. He weighs in at just under 40 pounds and I yanked him off the ground so far gravity did the rest.

Yes, I put my self between him and the dog, but I love the lunkhead.


Tuck just barks at other dogs, but this dog just startled both of us and they way he growled, I was expecting a much worse interaction.

It was a split second incident and I acted on instinct........I just was looking out for both of us.


This incident isn't the first time a dog has charged us while we have been out walking.

I was doing the neighborhood when a small pooch came running out from a house and Tuck did not like that....I merely reacted with that scenario in mind.:eek:

Tuck becomes very defensive when he sees that.:D

03-14-2012, 10:52 AM
Honestly I would have done something similar if I was in your situation. I never know how Brennan is going to react around other dogs. He's usually very friendly and wants to play, but I'm always afraid of him changing his mind and getting aggressive. Not that he's aggressive, it's just Pit Bulls are prone to it, so I have to be aware.

That idiot woman shouldn't have let her dog be running loose, let alone a Doberman :rolleyes:. What if her dog had decided to attack? She couldn't have done much about it and she would have been paying for hospital bills and vet bills.

I'm glad you and Tuck are both alright!

03-14-2012, 06:43 PM
Bri- I don't think pit bulls are prone to aggression any more than any other dog.

I let Jasper off lead 95% of the time, and I pick up his poop (and other poop, if it is close by) all the time. :D

03-14-2012, 10:43 PM
lol.. sorry for your boo boo's.. and sorry I lol'd.. but I bet it was quite a scene..

totally understand you.. and you did what most if not all of us would have done with an uncertain scenario and your doggie-dog issues..

sending healing vibes to you my Bro!! get well soon ;)