View Full Version : American Idol 2012

03-13-2012, 08:50 PM
Anybody watching this season? What do you think so far, who are your favorites and who are you puzzled by them making it this far?

Heejun seems like a really nice guy, but I am just not impressed with his voice. I am surprised he's still there/ I did understand "Jer-bear" going home, he just seemed like a sweet guy who was not at all ready for the pressure of this kind of competition. And I was really glad they "saved" Jermaine - I like his voice better than some of the other "screamer" types.

03-14-2012, 04:07 PM
I was just going to check that I spelled names right, and it turns out Jermaine Jones has been Dq'd - http://marquee.blogs.cnn.com/2012/03/14/idols-jermaine-jones-disqualified/ - oh, well!

03-15-2012, 08:12 AM
So what did folks think of last night?

And why does Heejun wear glasses with no lenses? What's the point?

03-18-2012, 12:09 PM
I watch Idol every week and right now I don't have any favorites. I think Heejun is a comedian and uses his humor a lot. Notice how he bows to everyone, he is really funny....but he is not a great singer and I thought he would be booted off last week. I also don't like Philip Philips, now who would name their child Philip with that last name. I very much liked Jermaine, I really loved his voice but he's gone now, shame. Joshua seems to be the best to me right now but as I said, I have no fav's right now. There are a few I really don't like tho.

Laura's Babies
03-19-2012, 11:13 AM
I sure hope Jermaine can get his problems resolved and try again next year.. I LOVED his voice.

03-19-2012, 11:59 AM
So what did folks think of last night?

And why does Heejun wear glasses with no lenses? What's the point?
I thought the same thing about his glasses! LOL :D

I watch Idol every week and right now I don't have any favorites. I think Heejun is a comedian and uses his humor a lot. Notice how he bows to everyone, he is really funny....but he is not a great singer and I thought he would be booted off last week. I also don't like Philip Philips, now who would name their child Philip with that last name. I very much liked Jermaine, I really loved his voice but he's gone now, shame. Joshua seems to be the best to me right now but as I said, I have no fav's right now. There are a few I really don't like tho.

He bows because of his culture. But he is funny. Sure he's not the best singer and I'm sure he'll be gone soon enough.

I like Phillip Phillips. And his dad's name is Phillip Phillips, so that would be why he's named that. LOL
I had a little girl in day care named Brooke Brooks. But at least she has the possiblity of changing her last name eventually.

And Jermaine will not be able to try again next year. I believe the rules are if you make it to a certain point you can't audition again. In fact Jimmy Iovine mentioned that once about someone else (I think Eben).

03-19-2012, 01:52 PM
But, given the plethora of other signing competitions now on TV, maybe Jermaine could get his legal issues straightened out and then be on "The Voice" as it has no age limitation, and Frenchy Davis, famously kicked off of American Idol, not only went on "the Voice" but did pretty well there!

Anybody watching The Voice as well? I like that they are blind auditions, so at first just the singer's voice matters, not his or her looks.

03-19-2012, 03:05 PM
But, given the plethora of other signing competitions now on TV, maybe Jermaine could get his legal issues straightened out and then be on "The Voice" as it has no age limitation, and Frenchy Davis, famously kicked off of American Idol, not only went on "the Voice" but did pretty well there!

Anybody watching The Voice as well? I like that they are blind auditions, so at first just the singer's voice matters, not his or her looks.

Yes, I like The Voice. But the first round of battle rounds I thought they picked the wrong person on almost each pairing. Like Raelynn (not sure how she spells it) was not better than Adley, IMO. But I'm not a judge/coach.

03-20-2012, 12:24 PM
I thought the same thing about his glasses! LOL :D

He bows because of his culture. But he is funny. Sure he's not the best singer and I'm sure he'll be gone soon enough.

I like Phillip Phillips. And his dad's name is Phillip Phillips, so that would be why he's named that. LOL
I had a little girl in day care named Brooke Brooks. But at least she has the possiblity of changing her last name eventually.

And Jermaine will not be able to try again next year. I believe the rules are if you make it to a certain point you can't audition again. In fact Jimmy Iovine mentioned that once about someone else (I think Eben).

LOL, yes I know that is their culture but he is joking around when doing it on the show.

05-11-2012, 03:08 PM
So I was not surprised at who was eliminated last night. Who do you think will win? Did you think it odd that Phillip was not in the Ford Music Video, yet his health was not mentioned on the show?

05-11-2012, 04:21 PM
I've noticed Phillip hasn't been in the last two Ford Music Videos and they haven't made a comment about it at all. I figure it is due to his health though.

I'm not too surprised on the final three. And I won't mind any of them winning. They are all great! :D

I want to say something, but don't want to ruin it for anyone that hasn't watched the results yet. So I'll wait..............

05-11-2012, 05:10 PM
I think you can comment now, I know when I haven't seen the results show yet, I don't open the thread!

05-12-2012, 10:39 AM
I was just going to comment on how Jessica was saved weeks ago and she's still in it! Wouldn't that be amazing if she was saved then comes and wins it all! But sometimes I wonder if she's getting pitty votes since the judges did save her.
Last year Casey only went on a few more weeks after being saved. I hate to say it, but I think Phillip will be the next to go and it will be between Jessica and Joshua. Even though I like Phillip the most. You can't deny Jessica and Joshua have AMAZING voices. Jessica just needs to learn to use hers better. I call her the next Whitney Houston.

05-12-2012, 11:39 AM
I am hoping Joshua wins, I don't like Philip's style at all and I also think Jessica is getting a big head, don't like her attitude at all and hope she goes off next week but she will probably be in the finale, I hope she loses tho.

05-18-2012, 06:20 PM
Was anybody surprised at last night's elimination? And if you watched the show, what did you think of Lisa Marie Presley's "performance?" I tried listening to it, but thought it was so painfully bad, I ended up muting it, then skipping over the rest of it. It's sad that she is famous apparently solely because of her last name. The musical genes either skipped over her, or she was drugged into a monotone-ish stupor!

Laura's Babies
05-18-2012, 10:35 PM
It was a hard call to make as to who would be sent home last night and who will win next week. They had a lot of good talent this year and I never could decide who I liked the best!

I agree with you about Lisa Presley's performance... I thought she looked like she had taken several pills to many..

05-19-2012, 07:08 AM
I was hoping for a Joshua/Phillip finale. I was born and raised in Louisiana, and before we moved here, we lived in the next county over from Phillip's hometown. (I used to teach preschool in his hometown.) But since Joshua was eliminated, I'm for Phillip all the way!

05-21-2012, 09:29 AM
Was anybody surprised at last night's elimination? And if you watched the show, what did you think of Lisa Marie Presley's "performance?" I tried listening to it, but thought it was so painfully bad, I ended up muting it, then skipping over the rest of it. It's sad that she is famous apparently solely because of her last name. The musical genes either skipped over her, or she was drugged into a monotone-ish stupor!

I actually was shocked! I figured it would be Joshua and either one of the others in finale. I do hope Phillip wins though. But it would be crazy if Jessica comes back from almost being eliminated (judges save) and wins the whole thing.

I did not watch Lisa Marie's performance. I heard the first few words and skipped right past it. This is why I can't watch live TV. :p

05-22-2012, 12:12 PM
I was stunned that Joshua was voted off, he was a much better singer than Phillip. As far as Lisa Marie, she looked goth to me, way too dark looking and she is really very pretty and looks so much like her dad. I do think tho that she should give up her singing career, it will never go anywhere.

05-23-2012, 12:05 AM
Okay, once folks have watched tonights show, four questions:

1. Who do you think did a better job on Tuesday's show?

2. Who do you want to win it?

3. Did you vote?

4. Who do you think WILL win it?

My answers:

1. Phillip, though it was not his best night, either
2. Still debating
3. No, I never do, I always watch after it's recorded, so it's usually too late for me to vote anyway
4. No idea, honestly

I wish Phillip had stuck to the melody more on Stand by Me, and I thought Jessica's choice of her favorite song from the season was not her best song from the season, I was surprised she didn't redo "I Will Always Love You," as she did such a great job on it the first time, and it is so memorable. And I thought the "original song" they gave her was just okay, not great. Is that the best they could come up with?

But I have no idea what the rest of America thinks, and it will be interesting how it turns out.

05-23-2012, 12:14 PM
Okay, once folks have watched tonights show, three questions:

1. Who do you think did a better job on Tuesday's show?

2. Who do you want to win it?

3. Did you vote?

4. Who do you think WILL win it?

1. They were even in my eyes.

2. I'd like Phillip to win. I like his style and honesty when he sings. NO wait, I want Jessica to win. People usually never make it as big when they win compared to those who don't win. ;)

3. I actually did vote (and I NEVER do) for Phillip twice.

4. No clue who will win. It's so tough, especially since America sent Joshua home last week. WHAT?!?! But it doesn't really matter who wins, they will both have good careers.

And that was four questions Karen. :p

05-23-2012, 12:55 PM
And that was four questions Karen. :p

Oops - went back and fixed that! Yes, it is interesting how the careers of many of the second- third- or even lower-placed finishers are far more noteworthy and newsworthy than the winners. I see and hear of Adam Lambert, for example, about 100 times more often than what's-his-name who won that season!

05-23-2012, 02:16 PM
Okay, once folks have watched tonights show, four questions:

1. Who do you think did a better job on Tuesday's show?

2. Who do you want to win it?

3. Did you vote?

4. Who do you think WILL win it?

My answers:

1. Phillip, though it was not his best night, either
2. Still debating
3. No, I never do, I always watch after it's recorded, so it's usually too late for me to vote anyway
4. No idea, honestly


1. I thought they were equal, they are really so different.
2. Phillip definitely.
3. Yes I was able to get thru and vote for Phllip more than 10 times.
4. I think Jessica will win but I'm hoping I'm wrong.

05-24-2012, 11:07 AM
1. I thought they were equal, they are really so different.
2. Phillip definitely.
3. Yes I was able to get thru and vote for Phllip more than 10 times.
4. I think Jessica will win but I'm hoping I'm wrong.

To answer my own post, woo hoo Phillip won and I was so happy to see that. Though I was never a big fan of his, I wanted him to beat Jessica. Nice going Phillip.

05-24-2012, 11:08 AM
Yes, I was happy Phillip won! I'm sure they will both get record contracts, but Phillip is mature enough to handle all the responsibilities that will come his way now!

05-25-2012, 06:25 AM
Well i guess a kiwi's opinion does not count for much lol? but i just have to say i am a big fan of american idol and i was most unhappy that phillip won, he just did not cut it for me, yep he is a nice looking fellow,with a good voice, but for me nothing special, i thought Jessica was far better than he,but i guess America has spoken, well i guess i wish him well for his future and i am sure young Jessica has a great career ahead of her too.

Going to miss my weekly episodes of American Idol, cannot wait until next year..;)

05-25-2012, 06:28 AM
oh yes and for lisa presley, hmm yes i had never heard her sing, cannot say i really want to again, it was very goth, and she is very pretty and very much like her dad to look at with a mixture of her once beautiful mother, but yes i don't think she is that great a singer,not a patch on daddy.

05-25-2012, 09:58 PM
Well, if anyone was wondering why Phillip was not in most of the Ford music videos ...

He had 8 - yes eight- surgeries for kidney stones during the course of the season! No wonder he was looking uncomfortable several times.

Source: here (http://www.rollingstone.com/movies/news/phillip-phillips-underwent-eight-surgeries-during-idol-20120525?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Rollingstone%2FCNN%2FNews+%28 RollingStone.com+--+CNN%29)

05-26-2012, 02:25 AM
Yes i just read that yesterday, i often wondered why he makes so many faces when singing, and maybe that is why, or maybe it is just him,wow poor guy, i hope he did not win by the sympathy vote though, or did no-one know until now, great courage, kidney stones are really bad news, i have not had them but family members have,not nice,very painful.

Laura's Babies
05-26-2012, 09:55 AM
I didn't know he was having any problems with his kidneys or anything else.. I did wonder why he wasn't doing any of those screaming songs that everyone else does and why he wasn't jumping all over the stage but that was what I liked about him. He actually sang to you instead of screaming at you... he was always so calming and relaxing to listen to. I LOVED how he took a old song and changed it up like he did "The Letter"... That was amazing! He is one that made the songs he sang HIS. I kept saying to myself that he was a rare artist, one of the most rarest ones I ever saw..... Now I wonder what part those kidney stones played in that...?

05-26-2012, 10:03 AM
I hope he did not win by the sympathy vote though, or did no-one know until now

It was only mentioned one week that he had had surgery during the week, and then they stopped mentioning it, probably so he didn't get any votes just because of sympathy. They also kept it off the Internet, probably for the same reason.

Laura, I think he's just a calmer person in general anyway, which is nice!

Laura's Babies
05-26-2012, 10:08 AM
HIS ablums, I would buy! Like I said, his music is calming and easy to listen to IF he keeps singing like he did on AI!

05-26-2012, 11:55 AM
Phillip was on Leno the other night, Jay asked about his condition, he said he would be having surgery very soon, and that he was waiting til after Idol was finished.

If you noticed, he wasnt in any of the FORD music videos..could be because of his condition.

I was happy with his win, clearly he was having difficulties at times..but was a trooper.

05-26-2012, 12:21 PM
Phillip was on Leno the other night, Jay asked about his condition, he said he would be having surgery very soon, and that he was waiting til after Idol was finished.


Yes I saw that too, Phillip said he would get the surgery before the tour started in July. I wish him the best.

05-26-2012, 03:56 PM
my mother had kidney stones and a stent put in before surgery and it was so painful, she had to have the stent out, so i can just imagine what kind of pain he was in.

Funny how you liked how he changed the old songs in to his own, i hated that about him, especially one song that i love, cannot for the life of me remember it now, but i was horrified at how he changed it, mind you the judges did not give him good reviews on that one, so i guess they felt as i did.

Anyhow even though he was far from my pick, i wish him well in his career and also for his upcoming surgery...