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View Full Version : My awesome granddaughter

03-11-2012, 12:48 PM
Some of you are aware of how I just adore my granddaughter, and have to brag about her now and then. So this is a little bragging again if you care to read what she's been up to.

She's home from college on Spring Break and has been quite the busy girl. She is in her 2nd year of college and majoring in psychology with a minor in biology. She has been on the Dean's List both years with a constant 4.0 grade average. Most of her biology classmates were struggling just to get a passing grade, and she comes up with a 105. Never could figure how it's possible to get over 100, but there must be some grading that I'm not aware of. Anyway, her biology professor went to the Dean of Sciences and requested that they give her a position as a teaching assistant - almost unheard of for a 2nd year student. So now she is teaching/tutoring 1st year students - and actually getting paid for it. She was hesitant at first since she is basically a shy girl, but now she loves it. She said it was strange at first because most of her students are "old". When I asked her how old "old" is - she said in their 30's and 40's. :eek: Keep in mind that she's only 19, so I guess I have to forgive her for that comment.

She has an interview this week for a summer job - an internship at the DMV, and since her aunt is a supervisor there, she's probably a shoe-in. I'm sure she'd rather go back to her old summer job that she had the past 2 years working at the beach, but it's time for a "real" job. Yeah - life sucks sometimes - and it's more fun to hang with the beach crowd, than with a stuffy office crowd!

Okay - just had to be a bragging Grammy for a bit. I'm done boring everyone now.........:p

03-11-2012, 03:00 PM
I think a Great Aunt must be close to a Grandmother. Because I am a Great Aunt and I loved reading about your Granddaughter and congratulations. I can see your buttons popping way out here in California! :D Can you remember what it was like when you were 19?

Lilith Cherry
03-11-2012, 06:11 PM
She sounds like a girl to be very proud of so I am glad you bragged about her! It is so nice to hear about the good ones.:cool:

03-11-2012, 06:20 PM
It's easy to see why you're so proud of her Ellie.:) 30's and 40's old? Ha ha, I remember thinking that, way back then!:D

03-11-2012, 07:46 PM
Glad I decided to check in here before calling it a day. You deserve to brag about your granddaughter, that is a super accomplishment for such a young girl. Imagine, only 19 with her life ahead of her and already half way there. Terrible that she has such "old" students :D:D:D
Couldn't stop chuckling at that one, hope someone will remind her of that when she reaches those numbers:D

03-11-2012, 08:27 PM
Grandmothers are supposed to brag about their granddaughters. I know you are proud.

03-12-2012, 05:38 AM
You have every right to be proud! Those are some accomplishments for such a youngin'. Tell her I had to take a few puffs of oxygen just to type out these words! LOL

03-12-2012, 07:36 AM
That is awesome! It really makes you feel good as a parent or grandparent when your kids do well. She must be a very smart girl. Congrats to you!!!

03-12-2012, 01:05 PM
Yay for Pomtzu's awesome granddaughter! Congratulations on your TA position! I think I'd like the beach rather than the DMV ;) Best wishes from someone who meets her criterion for OLD!

03-12-2012, 05:49 PM
Thanks for all the nice comments about Tia, and for putting up with her rambling Grammy.

Yes - we are all very proud of all that she has accomplished and have very high hopes for her and a bright future. :love: She knows what she wants, stays focused, and is well on her way to success in whatever she chooses. Who wouldn't be proud of a gal like that? :)