View Full Version : Wandering Saskatchewan cat found 600km from home (360 miles)

03-06-2012, 08:26 PM


Unlike the feline in the National Film Board's famous short (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bETCusT5kNM), Princess Sophie appears to have no problems staying away. As the Calgary Herald reports (http://www.calgaryherald.com/news/calgary/Princess+Sophie+Saskatchewan+turns+Calgary/6254615/story.html), the five-year-old cat was recently discovered roaming the city streets, cold and in search of a good meal.
When the Calgary Humane Society put a trace on her microchip identification, they learned they'd have to travel a bit far to send her home.
It seems the adventurous kitty has quite the wanderlust. Though she was picked up in Calgary, Princess Sophie is actually registered to a street cat rescue organization in Saskatoon — more than 600 km to the east.
She's now lodging at Calgary's MEOW Foundation shelter.
And while Sophie is hardly in a position to verify their suspicions, MEOW Foundation executive director Debbie Nelson believes the cat may have hitchhiked her way across provincial lines.
"Cats are characters; they're very curious," Nelson told the paper. "And some cats are insatiably curious about open vehicles. Sometimes you have tradesmen working in a neighbourhood and they leave their vehicle doors open and they drive away with a little passenger they may not be aware of."
Sophie easily fits within the insatiably curious category. Once the Humane Society completed the trace, they learned the green-eyed feline has always had trouble staying put.
After giving birth to a litter of kittens several years ago, a group of office workers in Saskatoon gave the brood shelter from the elements. Once the kittens had been adopted, however, Sophie disappeared, following in the tradition of great pioneers like Milo and Otis (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0097050/).
But despite her time on the road, Nelson told the paper that Sophie is in good physical shape, and does not appear to be feral. Quite the opposite, in fact: she thrives on attention, an element that leads MEOW to believe she's ready to find a good home.
Whether she stays in that good home, or ends up wandering the streets of Vancouver is a completely different matter.

03-06-2012, 10:28 PM
I'm so glad she is safe now!

I hope she gets spayed now, too, if she hasn't already been.

03-07-2012, 07:43 AM
Wow, that's quite a trip Sophie has been on. Glad she is safe now. :)

I noticed the link to Milo and Otis, that a such a cute film - well worth watching!

03-07-2012, 09:30 AM
Pat - since she was traced to a shelter in Saskatoon, I am sure her spay was done there.

I sure hope her furrever home has her as an inside kitty!lol

03-07-2012, 09:39 AM
We are glad that Sophie has found her way home, that is Great Mews!!:love::love: