View Full Version : Many apologies and retirement update

03-02-2012, 11:56 PM
First of all, many apologies for not being on Pet Talk as often as I used to. You know, since retirement I just don't have any desire to spend time on the 'puter. Merlin is by my side 24/7 and is very happy that I'm home more now.

As for volunteer work, I've already scheduled every Monday morning at the Cancer Society (not my office but another one) and I'm waiting for the weather to warm up so I can actually get out and volunteer for the cat sanctuary here: http://www.rapsociety.com/catsanctuary/.

Other than that I'm working very hard on losing weight. In addition to being a member of a gym and having a personal trainer, I've joined Weight Watchers and go to a meeting every Tuesday morning. So far (and it's only week 2) I've lost 6 pounds - only 28 more to go.

Lastly, many, many apologies for not keeping in touch with you (and you know who you are). I sit down at the 'puter and start to compose an email, then can't come up with anything interesting to say. I guess I've just been trying to recover from my years with BFH and the stress of work. I didn't think it would take so long to get over it.

Anyway, I'm back and anxious to get a virtual drink in Thursdays. Hope to see you there.


03-03-2012, 05:05 AM
Hi Slick! ..waves. How nice to see an update from you. :) It does take time to "recover" from a BFH, so I understand.

I'm sure Merlin is happy to have you home most of the day, I bet he can't get enough of you. :D

That sanctuary is where you went earlier, isn't it? What a wonderful place. It will be soothing for you just to be there and help out. Wish I could work in a place like that.

Losing more weight? Are you serious? The last picture I saw, it seemed you had lost enough, but perhaps you put a bit on again.

Enjoy your retirement and have fun! :love:

03-03-2012, 05:30 AM
God bless you, Slick! So good to hear from you. Take all the time you need to unwind from the BFH, and if you start getting upset thinking about the past, just remember all the friends you have out here who love you so much. AND, you have Merlin as the perfect nurse!!!


03-03-2012, 07:30 AM
Hey Slick,

No apology necessary. Glad to her you're taking time out to enjoy your retirement. There IS life after PT. Happy Retirement!!

03-03-2012, 07:48 AM
Sounds like you have your hands full! That is great. We can deal with an occasional post from you, as long as we know you are movin' and shakin' up there. :)

03-03-2012, 07:59 AM
So good to hear from you, my friend. :love: Is that cat sanctuary the one Merlin came from? Bet that will be fun for you. It is time for you to enjoy your life now. :love::love::love:

03-03-2012, 10:10 AM
Dear Slick,

You still haven't gotten into FULL retirement mode if you are "apologizing" for anything!! Work on it :D It is so great that you're out and doing all the things you want to do and spending time with your adorable Merlin.

Congratulations on the weight loss - you must feel terrific! Exercise feels so good and the benefits are fantastic :)

I too can hardly wait for this weather to change - summer could not come fast enough for me. Checked out the Sanctuary website - what an awesome way to spend quality time.

Stay well and be happy - that's your only job now:D:D

Evie sends kitty kisses:love:


03-03-2012, 10:21 AM
We are glad to hear from you! My Dad, many years ago, got "early retirement" when his company was trying to get rid of a lot of middle management - he was an engineer, not management, but he fit the criteria, and although they "lost" his paperwork several times, he did retire. About six months afterwards, I was talking to him, and he said "I am so busy now, it's a wonder I ever had time to work!"