View Full Version : Puzzle #585

03-02-2012, 01:12 PM
Puzzle #585

New players! Read the rules before you join, please, and be prepared to host the next if you win!

These are the rules:

* 1. You may only guess one letter at a time.

* 2. After you have guessed a letter, you must wait for another player to guess a letter before you can go again. (see also rule #9)

* 3. The host of the game responding to a guess does not count as a turn. Should you choose a letter, then receive a response from the member host, you must wait for the next member to guess a letter.

* 4. One point will be awarded for each correct letter, 2 points for vowels.

* 5. Only six misses are allowed in the game.

* 6. If you wish to guess the phrase, send it to me via Pet Talk Private message. (This is accessible via the 'PM' or 'Profile' buttons on any of my posts). DO NOT post it on the forum. If you wish to guess a letter, post it on the forum.

* 7. You must have submitted a correct letter to submit your solution. Unlike letters, if you submit a wrong solution, you are disqualified from continuing in that puzzle.

* 8. The player who correctly guesses the phrase wins the game. If no one has guessed it correctly after six misses, then the player with the most points wins the game.

* 9. Only 5 guesses allowed in total until the host updates the puzzle. Any guess after 5, before the next update, won't be counted as a guess. And as always, someone else has to guess a letter before you can guess another letter.

And here is what you win ... you get to create the next puzzle.

(Should you win the game and are unable to host the next puzzle, you may pass it to the member with the next highest points)

Here's the puzzle:

----- --- --- ---- -- ------- -- --- ----. -----'- "-------- -------"
--- "------ -------." ---- -- -- --- -------- ---- -------- -------. ---
------- ----- ---- ----- ------- ------ ---- --- ------- --- ---- -----
--- --------- ----- --------. ----'-- ------- -----------, ---------
---- --- ------- ---- -- ------ ---- ------- ---- --- ------ ----- --
--------- --------------- --------. ------ -------, -------, -- --- ----
---------- --- -------, --'- ---- ------------ -- -- ------ --------- --
---'- ------------ --- ----- ------------, ------ ------- ---- -- -----
---- ---------- * ------ --- ------- -- -----, ---- --- ----- -- -
-----. ---------- --- ----- ------ ------, --- --- -------- --- -- ----
------. --- ---- ---------- ------ --- ----- --- ------ ------ ---- ---.

-- ----- ------

As before the asterisk indicates an actual dash, but I didn't want anyone thinking in was supposed to be a letter.

Letters to guess:


03-02-2012, 01:54 PM
WOW Karen! This is quite the puzzle. You have outdone yourself. :D

I am going to start with a vowel. How about an "E".

03-02-2012, 02:02 PM
--e-e --e --- ---- -- ------- -- --e ----. --e-e'- "-------- -------"
--- "------ -------." ---- -- -- --e -------- ---- -------- -------. -e-
E------ ----- ---- ----e ---e--- ----e- ---- -e- ----e-- --- ---- -----
--- -------e- ----- ----e---. --e-'-e ------e ---------e-, e------e-
---- --e --e---- ---- -- ------ ---- -e----- ---- --e ----e- ----- --
------e-- --------e-e--e- --------. ------ -------, ---e-e-, -- --- ---e
-e-------e --- e-----e, --'- ---- ------------ -- -- ------ -e-----e- --
--e'- --------e--- --- --e-- --------e---, ------ ------- -e-- -- e---e
-e-- -----e---- * ------ --e ------- -- -----, ---e --e ----- -- -
---e-. E-e------- --e ---e- ------ -----e, --- -e- -e-e--e- --- -- ---e
----e-. --e -e-- -e-e------ ------ --e ---e- --- ------ ----e- ---- ---.

-- ----e ------

happylabs: E(72)=144!

Pinot's Mom
03-02-2012, 03:05 PM
"A" please!

Note: I won't be on much, as I'm on vacation, but I'll try to participate as much as I can.

Felicia's Mom
03-02-2012, 03:13 PM
N, please.

03-02-2012, 03:20 PM
I'll take an I, please - and I can wait until tomorrow. ;)

03-02-2012, 03:21 PM
--e-e a-e --- -a-- -- ------- a- --e -a--. --e-e'- "a----a-- -------"
a-- "----a- -------." ---- -- -- a-e -a----a- ---- a----a-- -------. -e-
E---a-- ----- ---- ----e ---e--- ----e- ---- -e- -a--e-- a-- ---- -----
a-- -------e- ----a -a--e---. --e-'-e ---a--e ---------e-, e------e-
---- --e --e--a- ---- -- -a---a --a- -e----- ---- --e --a-e- ----- --
------e-- -a--*---e-e--e- --------. ----a- -------, ---e-e-, -- -a- ---e
-e----a--e a-- e-----e. --'- --a- -------a---- -- a- a----- -e-----e- --
--e'- --a---a-e--- a-- --e-- --a---a-e---. ----a- ------- -e-- -- e---e
-e-- -----ea--- * a----- --e -a----- a- -----, ---e --e -a--- -- a
---e-. E-e---a--- --e ---e- ------ -----e, a-- -e- -e-e--e- --- -- ---e
----e-. --e -e-- -e-e-a---- ------ --e ---e- -a- a--a-- ----e- --a- -a-.

-- -a--e ------

happylabs: E(72)=144
Pinot's Mom: A(55) = 110

Letters to guess:


Pinot's Mom
03-02-2012, 03:40 PM
"T" please!

03-02-2012, 03:50 PM
--e-e a-e --- -a-- -- ----in- a- --e -a--. --e-e'- "a--i-a-- --i----"
an- "-i--a- -i-----." ---- -- -- a-e -a-i-ia- -i-- a--i-a-- -i-----. Ne-
En--an- --i-- -i-- ----e ---e--- -i--e- -i-- -e- -a--e-- an- ---- -----
an- -------en --ina -a--e-n-. --e-'-e ---a--e ---i--i-ie-, en-----e-
-i-- --e --e-ia- ---- -- -a-ina --a- -e----- ---- --e --a-e- ----- --
---n--e-- -a--*in-e-e--e- ----i---. -i--a- -i-----, ---e-e-, i- -a- ---e
-e-i--a--e an- e---i-e. I-'- --a- --n-in-a-i-n -- an a--i-n -e-----e- --
-ne'- --an--a-en-- an- --ei- --an--a-en--. -i--a- -i----- -en-- -- e---e
-e-- n--i-ea--- * a---n- --e -a--in- a- -i---, -i-e --e -an-- -- a
-i-e-. E-en--a--- --e -i-e- --i--- -----e, an- -e- -e-e--e- --- i- -n-e
----e-. --e ne-- -ene-a-i-n --in-- --e -i-e- -a- a--a-- ----e- --a- -a-.

-- -a-ne ----i-

happylabs: E(72)=144
Pinot's Mom: A(55) = 110
Felicia's Mom: N(39) = 39
Randi: I(47) = 94

Letters to guess:


03-02-2012, 04:02 PM
T-e-e a-e t-- -a-- -- ----in- at t-e -a-t. T-e-e'- "a-ti-a-t --i-t--"
an- "-it-a- -i-t---." ---t -- -- a-e -a-i-ia- -it- a-ti-a-t -i-t---. Ne-
En--an- --i-- -it- ----e ---e--- -i--e- -it- -e- -a--e-- an- ---t -----
an- -----tten --ina -atte-n-. T-e-'-e ---a--e ---i--itie-, en----te-
-it- t-e --e-ia- ---t -- -atina t-at -e---t- ---- t-e --a-e- ----- --
---nt-e-- -a--*inte-e-te- t---i-t-. -it-a- -i-t---, ---e-e-, i- -a- ---e
-e-i--a--e an- e---i-e. It'- t-at --ntin-ati-n -- an a-ti-n -e-----e- --
-ne'- --an--a-ent- an- t-ei- --an--a-ent-. -it-a- -i-t--- ten-- t- e---e
-e-- n-ti-ea--- * a---n- t-e -a--in- at -i--t, -i-e t-e -an-- -- a
-i-e-. E-ent-a--- t-e -i-e- --i-t- -----e, an- -e- -e-e--e- --- it -n-e
----e-. T-e ne-t -ene-ati-n t-in-- t-e -i-e- -a- a--a-- ----e- -t-at -a-.

-- -a-ne ---ti-

happylabs: E(72)=144
Pinot's Mom: A(55) T(71) = 181
Felicia's Mom: N(39) = 39
Randi: I(47) = 94

Letters to guess:


03-02-2012, 04:35 PM
O please

03-02-2012, 05:51 PM
T-e-e a-e t-o -a-- o- -oo-in- at t-e -a-t. T-e-e'- "a-ti-a-t --i-to--"
an- "-it-a- -i-to--." -o-t o- -- a-e -a-i-ia- -it- a-ti-a-t -i-to--. Ne-
En--an- --i-- -it- -o--e ---e--- -i--e- -it- -e- -a--e-- an- -oot -oo--
an- -o--otten --ina -atte-n-. T-e-'-e ---a--e ---io-itie-, en----te-
-it- t-e --e-ia- -o-t o- -atina t-at -e---t- --o- t-e --a-e- -oo-- o-
-o-nt-e-- -a--*inte-e-te- to--i-t-. -it-a- -i-to--, -o-e-e-, i- -a- -o-e
-e-i--a--e an- e---i-e. It'- t-at -ontin-ation o- an a-tion -e--o--e- --
one'- --an--a-ent- an- t-ei- --an--a-ent-. -it-a- -i-to-- ten-- to e-o-e
-e-- noti-ea--- * a-o-n- t-e -a--in- at -i--t, -i-e t-e -an-- o- a
-i-e-. E-ent-a--- t-e -i-e- --i-t- -o---e, an- -e- -e-e--e- -o- it on-e
--o-e-. T-e ne-t -ene-ation t-in-- t-e -i-e- -a- a--a-- --o-e- t--at -a-.

-- -a-ne ---ti-

happylabs: E(72) O(46) = 236
Pinot's Mom: A(55) T(71) = 181
Felicia's Mom: N(39) = 39
Randi: I(47) = 94

Letters to guess:


Felicia's Mom
03-02-2012, 06:19 PM
U, please.

03-02-2012, 06:29 PM
T-e-e a-e t-o -a-- o- -oo-in- at t-e -a-t. T-e-e'- "a-ti-a-t --i-to--"
an- "-itua- -i-to--." -o-t o- u- a-e -a-i-ia- -it- a-ti-a-t -i-to--. Ne-
En--an- --i-- -it- -ou-e -u-eu-- -i--e- -it- -e- -a--e-- an- -oot -oo--
an- -o--otten --ina -atte-n-. T-e-'-e -u-a--e -u-io-itie-, en--u-te-
-it- t-e --e-ia- -o-t o- -atina t-at -e-u-t- --o- t-e --a-e- -oo-- o-
-ount-e-- -a--*inte-e-te- tou-i-t-. -itua- -i-to--, -o-e-e-, i- -a- -o-e
-e-i--a--e an- e-u-i-e. It'- t-at -ontinuation o- an a-tion -e--o--e- --
one'- --an--a-ent- an- t-ei- --an--a-ent-. -itua- -i-to-- ten-- to e-o-e
-e-- noti-ea--- * a-oun- t-e -a--in- at -i--t, -i-e t-e -an-- o- a
-i-e-. E-entua--- t-e -i-e- --i-t- -ou--e, an- -e- -e-e--e- -o- it on-e
--o-e-. T-e ne-t -ene-ation t-in-- t-e -i-e- -a- a--a-- --o-e- t--at -a-.

-- -a-ne -u-ti-

happylabs: E(72) O(46) = 236
Pinot's Mom: A(55) T(71) = 181
Felicia's Mom: N(39) U(19) = 77
Randi: I(47) = 94

Letters to guess:


03-02-2012, 06:36 PM
I would like an "H" please.

03-02-2012, 08:19 PM
The-e a-e t-o -a-- o- -oo-in- at the -a-t. The-e'- "a-ti-a-t h-i-to--"
an- "-itua- hi-to--." -o-t o- u- a-e -a-i-ia- -ith a-ti-a-t hi-to--. Ne-
En--an- --i-- -ith hou-e -u-eu-- -i--e- -ith -e- -a--e-- an- -oot hoo--
an- -o--otten -hina -atte-n-. The-'-e -u-a--e -u-io-itie-, en--u-te-
-ith the --e-ia- -o-t o- -atina that -e-u-t- --o- the --a-e- -oo-- o-
-ount-e-- ha--*inte-e-te- tou-i-t-. -itua- hi-to--, ho-e-e-, i- -a- -o-e
-e-i-ha--e an- e-u-i-e. It'- that -ontinuation o- an a-tion -e--o--e- --
one'- --an--a-ent- an- thei- --an--a-ent-. -itua- hi-to-- ten-- to e-o-e
-e-- noti-ea--- * a-oun- the -a--in- at -i--t, -i-e the -an-- o- a
-i-e-. E-entua--- the -i-e- -hi-t- -ou--e, an- -e- -e-e--e- ho- it on-e
--o-e-. The ne-t -ene-ation thin-- the -i-e- ha- a--a-- --o-e- that -a-.

-- -a-ne -u-ti-

happylabs: E(72) O(46) H(34)= 270
Pinot's Mom: A(55) T(71) = 181
Felicia's Mom: N(39) U(19) = 77
Randi: I(47) = 94

Letters to guess:


Pinot's Mom
03-03-2012, 08:56 AM
"S" please!

03-03-2012, 09:22 AM
"L" please

03-03-2012, 10:18 AM
The-e a-e t-o -a-s o- loo-in- at the -ast. The-e's "a-ti-a-t h-isto--"
an- "-itual histo--." -ost o- us a-e -a-ilia- -ith a-ti-a-t histo--. Ne-
En-lan- --i-s -ith house -useu-s -ille- -ith -e- -a--e-s an- -oot hoo-s
an- -o--otten -hina -atte-ns. The-'-e -u-a-le -u-iosities, en--uste-
-ith the s-e-ial so-t o- -atina that -esults --o- the -la-e- loo-s o-
-ountless hal-*inte-este- tou-ists. -itual hi-tos-, ho-e-e-, is -a- -o-e
-e-isha-le an- elusi-e. It's that -ontinuation o- an a-tion -e--o--e- --
one's --an--a-ents an- thei- --an--a-ents. -itual histo-- ten-s to e-o-e
less noti-ea-l- * a-oun- the -a--ins at -i-st, li-e the -an-s o- a
-i-e-. E-entuall- the -i-e- shi-ts -ou-se, an- -e- -e-e--e- ho- it on-e
-lo-e-. The ne-t -ene-ation thin-s the -i-e- has al-a-s -lo-e- that -a-.

-- -a-ne -u-tis

happylabs: E(72) O(46) H(34) L(25) = 270
Pinot's Mom: A(55) T(71) S(50)= 231
Felicia's Mom: N(39) U(19) = 77
Randi: I(47) = 94

Letters to guess:


Felicia's Mom
03-03-2012, 11:22 AM
C, please.

03-03-2012, 12:03 PM
The-e a-e t-o -a-s o- loo-in- at the -ast. The-e's "a-ti-act h-isto--"
an- "-itual histo--." -ost o- us a-e -a-ilia- -ith a-ti-act histo--. Ne-
En-lan- --i-s -ith house -useu-s -ille- -ith -e- -a--e-s an- -oot hoo-s
an- -o--otten china -atte-ns. The-'-e -u-a-le cu-iosities, enc-uste-
-ith the s-ecial so-t o- -atina that -esults --o- the -la-e- loo-s o-
countless hal-*inte-este- tou-ists. -itual hi-tos-, ho-e-e-, is -a- -o-e
-e-isha-le an- elusi-e. It's that continuation o- an action -e--o--e- --
one's --an--a-ents an- thei- --an--a-ents. -itual histo-- ten-s to e-o-e
less noticea-l- * a-oun- the -a--ins at -i-st, li-e the -an-s o- a
-i-e-. E-entuall- the -i-e- shi-ts cou-se, an- -e- -e-e--e- ho- it once
-lo-e-. The ne-t -ene-ation thin-s the -i-e- has al-a-s -lo-e- that -a-.

-- -a-ne Cu-tis

happylabs: E(72) O(46) H(34) L(25) = 270
Pinot's Mom: A(55) T(71) S(50) = 231
Felicia's Mom: N(39) U(19) C(13) = 90
Randi: I(47) = 94

Letters to guess:


03-03-2012, 01:33 PM
"R" please.

03-03-2012, 01:44 PM
There are t-o -a-s o- loo-in- at the -ast. There's "arti-act histor-"
an- "ritual histor-." -ost o- us are -a-iliar -ith arti-act histor-. Ne-
En-lan- -ri-s -ith house -useu-s -ille- -ith -e- -ar-ers an- -oot hoo-s
an- -or-otten china -atterns. The-'re -ura-le curiosities, encruste-
-ith the s-ecial sort o- -atina that results -ro- the -la-e- loo-s o-
countless hal-*intereste- tourists. Ritual histor-, ho-e-er, is -ar -ore
-erisha-le an- elusi-e. It's that continuation o- an action -er-or-e- --
one's -ran--arents an- their -ran--arents. Ritual histor- ten-s to ero-e
less noticea-l- * aroun- the -ar-ins at -irst, li-e the -an-s o- a
ri-er. E-entuall- the ri-er shi-ts course, an- -e- re-e--er ho- it once
-lo-e-. The ne-t -eneration thin-s the ri-er has al-a-s -lo-e- that -a-.

-- -a-ne Curtis

happylabs: E(72) O(46) H(34) L(25) R(55)= 270
Pinot's Mom: A(55) T(71) S(50) = 231
Felicia's Mom: N(39) U(19) C(13) = 90
Randi: I(47) = 94

Letters to guess:


I'm expecting guesses soon!

Pinot's Mom
03-03-2012, 02:56 PM
"Y" please!

03-03-2012, 05:11 PM
There are t-o -ays o- loo-in- at the -ast. There's "arti-act history"
an- "ritual history." -ost o- us are -a-iliar -ith arti-act history. Ne-
En-lan- -ri-s -ith house -useu-s -ille- -ith -e- -ar-ers an- -oot hoo-s
an- -or-otten china -atterns. They're -ura-le curiosities, encruste-
-ith the s-ecial sort o- -atina that results -ro- the -la-e- loo-s o-
countless hal-*intereste- tourists. Ritual history, ho-e-er, is -ar -ore
-erisha-le an- elusi-e. It's that continuation o- an action -er-or-e- -y
one's -ran--arents an- their -ran--arents. Ritual history ten-s to ero-e
less noticea-ly * aroun- the -ar-ins at -irst, li-e the -an-s o- a
ri-er. E-entually the ri-er shi-ts course, an- -e- re-e--er ho- it once
-lo-e-. The ne-t -eneration thin-s the ri-er has al-ays -lo-e- that -ay.

-y -ayne Curtis

happylabs: E(72) O(46) H(34) L(25) R(55)= 270
Pinot's Mom: A(55) T(71) S(50) Y(14) = 245
Felicia's Mom: N(39) U(19) C(13) = 90
Randi: I(47) = 94

Letters to guess:


03-03-2012, 06:38 PM

03-03-2012, 08:57 PM
There are two ways o- loo-in- at the -ast. There's "arti-act history"
an- "ritual history." -ost o- us are -a-iliar with arti-act history. New
En-lan- -ri-s with house -useu-s -ille- with -e- war-ers an- -oot hoo-s
an- -or-otten china -atterns. They're -ura-le curiosities, encruste-
with the s-ecial sort o- -atina that results -ro- the -la-e- loo-s o-
countless hal-*intereste- tourists. Ritual history, howe-er, is -ar -ore
-erisha-le an- elusi-e. It's that continuation o- an action -er-or-e- -y
one's -ran--arents an- their -ran--arents. Ritual history ten-s to ero-e
less noticea-ly * aroun- the -ar-ins at -irst, li-e the -an-s o- a
ri-er. E-entually the ri-er shi-ts course, an- -ew re-e--er how it once
-lowe-. The ne-t -eneration thin-s the ri-er has always -lowe- that way.

-y Wayne Curtis

happylabs: E(72) O(46) H(34) L(25) R(55) W(16)= 286
Pinot's Mom: A(55) T(71) S(50) Y(14) = 245
Felicia's Mom: N(39) U(19) C(13) = 90
Randi: I(47) = 94

Letters to guess:


Bibette & Lulu
03-04-2012, 03:08 PM
D, please.

03-04-2012, 03:39 PM

03-04-2012, 04:19 PM
There are two ways of loo-in- at the -ast. There's "artifact history"
and "ritual history." -ost o- us are fa-iliar with artifact history. New
En-land -ri-s with house -useu-s -illed with -ed war-ers and -oot hoo-s
and for-otten china -atterns. They're dura-le curiosities, encrusted
with the s-ecial sort of -atina that results fro- the -la-ed loo-s of
countless half*interested tourists. Ritual history, howe-er, is far -ore
-erisha-le and elusi-e. It's that continuation of an action -erfor-ed -y
one's -rand-arents and their -rand-arents. Ritual history tends to erode
less noticea-ly * around the -ar-ins at first, li-e the -an-s of a
ri-er. E-entually the ri-er shifts course, and few re-e--er how it once
flowed. The ne-t -eneration thin-s the ri-er has always flowed that way.

-y Wayne Curtis

happylabs: E(72) O(46) H(34) L(25) R(55) W(16) F(20)= 306
Pinot's Mom: A(55) T(71) S(50) Y(14) = 245
Felicia's Mom: N(39) U(19) C(13) = 90
Randi: I(47) = 94
Bibette & Lulu: D(20)= 20
Letters to guess:


Now I'm really expecting guesses!

03-04-2012, 05:52 PM
Nancy got it, but is deferring to the highest point-getting, since she entered the game so late! It was:

There are two ways of looking at the past. There's "artifact history"
and "ritual history." Most of us are familiar with artifact history. New
England brims with house museums filled with bed warmers and boot hooks
and forgotten china patterns. They're durable curiosities, encrusted
with the special sort of patina that results from the glazed looks of
countless half-interested tourists. Ritual history, however, is far more
perishable and elusive. It's that continuation of an action performed by
one's grandparents and their grandparents. Ritual history tends to erode
less noticeably * around the margins at first, like the banks of a
river. Eventually the river shifts course, and few remember how it once
flowed. The next generation thinks the river has always flowed that way.

by Wayne Curtis

happylabs will you host next? You have way more points than anyone else!

03-04-2012, 07:34 PM
Nancy got it, but is deferring to the highest point-getting, since she entered the game so late! It was:

There are two ways of looking at the past. There's "artifact history"
and "ritual history." Most of us are familiar with artifact history. New
England brims with house museums filled with bed warmers and boot hooks
and forgotten china patterns. They're durable curiosities, encrusted
with the special sort of patina that results from the glazed looks of
countless half-interested tourists. Ritual history, however, is far more
perishable and elusive. It's that continuation of an action performed by
one's grandparents and their grandparents. Ritual history tends to erode
less noticeably * around the margins at first, like the banks of a
river. Eventually the river shifts course, and few remember how it once
flowed. The next generation thinks the river has always flowed that way.

by Wayne Curtis

happylabs will you host next? You have way more points than anyone else!

Sure. I will post one tomorrow morning some time. I have no energy or brain power left after dog sitting Zoey for two days. :D:love: