View Full Version : A Great Read !

02-22-2012, 03:17 PM
I saw this book on Karen's blog as a suggested book to read: Lessons In Stalking: Adjusting to Life With Cats by Dena Harris. I ordered it for my Kindle and started reading it this afternoon. I have had many true LOL's while reading this this afternoon. I'm 41% done with it already!

Highly recommend this as a mood booster.

02-22-2012, 03:24 PM
So glad you are liking it! :)

02-22-2012, 04:34 PM
I'm holding you two to this - that it is funny. I just bought it for my Kindle. :)

02-22-2012, 05:23 PM
I'm holding you two to this - that it is funny. I just bought it for my Kindle. :)

If you don't laugh, I'll send you the $1.99 it cost to purchase it for Kindle. :D

02-22-2012, 09:51 PM
I'll have to see if it's available for the NOOK. I need a distraction.


Fantastic. I just ordered and received my copy. I even remembered my login and password at Nook central. :D

now to read this book! :D

02-23-2012, 09:45 AM
That is a title that I will search for at once as I am in the Library:)

02-23-2012, 09:57 AM
If there's something you want them to get, you can write a mail and ask them to buy it, so I have ordered it at the library. Hope it won't take too long. I will SO enjoy this book! :)

02-23-2012, 10:01 AM
That is a title that I will search for at once as I am in the Library:)

You will love it! You will get many laughs and smiles. I wish the book was longer though.

02-25-2012, 06:15 PM
If you don't laugh, I'll send you the $1.99 it cost to purchase it for Kindle. :D

Put your checkbook away. I really enjoyed it - especially The Big Brown Mouse, Yoga Cat, Kitty Jihad, Jingle Ball Horrors and The Creature Under the Fridge. :D

02-26-2012, 12:36 PM
Not in our Library System.

02-26-2012, 12:59 PM
Have any of you read:
The Cat Who Went to Paris by Peter Gethers (http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/92060.Peter_Gethers)
<div id="bookMeta" class="uitext stacked hreview-aggregate" style="position: relative;" itemscope="" itemtype="http://schema.org/AggregateRating"> The Cat Who Went to Paris http://dkt27ch3b0vq7.cloudfront.net/images/layout/gr_red_star_active.png?1329524225http://dkt27ch3b0vq7.cloudfront.net/images/layout/gr_red_star_active.png?1329524225http://dkt27ch3b0vq7.cloudfront.net/images/layout/gr_red_star_active.png?1329524225http://dkt27ch3b0vq7.cloudfront.net/images/layout/gr_red_star_active.png?1329524225http://d2cnulzsnzwz8f.cloudfront.net/images/layout/stars/red_star_33pct.png?1329524225 4.05 · <svg height="15" width="16"><g transform="translate(0)"><rect stroke-width="1.5" stroke-opacity="0" stroke="none" fill-opacity="1" fill="rgb(33,86,37)" height="2" width="13.973333333333333" y="0" x="0" cursor=""></rect><rect stroke-width="1.5" stroke-opacity="0" stroke="none" fill-opacity="1" fill="rgb(33,86,37)" height="2" width="16" y="3" x="0" cursor=""></rect><rect stroke-width="1.5" stroke-opacity="0" stroke="none" fill-opacity="1" fill="rgb(33,86,37)" height="2" width="8.96" y="6" x="0" cursor=""></rect><rect stroke-width="1.5" stroke-opacity="0" stroke="none" fill-opacity="1" fill="rgb(33,86,37)" height="2" width="1.28" y="9" x="0" cursor=""></rect><rect stroke-width="1.5" stroke-opacity="0" stroke="none" fill-opacity="1" fill="rgb(33,86,37)" height="2" width="0.32" y="12" x="0" cursor=""></rect></g></svg><script type="text/javascript+protovis"> renderRatingGraph([131, 150, 84, 12, 3]) if ($('rating_details')) { $('rating_details').insert({top: $('rating_graph')}) } </script> rating details (http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/158902.The_Cat_Who_Went_to_Paris#)<script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('rating_details'), "\n <div id=\"moreBookData\" class=\"bookMeta\" >\n \n \n \n \n\n<table border=\"0\" id=\"rating_distribution\" width=\"400\" cellspacing=\"5\" cellpadding=\"0\">\n <tr>\n <th>rating<\/th>\n <th>frequency<\/th>\n <th style=\"text-align: right\">%<\/th>\n <th style=\"text-align: right\">#<\/th>\n <\/tr>\n \n \n <tr>\n <th style=\"text-align: center\">5<\/th>\n <td width=\"100%\">\n <div style=\"display: block; background-color: #215625; width: 87%;\" title=\"131 ratings\"> <\/div>\n <\/td>\n <td width=\"25\" align=\"right\">\n 34%\n <\/td>\n <td width=\"25\" align=\"right\">\n 131\n <\/td>\n <\/tr>\n \n \n \n <tr>\n <th style=\"text-align: center\">4<\/th>\n <td width=\"100%\">\n <div style=\"display: block; background-color: #215625; width: 100%;\" title=\"150 ratings\"> <\/div>\n <\/td>\n <td width=\"25\" align=\"right\">\n 39%\n <\/td>\n <td width=\"25\" align=\"right\">\n 150\n <\/td>\n <\/tr>\n \n \n \n <tr>\n <th style=\"text-align: center\">3<\/th>\n <td width=\"100%\">\n <div style=\"display: block; background-color: #215625; width: 56%;\" title=\"84 ratings\"> <\/div>\n <\/td>\n <td width=\"25\" align=\"right\">\n 22%\n <\/td>\n <td width=\"25\" align=\"right\">\n 84\n <\/td>\n <\/tr>\n \n \n \n <tr>\n <th style=\"text-align: center\">2<\/th>\n <td width=\"100%\">\n <div style=\"display: block; background-color: #215625; width: 8%;\" title=\"12 ratings\"> <\/div>\n <\/td>\n <td width=\"25\" align=\"right\">\n 3%\n <\/td>\n <td width=\"25\" align=\"right\">\n 12\n <\/td>\n <\/tr>\n \n \n \n <tr>\n <th style=\"text-align: center\">1<\/th>\n <td width=\"100%\">\n <\/div>\n <\/td>\n <td width=\"25\" align=\"right\">\n 0%\n <\/td>\n <td width=\"25\" align=\"right\">\n 3\n <\/td>\n <\/tr>\n \n \n \n \n\n \n<\/table>\n\n \n <table>\n <tr>\n <td><strong>all editions:<\/strong><\/td>\n <td>\n <span class=\"value\">4.05<\/span> average rating,\n <span class=\"value\">377<\/span> ratings,\n <span class=\"value\">55<\/span> reviews,\n added by <span class=\"value\">776<\/span> people,\n <span class=\"value\">326<\/span> to-reads\n <\/td>\n <\/tr>\n \n \n <tr>\n <td><strong>this edition:<\/strong><\/td>\n <td>\n <span class=\"value\">4.05<\/span> average rating,\n <span class=\"value\">365<\/span> ratings,\n <span class=\"value\">50<\/span> reviews,\n added by <span class=\"value\">758<\/span> people,\n <span class=\"value\">326<\/span> to-reads\n <\/td>\n <\/tr>\n \n <\/table>\n<\/div>\n ", { hideOn: 'click', closeButton: true, hook: { target: 'bottomMiddle', tip: 'topMiddle' }, showOn: 'click', title: 'rating details', style: 'goodreads', offset: { x: 5, y: 5 }, stem: 'topMiddle' }); $('rating_details').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip')[0].setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')}); } else { $$('div.prototip')[0].setStyle({zIndex: 6000}); } }); //]]> </script> · 377 ratings (http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/158902.The_Cat_Who_Went_to_Paris#other_reviews) · 55 reviews (http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/158902.The_Cat_Who_Went_to_Paris#other_reviews)
"Norton is clearly a charmer, and Gethers tells his story with contagious affection....Will warm the heart of any confirmed cat-lover."
Before Peter Gethers met Norton, the publisher, screenwriter, and author was a confirmed cat-hater. Then everything changed. Peter opened his heart to the Scottish Fold kitten and their adventures to Paris, Fir...more (http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/158902.The_Cat_Who_Went_to_Paris#)"Norton is clearly a charmer, and Gethers tells his story with contagious affection....Will warm the heart of any confirmed cat-lover."
Before Peter Gethers met Norton, the publisher, screenwriter, and author was a confirmed cat-hater. Then everything changed. Peter opened his heart to the Scottish Fold kitten and their adventures to Paris, Fire Island, and in the subways of Manhattan took on the color of legend and mutual love. THE CAT WHO WENT TO PARIS proves that sometimes all it takes is paws and personality to change a life.

I really enjoyed it! There's another one by the same author. :)

02-26-2012, 01:39 PM
Have any of you read:
The Cat Who Went to Paris by Peter Gethers (http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/92060.Peter_Gethers)
<div id="bookMeta" class="uitext stacked hreview-aggregate" style="position: relative;" itemscope="" itemtype="http://schema.org/AggregateRating"> The Cat Who Went to Paris http://dkt27ch3b0vq7.cloudfront.net/images/layout/gr_red_star_active.png?1329524225http://dkt27ch3b0vq7.cloudfront.net/images/layout/gr_red_star_active.png?1329524225http://dkt27ch3b0vq7.cloudfront.net/images/layout/gr_red_star_active.png?1329524225http://dkt27ch3b0vq7.cloudfront.net/images/layout/gr_red_star_active.png?1329524225http://d2cnulzsnzwz8f.cloudfront.net/images/layout/stars/red_star_33pct.png?1329524225 4.05 · <svg height="15" width="16"><g transform="translate(0)"><rect stroke-width="1.5" stroke-opacity="0" stroke="none" fill-opacity="1" fill="rgb(33,86,37)" height="2" width="13.973333333333333" y="0" x="0" cursor=""></rect><rect stroke-width="1.5" stroke-opacity="0" stroke="none" fill-opacity="1" fill="rgb(33,86,37)" height="2" width="16" y="3" x="0" cursor=""></rect><rect stroke-width="1.5" stroke-opacity="0" stroke="none" fill-opacity="1" fill="rgb(33,86,37)" height="2" width="8.96" y="6" x="0" cursor=""></rect><rect stroke-width="1.5" stroke-opacity="0" stroke="none" fill-opacity="1" fill="rgb(33,86,37)" height="2" width="1.28" y="9" x="0" cursor=""></rect><rect stroke-width="1.5" stroke-opacity="0" stroke="none" fill-opacity="1" fill="rgb(33,86,37)" height="2" width="0.32" y="12" x="0" cursor=""></rect></g></svg><script type="text/javascript+protovis"> renderRatingGraph([131, 150, 84, 12, 3]) if ($('rating_details')) { $('rating_details').insert({top: $('rating_graph')}) } </script> rating details (http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/158902.The_Cat_Who_Went_to_Paris#)<script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('rating_details'), "\n <div id=\"moreBookData\" class=\"bookMeta\" >\n \n \n \n \n\n<table border=\"0\" id=\"rating_distribution\" width=\"400\" cellspacing=\"5\" cellpadding=\"0\">\n <tr>\n <th>rating<\/th>\n <th>frequency<\/th>\n <th style=\"text-align: right\">%<\/th>\n <th style=\"text-align: right\">#<\/th>\n <\/tr>\n \n \n <tr>\n <th style=\"text-align: center\">5<\/th>\n <td width=\"100%\">\n <div style=\"display: block; background-color: #215625; width: 87%;\" title=\"131 ratings\"> <\/div>\n <\/td>\n <td width=\"25\" align=\"right\">\n 34%\n <\/td>\n <td width=\"25\" align=\"right\">\n 131\n <\/td>\n <\/tr>\n \n \n \n <tr>\n <th style=\"text-align: center\">4<\/th>\n <td width=\"100%\">\n <div style=\"display: block; background-color: #215625; width: 100%;\" title=\"150 ratings\"> <\/div>\n <\/td>\n <td width=\"25\" align=\"right\">\n 39%\n <\/td>\n <td width=\"25\" align=\"right\">\n 150\n <\/td>\n <\/tr>\n \n \n \n <tr>\n <th style=\"text-align: center\">3<\/th>\n <td width=\"100%\">\n <div style=\"display: block; background-color: #215625; width: 56%;\" title=\"84 ratings\"> <\/div>\n <\/td>\n <td width=\"25\" align=\"right\">\n 22%\n <\/td>\n <td width=\"25\" align=\"right\">\n 84\n <\/td>\n <\/tr>\n \n \n \n <tr>\n <th style=\"text-align: center\">2<\/th>\n <td width=\"100%\">\n <div style=\"display: block; background-color: #215625; width: 8%;\" title=\"12 ratings\"> <\/div>\n <\/td>\n <td width=\"25\" align=\"right\">\n 3%\n <\/td>\n <td width=\"25\" align=\"right\">\n 12\n <\/td>\n <\/tr>\n \n \n \n <tr>\n <th style=\"text-align: center\">1<\/th>\n <td width=\"100%\">\n <\/div>\n <\/td>\n <td width=\"25\" align=\"right\">\n 0%\n <\/td>\n <td width=\"25\" align=\"right\">\n 3\n <\/td>\n <\/tr>\n \n \n \n \n\n \n<\/table>\n\n \n <table>\n <tr>\n <td><strong>all editions:<\/strong><\/td>\n <td>\n <span class=\"value\">4.05<\/span> average rating,\n <span class=\"value\">377<\/span> ratings,\n <span class=\"value\">55<\/span> reviews,\n added by <span class=\"value\">776<\/span> people,\n <span class=\"value\">326<\/span> to-reads\n <\/td>\n <\/tr>\n \n \n <tr>\n <td><strong>this edition:<\/strong><\/td>\n <td>\n <span class=\"value\">4.05<\/span> average rating,\n <span class=\"value\">365<\/span> ratings,\n <span class=\"value\">50<\/span> reviews,\n added by <span class=\"value\">758<\/span> people,\n <span class=\"value\">326<\/span> to-reads\n <\/td>\n <\/tr>\n \n <\/table>\n<\/div>\n ", { hideOn: 'click', closeButton: true, hook: { target: 'bottomMiddle', tip: 'topMiddle' }, showOn: 'click', title: 'rating details', style: 'goodreads', offset: { x: 5, y: 5 }, stem: 'topMiddle' }); $('rating_details').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip')[0].setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')}); } else { $$('div.prototip')[0].setStyle({zIndex: 6000}); } }); //]]> </script> · 377 ratings (http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/158902.The_Cat_Who_Went_to_Paris#other_reviews) · 55 reviews (http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/158902.The_Cat_Who_Went_to_Paris#other_reviews)
"Norton is clearly a charmer, and Gethers tells his story with contagious affection....Will warm the heart of any confirmed cat-lover."
Before Peter Gethers met Norton, the publisher, screenwriter, and author was a confirmed cat-hater. Then everything changed. Peter opened his heart to the Scottish Fold kitten and their adventures to Paris, Fir...more (http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/158902.The_Cat_Who_Went_to_Paris#)"Norton is clearly a charmer, and Gethers tells his story with contagious affection....Will warm the heart of any confirmed cat-lover."
Before Peter Gethers met Norton, the publisher, screenwriter, and author was a confirmed cat-hater. Then everything changed. Peter opened his heart to the Scottish Fold kitten and their adventures to Paris, Fire Island, and in the subways of Manhattan took on the color of legend and mutual love. THE CAT WHO WENT TO PARIS proves that sometimes all it takes is paws and personality to change a life.

I really enjoyed it! There's another one by the same author. :)

I checked Amazon to see if it is available for Kindle, but it isn't. However, the following 2 books about Norton are available for the Kindle. Doesn't make sense that the first one isn't, but the second and third are.

The second one is A Cat Abroad - The further Adventures of Norton
The third on is The Cat Who Will Live Forever - The Final Adventures of Norton

I'll have to keep an eye out for the first, since I don't want to read the other 2 before the first one.