View Full Version : My girl is 9 months today :) *photo heavy*

02-20-2012, 02:19 PM
I can't believe Clover is almost a year old already :eek: Here are some pictures I took of my Plum today :D (Her nickname is Plum...I have no idea why. Yes I'm strange. My boyfriend tells me this all the time lol)
I didn't post all of them since there already is a lot here, but there are a couple more if anyone is interested:


Few more next post.

02-20-2012, 02:20 PM

If my pictures are too big, or there are too many, let me know so I can fix that :)

02-20-2012, 02:24 PM
She looks so grown up, it's hard to believe!

02-20-2012, 03:18 PM
Hello, beautiful Clover! Happy 9-months-day! I really, really like the fourth picture from the top. You are such a gorgeous girl! There are never ever too many pictures for me :D

And the very last one in the second post made me laugh right out loud: "If you put your tongue out like this, you can catch snowflakes on your tongue :) "


02-20-2012, 03:22 PM
Oh My! Clover is beautiful!!! As I've said before, she has lovely colored eyes. I like the closeup of her eyes. Also,you have alot of snow!! We had a tiny bit last night. Your girl is growing up!! Thanks for the photos.

02-20-2012, 03:51 PM
She is beautiful! I can't believe she's nine months old already :). Also, you can never post too many Clover pictures :D, and I'm jealous of all the snow you have :p

02-20-2012, 04:18 PM
Thanks everyone :) :love:

I'm jealous of all the snow you have :p
Please take it away :D I'm sick of snow. (It's really hard to clean the doggy poo in the yard :rolleyes:)

02-20-2012, 05:06 PM
She's SO pretty!! I love her eyes!! Happy 9 months Clover :love::love:

Zeke is still so handsome. :)

02-20-2012, 05:12 PM
I get so excited when "it's CLOVER time!" LOL :D

That first pic,wow, she is so slick and trim, you are doing a great job with her. I tend to love the action photos anyhow, this is a nice one. Yep, the full face ones are nice too, she has a lovely face and profile.

Happy day Clover! :love:

Psst! You didn't identify her friend / play mate (or maybe I just missed that )

Hey just clicked on the link, some good pics you got there!

02-20-2012, 06:44 PM
What a cuttie!
Wow! look at all the grey on Zeke! Its been so long since I've seen any pics of him, or scratched his sweet head.

02-20-2012, 07:06 PM
Psst! You didn't identify her friend / play mate (or maybe I just missed that )

That is my boy, Zeke :) He's getting a little older now and doesn't have all the energy he had, but still makes a good effort to play with Clover. They would have been perfect together when he was younger. He LOVES to play just like her but I see him getting tired more quickly and can't keep up with her. She is always so full of energy and is a little goof ball! Oh, Zeke is 9 years old now. Almost 10 now. I should post more pictures of him :)

02-20-2012, 07:17 PM
She sure is gorgeous. Thanks for sharing her pictures with us.:)

02-20-2012, 07:32 PM
Happy 9 months Clover!!!:D You're a beauty and those pics are great!;) We do need pics of Zeke.:cool:

02-20-2012, 08:19 PM
Sowa is certainly growing up, still remember her puppy pictures. She's a lovely dog, seems to be so playful. Great pictures, thanks for sharing them but you can keep the snow :D

02-21-2012, 02:55 PM
Clover is becoming more striking as she gets older- if that was even possible! She's so beautiful. Good to see Zekey boy too!

02-21-2012, 03:25 PM
I just want to HUG her! She is still so beautiful and her coloring is so unique. What color are her eyes now? They are so gorgeous.

I cannot believe that little puppy is 9 months old already! :)

I want some Labby kisses!!!!!