View Full Version : Happy Banana Bread Day!

02-15-2012, 04:31 PM
Have some or make some, it's the anniversary of my dear Uncle Mac's birthday, whose great banana bread recipe I have shared with you all before! I cannot have it any more, as I am allergic to bananas, but if nothing else, spoil your pets a little extra in his honor! He had one cat that would perch on his shoulder and eat from his fork quite delicately as they shared dinner!

02-15-2012, 05:20 PM
Oh, what a nice idea, Karen, thank you!

I don't have any on hand, and it's too late for me to go out and get some banana bread now, but maybe I will get some tomorrow in memory of your uncle.

Yum yum,

02-15-2012, 08:13 PM
Yummm! I have a banana bread recipe from my college roommate's mother-in-law, who is a 4H leader. She sews, gardens, cooks, bakes, she's talented and creative. I don't make it often, cos it is a little involved.

I like my banana bread with just a schmear of peanut butter on it -- sort of like a peanut/nanner sandwich.

02-16-2012, 11:53 AM
Maybe this weekend I'll make some "brown sugar nut bread" but with pumpkin seeds instead of nuts. It's about the closest thing to banana bread I can eat nowadays, nice and dense and moist, just no fruit I am allergic to! And it's another "great's" recipe - this one was Aunt Bertha's!

02-21-2012, 01:49 PM
Just made some banana bread today as I had some bananas which seriously needed baking. Of course Orion and Kiri wanted some so I had to put it on top of the cupboard to chill. I want to take it to the office tomorrow and I am sure not everyone wants the mark of kitty teeth in their bread ;)

02-21-2012, 01:54 PM
Just made some banana bread today as I had some bananas which seriously needed baking. Of course Orion and Kiri wanted some so I had to put it on top of the cupboard to chill. I want to take it to the office tomorrow and I am sure not everyone wants the mark of kitty teeth in their bread ;)

Hee hee! I do understand - and so would Uncle Mac! ;)