View Full Version : What is a Shih Tzu

02-15-2012, 10:45 AM
I ran across this description written by James E Mumford and published in an American Shih Tzu magazine. It pretty much says it all - really cute. Hope you enjoy this description of my Sparky, since it really suits him perfectly! :)

What is a Shih Tzu

A dash of Lion, several teaspoons of Rabbit, a couple of ounces of Domestic Cat, one part Court Jester, a dash of Ballerina, a pinch of an Old Chinese Man, a bit of Beggar, a tablespoon of Monkey, one part Baby Seal, and a dash of Teddy Bear.

02-15-2012, 11:22 AM
I ran across this description written by James E Mumford and published in an American Shih Tzu magazine. It pretty much says it all - really cute. Hope you enjoy this description of my Sparky, since it really suits him perfectly! :)

What is a Shih Tzu

A dash of Lion, several teaspoons of Rabbit, a couple of ounces of Domestic Cat, one part Court Jester, a dash of Ballerina, a pinch of an Old Chinese Man, a bit of Beggar, a tablespoon of Monkey, one part Baby Seal, and a dash of Teddy Bear.

Sounds like my bubba, especially the old chinese man, the beggar and the teddy bear.

02-15-2012, 12:45 PM
Oh my that is funny and cute! Love the photos, esp that first one in the quilt, just the head peaking out. MWAH! Sweetie!

02-15-2012, 01:32 PM
That is so sweet! Gentle *kiss* for Sparky and *kiss* for Myndi too!

02-15-2012, 01:48 PM
Very cute. My previous coworker had a Shitzu, Sammy. He was the dearest little dog. She would bring him into the office occasionally. He used to go to the fridge and beg for food even when she wasn't in the kitchen. He knew when there were things in there that he liked, for instance ham or a roast chicken.

02-15-2012, 04:33 PM
Awww---such a cute description and it really does suit him. Love those pictures, he looks too cute for words with that pink backgorund where just his head is sticking out.:D

02-15-2012, 06:00 PM
Beautiful little dog; he just shines in the photos.

Scooter's Mom
02-15-2012, 07:06 PM
I ran across this description written by James E Mumford and published in an American Shih Tzu magazine. It pretty much says it all - really cute. Hope you enjoy this description of my Sparky, since it really suits him perfectly! :)

What is a Shih Tzu

A dash of Lion, several teaspoons of Rabbit, a couple of ounces of Domestic Cat, one part Court Jester, a dash of Ballerina, a pinch of an Old Chinese Man, a bit of Beggar, a tablespoon of Monkey, one part Baby Seal, and a dash of Teddy Bear.

Sounds like my Jadie... she got quite a bit of the domestic cat, court jester, beggar, and teddy bear... but she is 100% all CUTE.

kisses to Sparky!

02-15-2012, 09:08 PM
Very interesting! Sparky's a cutie!:love:

Lilith Cherry
02-15-2012, 10:26 PM
It fits so well doesnt it! At the moment at my house we have shih Tzus Finney ( who is ours and thinks he is really a lion to protect my husband,lol) Pompom who is a total clown and a cross Shi tzu/jack russel Ollie the description fits them !!:D

02-16-2012, 06:51 AM
Yes - Shih Tzu's are definitely sweet little dogs. Of all the dogs I have ever had, Sparky has the sweetest disposition of them all.

Tho he definitely has a little of everything in that description, he is mostly rabbit, court jester, beggar, and teddy bear! :)

02-17-2012, 01:14 PM
Not sure that any of that description fits Alfie ... but maybe I'll relate when he has lived with me a little longer. :D

I love your photos of Sparky, so gorgeous and I love the cut he has. I'll be taking Alfie to be groomed in a week or so and I think I'll print out one of your photos to show how I would eventually want him to look something like, if that's okay with you?

02-17-2012, 03:50 PM
Not sure that any of that description fits Alfie ... but maybe I'll relate when he has lived with me a little longer. :D

I love your photos of Sparky, so gorgeous and I love the cut he has. I'll be taking Alfie to be groomed in a week or so and I think I'll print out one of your photos to show how I would eventually want him to look something like, if that's okay with you?

By all means - feel free to print out whatever pics you want. :)

You'll probably see more of those descriptions in him when you have had him for a while. They definitely are a bundle of all different types, all rolled in to an adorable little package. Hardly a day goes by, that Sparky doesn't do something to make me smile!

How's Alfie adjusting? An you?????

02-18-2012, 03:41 AM
Thanks, I'll post a picture after Alfie's been to the groomer. I know he won't look as good as Sparky because the hair on his ears and tail needs to grow longer but in time he will maybe. :)

He is adjusting fine, thanks for asking. I've been ill for a few weeks and he has been my little cuddle pup, bless him. :)