View Full Version : We got our prizes!

11-14-2002, 04:38 PM
Honey! i dUn wanna Use pink letz use BLUE Like my collar!
FiNne y0U littUhl brat We uze pinkz *HMPH*
HeYy DerRe We jUz wunted t0 say tankz f0r oUr gftz n juz t0 sh0w yoU how mUch we like Dem... we madez KayaNn Take sUm picz Uf uz in 0Ur giftz! Klick on da attachment thingy t0 see em! Da snakkiez wUz *yUmmmz* n We lo0k s0 cUtez in da lil framez. Cept we dUn needz frames jUs to lookz cute.. weZ naturrul! -SimbUh n H0neeey

11-14-2002, 06:12 PM
Simba and Honey sure are cute little winners! Just make sure that Simba doesn't take the car keys again and drive off with Honey to show off their new stuff to everyone!:D

11-14-2002, 06:14 PM
He!He!He! I love the pictures. Simba and Honey are adorable winners indeed!

11-14-2002, 06:48 PM
One more time! Congratulations to your adorable furkids and to you for being such a good photographer/ caption writer. Well done against stiff competition.

11-15-2002, 01:27 AM
Yay! Glad you received them Ok! :D Way to go Sammi! Be glad she sent them instead of me, lol....I just barely mailed the prize for Anna and Rosie today. ;) The post office is closed when I get off work, and I don't get enough time in the mornings lately (have to dog-sit Lady) to go! Now I just have to get your *other* prize (cartoon portrait) done also. Need some pics from ya. :)

11-15-2002, 02:39 AM
He he he , what a good laugh I had here ...;)
Honey and Simba , you are 2 of a kind ..... !http://www.forum-smilies.com/fun_11.gifhttp://www.forum-smilies.com/fun_11.gifhttp://www.forum-smilies.com/fun_11.gifhttp://www.forum-smilies.com/fun_11.gif

11-15-2002, 08:31 AM

I'm having a hard time finding a frame like that around here. :( :confused:

11-15-2002, 01:57 PM
Congrats again you two! You are both sooo adorable:D