View Full Version : Rest in peace Whitney Houston

02-11-2012, 07:20 PM
Our local news just reported that Whitney Houston has passed away at 48 years of age. There are no details yet but word now is that she was planning a comeback. She gave us some wonderful music, my favorite is "One Moment In Time".

RIP, Whitney. You will be missed by those of us who loved your remarkable voice.

02-11-2012, 08:02 PM
Our sympathies are with her family and child. May she find peace at last, after all her struggles.

For everyone who has ever wished for fame, or beauty, or talent, remember, having all those things does not mean you will be happy. I hope generations that follow will learn from her life, and be able to avoid the troubles and the early death they brought.

02-11-2012, 08:23 PM
Oh my, how sad. She had successes both as a singer and an actress, and then she had a lot of personal struggles. This is very sad.

02-11-2012, 11:09 PM
I am shocked. I know she had a heavy drug thing happening, but thought she had cleaned up. Still, a lot of abuse like that can weaken a body.

Thanks for all the wonderful music, Whitney.:love:

02-12-2012, 06:09 AM
Very sad indeed. She had a tremendous voice & was a big part of many a young person's life growing up in the 80's & 90's. She will always be one of the greatest voices of all time & will be missed by many. I feel sad for her daughter mostly & the rest of her family. Now atleast she will not have to struggle with her demons. I also have to say though, that this was not unexpected. She has been struggling with addiction for many many years. And as with most heavy drug addicts it is only the matter of time before something happens are either they OD or the body gives out. It is such a sad thing & a real shame that there is no 'real' way to get through to so many or to really help them.

Miss Z
02-12-2012, 06:14 AM
A tragic loss - bet the atmosphere at the Grammys last night was thick with sorrow. How many more great performers will we have to lose to self-destruction, which I'm assuming played a role in Whitney's premature death? :(

RIP Whitney - there will never be another talent quite like you. :(

02-12-2012, 10:36 AM
That is so sad. She was so very talented, both as a singer and an actress, and will be missed. If it was drugs, or the long term affects from them, that took her at such a young age, then it is even more tragic. So many famous and talented people "have it all", yet choose to throw it all away. Such a waste.........

RIP Whitney.

02-12-2012, 12:58 PM
Was so shocked and sorry to hear about Whitney's death. I am waiting to hear what caused it. We sure lost a beautiful voice although it was just about gone. I will miss you Ms. Houston.

02-12-2012, 06:43 PM
Very sad.:( RIP Whitney.

02-12-2012, 06:50 PM
So sorry. What a sad ending for such a fabulous talent.

Rest in peace, Whitney.

02-12-2012, 07:11 PM
Just heard on the news that her daughter was taken to the hospital on a stretcher, sure hope nothing serious is happening with her and that she just needed help coping with her mom's death.

02-12-2012, 07:40 PM
Just heard on the news that her daughter was taken to the hospital on a stretcher, sure hope nothing serious is happening with her and that she just needed help coping with her mom's death.

I just heard that her daughter was taken to the hospital due to stress. This has got to be a very difficult time for her, it's always difficult and painful to lose a parent. She has been released from the hospital.

02-13-2012, 09:49 AM
I heard Bobbi Kristina was taken to the hospital twice since her mothers death. They are concerned with suicide. She had been found passed out in the tub of her room just the day (or two) before her mothers body was found in her tub in the same hotel.

I have to say I was saddened by the news, but honestly not shocked. It is unfortunate she had such a problem with drugs. She really was a talented lady.

RIP Whitney

02-13-2012, 05:23 PM
Whitney Houston was honored by a tribute at the Dubai fountains. A water display set to music.
