View Full Version : A Willy Adventure!

02-11-2012, 11:08 AM
Maybe this should be titled: A "Willy -ism!" This boy!

Sorry no photos.

I keep the dog and cat food and treats in a closet. Certain felines here are quite adept at opening kitchen cabinets, so the edibles all got moved to a closet some 12 years ago. I tend to leave the closet opened when I am filling cat dishes; I just take a scoop of food, walk into their bedroom and fill the bowls, walk back, return the scoop and close the door. Over the past 19 months Willy has taken this opportunity to scout out what is in "mommy's closet." I DO tell him, "stay OUT of mommy's closet" but I'm sure you know how effective that is.

Yesterday morning, I am off in the bedroom, and I hear Dad start laughing - really enjoying himself. I finish filling cat bowls and go back to the kitchen.

Willy is standing in the middle of the kitchen floor, head tilted, nose to the ceiling. Of course, I couldn't SEE his nose - or his muzzle or his eyes for that matter. His entire head was inside a bag of dog treats! I could hear munching!!! Was the bag stuck on his head? Let's just say, I could picture this caption:

"Hmm could be I'm stuck, but I'll eat first and figure that out later."

Willy was NOT worried! LOL!

I knocked the bag off (this is Willy remember, I want to keep my fingers as I take food away from him) Well, the entire bag empties itself onto the floor (it WAS upside down on his head, after all!) Willy scrambled around and filled his mouth. I thought he had 2 but when I checked, he has THREE! He trotted happily to my recliner and settled down to enjoy his treasure. (That is when I checked, he had carried 3 in his mouth!) The other pups each snagged one as I picked up and restored the bag to order. Dad enjoyed all of this. nodding

Just another typical Willy event.

02-11-2012, 11:51 AM
Sandie, you just can't imagine how much I love reading of Willy's shenanigans. That boy is quite the character. And pictures??? - you describe his antics so well, that they aren't even needed (tho they add to your accounting), and I have a very precise picture in my head of the entire event. :D

You really should keep a journal and publish it some day. I'm certain there would be a market out there for it, and you have such great material to work with. Maybe call it "The Misadventures of Willy"??? :)

02-11-2012, 01:27 PM
I am sure he will be checking that door at every opportunity from now on!

Scooter's Mom
02-11-2012, 01:56 PM
I think Willy was sent to bring laughter to you and your dad... he sure brings it to PT!
Thanks for sharing his antics with us. :)

02-11-2012, 04:42 PM
Must be part Poodle, he's so smart.:D The dog treats are on a high shelf at our house.
The only way the pups could get them is if the cats knocked them on the shelf.

02-11-2012, 05:16 PM
Oh Willy :D, you discovered mommy's secret, huh? This story made me smile. I'm glad our treats are in a high cabinet that neither cats nor dogs can reach!

02-11-2012, 05:55 PM
Willy! Willy! You are quite the little dog, arent you? When I see a Thread with your name in it, I never know what to expect... except that you probably have done something you shouldnt (laugh). You sure keep your mom on her toes, eh?

02-11-2012, 06:28 PM
Willy! Your a magician holding a bag on your head making those treats disappear.:D Then being able to pick up as much as your little jaws could handle & doing a disappearing act on moms favorite chair. Willy you are so gifted. LOL!

02-11-2012, 08:04 PM
Willy, you took your opportunity to get in mommy's closet while she was feeding the kitties! I agree with Scooter's Mom about you being sent to bring us laughter :D!

02-11-2012, 09:52 PM
I agree with Ellie - a book is in order. Willy sounds like quite the character :)

02-12-2012, 07:33 AM
Part of the fun of having Willy with us, is sharing his antics with all of you and seeing you get to share in the fun, lol! Thanks for posting, everyone.

02-12-2012, 08:11 AM
LOL! I can just picture it. What a show! :D For sure, Willy could easily fill a book with his antics - start writing it!

02-12-2012, 08:15 AM
Way to go Willie!:D

02-12-2012, 09:57 AM
I LOVE willy adventures!! He must be related to Mikey!! Are you sure he is 9 years old?? He sounds like a puppy!

02-12-2012, 08:14 PM
You just have to love the little guy! He's a laugh a minute. And he's determined to do it HIS way! :D

02-12-2012, 09:00 PM
There's never a dull moment in your house with Willy around. LOL:) I too enjoy reading about his antics.:)

02-13-2012, 03:53 PM
I LOVE willy adventures!! He must be related to Mikey!! Are you sure he is 9 years old?? He sounds like a puppy!

Willy, you are 9 going on 2 1/2! You are so funny! Could you please have mommy give you (and Darlin Marlin, Sugar, Tasha and Lacey) a gentle pet or two from me. I know you are smart because-- you know that is the closet where the delicious food is kept; you knew to slip in the closet while your mum was feeding the kitties; and you knew to find the yummy treats! See-- Smart! :D

02-13-2012, 05:01 PM
Gosh Elyse, don't lay it on, he already thinks he is SUPER DOG, lol.